DORSEY, John Syng
Inguinal aneurism cured by tying the external iliac artery in the pelvis.Eclectic Repert., 2, 111-15, 1811.First successful ligation of the external iliac artery in America (Aug. 19, 1811). Subjects: VASCULAR SURGERY › Ligations |
Elements of surgery; for the use of students. 2 vols.Philadelphia: E. Parker, 1813.The first systematic treatise on surgery written by an American. The work is notable for containing not only Dorsey’s original contributions, but for its publication of the work of Dorsey’s uncle and teacher, the pioneer American surgeon, Philip Syng Physick (1768-1837). Physick, who never learned to become a competent writer, asked his nephew to organize his teachings into a surgical handbook. Subjects: SURGERY: General |