2 entries
William Hunter's world: The art and science of eighteenth-century collecting.Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate, 2015.Authoritative illustrated chapters on aspects of Hunter's collecting, including anatomy, zoology, entomology, fossils, numismatics, paintings, drawings, printed books and manuscripts. A collective work edited by Hancock, Pearce and Campbell. Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Book Collecting, BIBLIOGRAPHY › Catalogues of Physicians' / Scientists' Libraries, MUSEUMS › History of Museums |
William Hunter and the anatomy of the modern museum. Edited by Mungo Campbell and Nathan Flis with the assistance of Maria Dolores Sánchez-Jáuregui.New Haven, CT: Yale University Press & Glasgow: The Hunterian, University of Glasgow, 2018.This is probably the most beautiful book published on the wide range of William Hunter's collecting that forms the Hunterian Museum and the Hunterian Collection in Glasgow University Library. Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Book Collecting, MUSEUMS › History of Museums |