Procede pour écrire les paroles, la musique et le plain-chant au moyen de points, a l’usage des aveugles et dispose pour eux.Paris: [Institution Royale des Jeunes Aveugles], 1829.This large quarto volume of 4 preliminary leaves and 32 pages included the first presentation of the Braille system of printing and reading for the blind, which represents letters and numbers by combinations of six dots. Though Braille introduced his six dot system briefly in this 1829 work, most of the Procede pour écrire was published through the traditional system of printing for the blind using raised letters that was invented by the founder of l'Institut Royale des Jeunes Aveugles, Valentin Haüy. Digital facsimile from the National Foundation for the Blind at this link.
Subjects: OPHTHALMOLOGY › Blind Education |
Procéde pour écrire au moyen des points.Paris, 1837.Braille, himself blind, modified the system of elevated points first suggested by Charles Barbier in 1820 for enabling the blind to read. In 1837 he added symbols for mathematics and music to his six dot system. Subjects: OPHTHALMOLOGY › Blind Education |