An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16077 entries, 14165 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: March 4, 2025

CUVIER, Jean Léopold Chrétien Frédéric "Georges"

8 entries
  • 7292

Mémoire sur les espèces d’éléphans vivantes et fossiles.

Mémoires de l’Institut national des sciences et arts: Sciences mathématiques et physiques [Section 2: Mémoires], 2, 1-22, 1799.

Using comparative anatomy, Cuvier demonstrated that the African elephant was a separate species from the Indian elephant, and that the fossil or “mammoth” elephant was yet another species distinct from the two living varieties. This was the first scientific proof of extinct species. Cuvier first read this paper on January 21, 1796 at an ordinary meeting of the Institut National in Paris in 1796, and then again on April 4 at the first of the Institut’s quarterly public meetings. For the April 4 meeting Cuvier prepared an extract of his paper which was published in the Magasin encyclopédique (2. année 3 [1796]: 440-445). Cuvier’s full report, updated and illustrated with five plates, was first published in 1799. In his autobiography Cuvier stated that this was the paper in which he first expressed his views on extinct animals.

Subjects: COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, EVOLUTION › Human Origins / Human Evolution, Paleontology, ZOOLOGY › Mammalogy
  • 311

Leçons d’anatomie comparée. 5 vols.

Paris: Baudouin, 18001805.

Cuvier played a leading part in the development of paleontology and stimulated the study of comparative anatomy. He ranks with von Baer as one of the founders of modern morphology. Vols. 1-2 ed. by C. Duméril, and vols. 3-5 ed. by G.L. Duvernoy, but Cuvier took full responsibility for the contents of this work. The posthumous second edition, revised and expanded by Georges Cuvier's younger brother, Georges-Frédéric Cuvier  to 8 vols., appeared from 1835-1846.

  • 327

Le règne animal. 4 vols.

Paris: Deterville, 1817.

Second edition in five vols., 1829–1830. After Cuvier's death 12 "disciples" of Cuvier brought out a third edition in 22 vols. from 1836 to 1849. The 12 "disciples" were Jean Victor Audouin (insects), Gerard Paul Deshayes (molluscs), Alcide d'Orbigny (birds), Antoine Louis Dugès (arachnids), Georges Louis Duvernoy (reptiles), Charles Léopold Laurillard (mammals in part), Henri Milne Edwards (crustaceans, annelids, zoophytes, and mammals in part), Francois Desire Roulin (mammals in part),Achille Valenciennes (fishes), Louis Michel Français Doyère (insects), Charles Émile Blanchard (insects, zoophytes) and Jean Louis Armand de Quatrefages de Bréau (annelids, arachnids etc.). The work was illustrated with tables and plates (at the end of Volume IV) covering only some of the species mentioned. A much larger set of illustrations was published by the entomologist Félix Édouard Guérin-Méneville in his Iconographie du Règne Animal de G. Cuvier (9 vols, 1829-1844).  Its 448 quarto plates by Alfred Joseph Annedouche, Canu, Eugène Giraud, Lagesse, Lebrun, Vittore Pedretti, Plée and Smith illustrated 6200 animals. Cowan. "On the Disciples' Edition of Cuvier's Regne Animal"J. Soc. Bibliog. Nat. Hist. 8 (1) (1976) 32–64. Several English translations were published, the first of which was probably that of John Edward Gray (1824). See Coleman, Georges Cuvier zoologist, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1964. Digital facsimile of the first edition from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: BIOLOGY › Marine Biology, ZOOLOGY, ZOOLOGY › Arthropoda › Entomology, ZOOLOGY › Ornithology
  • 11901

Voyage pittoresque autour du monde avec des portraits de sauvages d'Amérique, d'Asie, d'Afrique, et des îles du Grand Océan: Des paysages, des vues maritimes, et plusieurs objets d'histoire naturelle; accompagné de descriptions par M. le baron Cuvier, et M. A. de Chamisso, et d'observations sur les crânes humains, part M. le docteur Gall. Par M. Louis Choris, Peintre.

Paris: De l'Imprimerie de Firmin Didot, 1822.

Choris was the artist aboard the Rurik, 1815-18, commanded by Otto von Kotzebue. After visiting islands in the South Seas, Kotzebue explored the North American coast and landed twice in the Hawaiian Islands. Choris's work, illustrated with 104 plates, is of particular interest for the outstanding images, and includes scientific information by Cuvier, Chamisso, and Gall. The book was issued in 22 parts. Buyers had the option of ordering the plates in black & white, the plates partially colored and partially uncolored, or with the plates entirely colored.

Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Subjects: VOYAGES & Travels by Physicians, Surgeons & Scientists
  • 12014

Anatomie comparée. Recueil des planches de myologie dessinées par Georges Cuvier ou exécutées sous ses yeux par MM. Laurillard et Mercier.

Paris: Dusacq, 18491856.

Planned by Cuvier as his masterwork on this topic, but unpublished during his lifetime, this posthumous work was published in parts over seven years. The complete work contains 336 plates. Few complete copies exist. Digital facsimile of parts 1-4 from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Subjects: ANATOMY › Comparative Anatomy
  • 11214

Georges Cuvier: An annotated bibliography of his published works. By Jean Chandler Smith.

Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1992.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Individual Authors, COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, ZOOLOGY
  • 12465

Cuvier’s History of the natural sciences Vol. 1: Twenty-four lessons from antiquity to the renaissance, translated from the French by A. J. Simpson. Vol. 2: Nineteen lessons from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, translated from the French by B. D. Marx. Vol. 3: Twenty lessons from the first half of the eighteenth century. Edited and annotated by T. W. Pletsch.

Paris: Publications Scientifiques du Muséum and Bibliothèque Centrale, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, 20122018.

Annotated English editions and translation of Cuvier's 5 volume Histoire des sciences naturelles, depuis leur origine jusqu’a nos jours, originally published in French from 1841 to 1845.

Subjects: NATURAL HISTORY › History of Natural History
  • 12466

Georges Cuvier’s historical portrait of the progress of ichthyology, from Its origins to our own time. Second edition, revised and enlarged, edited and annotated by T. W. Pietsch, translated from the French by A. J. Simpson.

Paris: Publications scientifique du Muséum, 2020.

Subjects: ZOOLOGY › History of Zoology, ZOOLOGY › Ichthyology