An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16077 entries, 14165 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: March 4, 2025

AELIANUS, Claudius [Κλαύδιος Αἰλιανός]

3 entries
  • 8952

Ex Aeliani historia per Petrum Gyllium latini facti, itemque ex Porphyrio, Heliodoro, Oppiano: Tum eodem Gyllio luculentis accessionibus aucti libri XVI. De ui & natura animalium. Eiusdem Gyllij liber unus, de gallicis & latinis nominibus piscium.

Lyon: Sébastien Gryphe, 1533.

Editio princeps of Aelianus's late antique work on natural history. Along with Aelianus's text Gyllius included his own “Liber summarius de Gallicis et Latinis nominibus piscium Massiliensium” [Book on the French and Latin names of the fish of Marseilles], along with his translations of natural history texts by Heliodorus, Oppian and Porphyrius. Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: NATURAL HISTORY › Late Antiquity, ZOOLOGY › Ichthyology, ZOOLOGY › Mammalogy, Zoology, Natural History, Ancient Greek / Roman / Egyptian
  • 7087

Claudii Aeliani... opera, quae extant omnia: Graece Latineque e regione, uti versa hac pagina commemorantur... Conradi Gesneri.

Zurich: Gesneros fratres, 1556.

First edition in print, edited by Conrad Gessner, of Aelianus's collected works, including On the nature of animals (On the characteristics of animals). Aelianus was a Roman author and teacher of rhetoric who flourished under Septimius Severus. Aelian's anecdotes on animals rarely depended on direct observation: they were almost entirely taken from written sources, often from Pliny, but also other authors and works now lost, for whom he is a valuable witness. Aelianus was more attentive to marine life than might be expected, and this seems to reflect personal interest; he often quotes "fishermen". At times he strikes the reader as credulous, but at others he specifically states that he is reporting what was told by others, and that he does not believe them. Aelian's work was one of the sources of medieval natural history, including medieval beastiaries 

In the 1556 edition Gessner combined the text of Claudius Aelianus with his edition of Aelianus Tacticus On military arrangements of the Greeks even though the authors and subject matters were very different. Digital facsimile of the 1556 edition from the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek at this link. English translation by A. F. Scholfield in the Loeb Classical Library (3 vols., 1958-59). Digital facsimile of the 1958-59 translation from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: NATURAL HISTORY › Late Antiquity, ZOOLOGY, ZOOLOGY › Ichthyology, Zoology, Natural History, Ancient Greek / Roman / Egyptian
  • 8951

Aeliani de natura animalium libri septemdecim. Verba ad fidem librorum manuscriptorum constituit et annotationibus illustravit Fridericus Jacobs.

Jena: Frederic Frommann, 1832.

The first modern critical edition of the text, which collated medieval manuscripts against the previous printed editions. Digital facsimile of the 1832 edition from the Internet Archive at this link

Subjects: NATURAL HISTORY › Late Antiquity, ZOOLOGY › Mammalogy, Zoology, Natural History, Ancient Greek / Roman / Egyptian