An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16077 entries, 14165 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: March 4, 2025

HENLE, Friedrich Gustav Jakob

5 entries
  • 539

Symbolae ad anatomiam villorum intestinalium, imprimis eorum epithelii et vasorum lacteorum.

Berlin: A. Hirschwald, 1837.

Henle first described the epithelia of the skin and intestines, and defined the structure and function of columnar and ciliated epithelium. He applied the term “epithelium” to all mucous membranes in the body. Modern knowledge of the epithelial tissues starts with Henle. English translation and commentary in L.J. Rather, P. Rather, & J.B. Frerichs, Johannes Müller and the nineteenth century origins of tumor cell theory, Canton, Mass.: Science History Publications, 1986.

Subjects: ANATOMY › Microscopic Anatomy (Histology), DERMATOLOGY, ONCOLOGY & CANCER
  • 540

Ueber die Ausbreitung des Epithelium im menschlichen Korper.

Arch. Anat. Physiol, wiss. Med., 103-28, 1838.

Henle broadened the scope of his study of epithelium (No. 539) to include the covering layers of the true body cavities.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY, DERMATOLOGY › Dermatopathology
  • 2533

Von den Miasmen und Contagien. In his Pathologische Untersuchungen, pp. 1-82.

Berlin: August Hirschwald, 1840.

Bassi’s work on the muscardine disease of silkworms (see No. 2532), with its prophecy of the discovery of microbes as the causal agents of other diseases, inspired Henle to write this famous essay on miasms and contagions. He laid down postulates on the aetiological relation of microbes to disease which became fundamentals of bacteriology and which did much to check the reckless speculation which had arisen regarding micro-organisms. Koch later developed these postulates (see Nos. 2331, 2332, 2536, and 5167). Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

English translation in Bull. Hist. Med., 1936, 6, 911-83.

  • 543
  • 769

Allgemeine Anatomie. Lehre von den Mischungs- und Formbestandtheilen des menschlichen Körpers.

Leipzig: Leopold Voss, 1841.

Many of the histological discoveries of Henle are described in the above. He classified tissues histologically. In the section on Gefässnerven (pp. 510, 690) Henle demonstrated the presence of smooth muscle in the endothelial coat of small arteries. Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.



Subjects: ANATOMY › 19th Century, ANATOMY › Microscopic Anatomy (Histology), CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY › Anatomy of the Heart & Circulatory System
  • 417

Handbuch der systematischen Anatomie des Menschen. 3 vols.

Braunschweig: Friedrich Vieweg & Sohn, 18551871.

Considered by many authorities to be the greatest of the 19th-century systems of anatomy. Many structures are named after Henle, including the looped portion of the uriniferous tubules of the kidney, the layer of cells in the root sheath of a hair, and the ampulla of the uterine tube.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 19th Century, NEPHROLOGY › Renal Anatomy