An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16077 entries, 14165 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: March 4, 2025

SZYMANOWSKI, Julius Alfons Nikolai

3 entries
  • 11701

Adnotationes ad Rhinoplasticen. Commentatio quam consensu et auctoritate veniam legendi.

Dorpat (Tartu) Estonia: Typis vidua J.C. Schünmanni..., 1857.

Digital facsimile of the 1847 edition from at this link. Szymanoski's dissertation was translated into German as "Zur plastischen Chirurgie," Vierteljahrschrift für die praktische Heilkunde, 60 (1858) 127-159. Blair O. Rogers, "J. von Szymanowski, His Life and Contribution to Plastic Surgery," Plast. & Reconstr. Surg,. 64, 465-78.

  • 11702

Handbuch der operativen Chirurgie von Julius von Szymanowski. Deutsche Ausgabe von dem Verfasser und ... C.W. F. Uhde. Ester Theil (All Published.)

Braunschweig: Friedrich Vieweg & Sohn, 1870.

The author, who died of testicular cancer at the age of 39 two years before this posthumous publication, is one of the forgotten pioneers of plastic surgery. Many of the techniques described by later authors without citing sources are dealt with here for the first time. Dermatoplastic operations are described on over 300 pages of text with many meticulous, artistically high-quality images. The types of surgery for skin defects and substance loss are explained in great detail by very clear illustrations. Operations on cheek, eyelid and lip, nose, and ear are described in detail. The final part is the plastic surgery on the trunk, extremities and urogenital system. 

The preface to the work by Dr. Uhde explains the history of its publication. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

  • 14151

Dynamic basis for dG•dT misincorporation via tautomerization and ionization.

Nature, 554, 195-201, 2018.

In 1953 Watson and Crick proposed that rarely formed isomers of DNA bases cause spontaneous mutations to occur during the copying of DNA. Such mutations would be easily accommodated because tautomeric mispairs do not distort the helical DNA structure. The disfavored-tautomer model for spontaneous mutation formation (mutagenesis) was rapidly adopted by biologists and included in textbooks, despite the absence of supporting experimental evidence. In 2018 Kimsey, Al-Hashimi and colleagues showed that Watson's and Crick's prediction was correct.
Digital text from PubMedCentral at this link.

Order of authorship in the original publication: Kimsey, Szymanski....Al-Hashimi.

(Thanks to Juan Weiss for this reference and its interpretation.)