An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16077 entries, 14165 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: March 4, 2025

FABRY VON HILDEN, Wilhelm (Fabricius Hildanus)

5 entries
  • 5566

De gangraena et sphacelo.

Cologne: P. Keschedt, 1593.

Fabricius, the “Father of German Surgery”, was the first to advocate the amputation above the gangrenous or injured part. He is accredited with the first amputation of the thigh. In his work he makes no reference to Paré’s methods; he believed in the efficacy of the “weapon-salve”. See also No. 5570.

Subjects: SURGERY: General
  • 5570

Observationum et curationum chirurgicarum centuriae. 6 vols.

Basel & Frankfurt, 16061641.

Fabricius’s most important work; it was the best collection of case-records available for many years. Among other things, Fabricius used a magnet to extract an iron splinter from the eye – an idea suggested to him by his wife – and he described the first field-chest of drugs for army use. He was first to remove a gallstone from a living patient (1618).

Subjects: MILITARY MEDICINE, SURGERY & HYGIENE › Renaissance, OPHTHALMOLOGY › Ocular Surgery & Procedures, SURGERY: General
  • 2245

De combustionibus.

Basel: sumpt. Ludovici Regis, 1607.

First book devoted entirely to burns. Fabry was the first to classify burns.

Translated into English by John Steer as:

Gulielm, Fabricius Hildamus, his experiments in chyrurgerie concerning combustions or burnings made with gun powder, iron shot, hot-water, lightning, or any other fiery matter whatsoever : in which is excellently described the differences, signs, prognostication and cures, of all accidents and burning themselves : very necessary and useful for all gentlemen, and soldiers as well of the trayned bands, as others, especially upon sudden occasions / translated out of Latine by Iohn Steer, Chyrurgeon. London: Printed by Barnard Alsop...., 1642. Full text of the 1642 edition from at this link.

Subjects: Diseases Due to Physical Factors › Burns
  • 2142

New Feldt Arztny Buch von Kranckheiten und Schäden, so in Kriegen den Wundartzten gemeinlich fürfallen.

Basel: L. König, 1615.

Fabry’s book includes an early description of a field drug chest for army use. He was one of the most eminent surgeons of his time, although not prepared to adopt all the teachings of Paré. He had considerable mechanical ingenuity and devised many pieces of apparatus. English translation, 1674.

  • 60.1

Opera quae extant omnia, partim ante hac excusa, partim nunc recens in lucem edita; omnia abo authore recognita...aucta.

Frankfurt: Sumptibus Johannis Beyeri, 1646.

The collected works of the “father of German surgery”. Digital facsimile from the Bayerische StaatsBiliothek at this link.

German translation: Wund-Artzney, gantzes Werck und aller Bücher, so viel deren vorhanden, welche theils vor diesem getruckt, theils anjetzo erst an das Tagliecht kommen. Mit einem vollkommenen Register aller denckwürden Sachen und Wörter Alle von dem Authore auffs new übersehen, an vielen Orthen so wohl mit Sendschreiben vortrefflicher Leut, als newen Warnehmungen, Exempeln und vielen raren Instrumenten vermehret: mit einem vollkommenen Register. Aus dem Lateinischen in das Teutsche übersetzt, durch Friderich Greiffen. Hanaw, Getruckt bey Johann Aubry, Frankfurth am Mayn, In Verlegung Johann Beyers, 1652. Digital facsimile of the 1652 edition from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: Collected Works: Opera Omnia, SURGERY: General