FINSEN, Niels Ryberg
Om anvendelse medicinen af koncentrerede kemiske lysstraaler.Copenhagen: Gyldendalske Boghandlings Forlag, 1896.Finsen was the founder of modern phototherapy. He demonstrated the value of invisible light, the actinic or chemical ray, the ultra-violet ray, as therapeutic measures. Digital facsimile from at this link. Subjects: NOBEL PRIZES › Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine , THERAPEUTICS |
La photothérapie. Les rayons chimiques et la variole. La lumière comme agent d’excitabilité. Traitement du lupus vulgaire par des rayons chimiques concentrés.Paris: G. Carré & C. Naud, 1899.Finsen was a pioneer in the treatment of lupus by means of light. English translation, 1901. Subjects: DERMATOLOGY |