An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16077 entries, 14165 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: March 4, 2025

BLACKWELL, Elizabeth

5 entries
  • 11948

Ship fever. An inaugural thesis, submitted for the degree of M.D., at Geneva Medical College, Jan. 1849.

Buffalo med. J., 4, 523-531, 1849.

Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman to graduate M.D. in the United States. This paper on typhus was her first publication, and is thus the first publication in America by a woman physician educated in the United States. Digital facsimile from the Hathi Turst at this link.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Lice-Borne Diseases › Typhus, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1800 - 1899
  • 11950

The laws of life, with special reference to the physical education of girls.

New York: George P. Putnam, 1852.

Blackwell's first book, a volume about the physical and mental development of girls, emphasizing the value of exercise, intended to help prepare young women for motherhood. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: WOMEN in Medicine & the Life Sciences, Publications About, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1800 - 1899
  • 6649.9

Medicine as a profession for women.

New York: Trustees of the New York Infirmary for Women, 1860.

Subjects: WOMEN in Medicine & the Life Sciences, Publications About, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1800 - 1899
  • 6649.92

Pioneer work in opening the medical profession to women; autobiographical sketches.

London & New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1895.

Blackwell led the movement in America to open the medical profession to women.

Subjects: BIOGRAPHY (Reference Works) › Autobiography, WOMEN in Medicine & the Life Sciences, Publications About, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1800 - 1899
  • 12082

Essays in medical sociology. 2 vols.

London: Ernest Bell, 1902.

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: Sociology, Medical, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999