MEYERHOF, Otto Fritz
2 entries
Ueber das Vorkommen des Coferments des alcoholischen Hefegärung im Muskelgewebe und seine muttmassliche Bedeutung im Atmungsmechanismus.Hoppe-Seyl. Z. physiol. Chetm., 101, 165-75, 1918.In 1922 Meyerhof was awarded half of the Nobel Prize in Pysiology or Medicine "for his discovery of the fixed relationship between the consumption of oxygen and the metabolism of lactic acid in the muscle." The other half of the prize was awarded to Archibald Vivian Hill "for his discovery relating to the production of heat in the muscle." Subjects: NOBEL PRIZES › Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine , PHYSIOLOGY |
Chemical dynamics of life phenomena.Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1924.Subjects: BIOCHEMISTRY |