An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16077 entries, 14165 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: March 4, 2025

ERB, Wilhelm Heinrich

10 entries
  • 4832

Zur Lehre von der Tetanie nebst Bemerkungen über die Prufung der electrischen Erregbarkeit motorischer Nerven.

Arch. Psychiat. Nervenkr., 4, 271-316, 18731874.

“Erb’s sign”.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Tetany
  • 4548

Ueber eine eigenthümliche Localisation von Lähmungen im Plexus brachialis.

Verh, nat.-med. Vereins. Heidelb., n.F. 1, 130-36., Heidelberg, 18731877.

“Erb’s palsy”, first described by Smellie in 1763 and later by Duchenne (No. 4543).

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Diseases of the Nervous System
  • 4556

Ueber einen wenig bekannten spinalen Symptomencomplex.

Berl. klin. Wschr., 12, 357-59, Berlin, 1875.

“Erb–Charcot disease” (spastic spinal paralysis).

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Diseases of the Nervous System
  • 4665.1

Ueber acute Spinällahmung (Poliomyelitis anterior acuta) bei Erwachsenen und über verwandte spinale Erkrankungen.

Arch. Psychiat. Nervenkr., 5, 758-91, 1875.

Erb was first to use the term “acute anterior poliomyelitis”.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Inflammatory Conditions › Poliomyelitis
  • 4780

Ueber Sehnenreflexe bei Gesunden und bei Rückenmarkskranken.

Arch. Psychiat. Nervenkr., 5, 792-802, 1875.

Knee-jerk first used as diagnostic measure in tabes dorsalis.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Neurosyphilis
  • 4557

Handbuch der Krankheiten des Nervensystems.

Leipzig: F. C. W. Vogel, 18761878.

Erb was Professor of Neurology at Heidelberg. He gave the original descriptions of several nervous disorders, especially the muscular dystrophies, and was a pioneer in the use of electrotherapy.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Diseases of the Nervous System
  • 4746

Ueber einen eigenthümlichen bulbären (?) Symptomenkomplex.

Arch. Psychiat. Nervenkr., 9, 172-73, 1879.

Myasthenia gravis (“Erb-Goldflam disease”; see also No. 4757). A further paper on the subject by Erb appears in the above volume, pp. 325-50.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Myopathies
  • 4747

Ueber die juvenile Form der progressiven Muskelatrophie und ihre Beziehungen zur sogenannten Pseudohypertrophie der Muskeln.

Dtsch. Arch. klin. Med., 34, 467-519, 1884.

Progressive muscular dystrophy (“Erb’s muscular atrophy”). Erb did much to establish the modern conception of the muscular dystrophies.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Child Neurology, NEUROLOGY › Myopathies, PEDIATRICS
  • 4788

Ueber syphilitische Spinalparalyse.

Neurol. Zbl., 11, 161-68, 1892.

Erb’s classic description of syphilitic spinal paralysis, sometimes called “Erb’s disease”.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Neurosyphilis
  • 4789

Die Aetiologieder Tabes.

Samml. klin. Vortr., N.F., Nr. 53. (Inn. Med. Nr. 18), 515-42, 1892.

English translation, 1900.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Neurosyphilis