Browse by Entry Number 3300–3399
Beiträge zur Resection der Cartilago quadrangularis narium zur Heilung der Skoliosis septi.Berl. klin. Wschr., 26, 699-701, 717-20, 1889.The Operation of partial excision of the cartilage for the treatment of deflections of the nasal septum was perfected by Krieg. Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Rhinology |
Des abscès du sinus maxillaire.Paris: Steinheil, 1889.See No. 3305. Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Rhinology |
Die ersten Operationen in der Kehlklopfshöhle vom Munde aus, bei der Durchleuchtung des Kehlkopfes von aussen.Dtsch. med. Wschr., 15, 340-43, 1889.The first laryngeal operation through the mouth with external illumination. Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Laryngology |
Klinische Beiträge zur halbseitigen Kehlkopflähmungen.Berl. Klinik, Heft 40, 1-26, 1891.“Avellis’s syndrome”, recurrent paralysis of the soft palate. Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Laryngology |
Various forms of disease of the ethmoid cells.N.Y. med. J., 54, 505-07, 1891.Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Rhinology |
Diseases of the accessory sinuses of the nose, and an improved method of treatment of suppuration of the maxillary antrum.N.Y. med. J., 58, 526-28, 1893.Caldwell–Luc operation (see also No. 3301). Scanes Spicer independently devised a similar operation (Brit. med. J., 1894, 2, 1359-60). Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Rhinology |
Die Lehre von den Naseneiterungen.Munich & Leipzig: J. F. Lehmann, 1893.Grünwald was the first to attempt the surgical treatment of nasal suppuration and disease involving the ethmoid and sphenoid bones. English translation, 1900. Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Rhinology |
Le microbe de l’ozène.Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 8, 292-317, 1894.Loewenberg found a bacillus of the Friedländer group in ozena. Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY, OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Rhinology |
The pathological and clinical features of atrophic rhinitis.J. Laryng., 8, 96-110, 1894.Classic paper on atrophic rhinitis (ozena). Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Rhinology |
Studien zur bacteriellen Diagnostik der Diphtherie und der Anginen.Dtsch. med. Wschr., 20, 920-23, 1894.“Plaut’s angina” (necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis). He noted the association of fusiform bacilli in ulcerating lesions of the tonsils. Vincent (see No. 3309) gave the first comprehensive description of this condition. Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY, DENTISTRY › Oral Pathology , OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Laryngology |
Sur l’étiologie et sur les lésions anatomo-pathologiques de la pourriture d’hôpital.Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 10, 488-510, 1896.Vincent described a fusiform bacillus and a spirillum which, in association, were responsible for hospital gangrene. Later, in Arch. int. Laryng., 1898, 11, 44-48, he showed these two organisms to be present in “Vincent’s angina” (acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis), also known as "trench mouth." Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › BACTERIA (mostly pathogenic; sometimes indexed only to genus) › Spirochetes › Borrelia , DENTISTRY › Oral Pathology , OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Laryngology |
Photographs of a case of rapid destruction of the nose and face.J. Laryng., 12, 64-66, 1897.Malignant granuloma of the nose first described. Subjects: ONCOLOGY & CANCER, OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Rhinology |
Kehlkopfchirurgie und Laryngoplastik.Therap. Gegenw., 40, 169-79, 202-11, 1899.Gluck improved the technique of laryngectomy. Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Laryngology |
Pathologie und Therapie der entzündlichen Erkrankungen der Nebenhöhlen der Nase.Leipzig: Franz Deuticke, 1899.Hajek, Professor of Laryngology in Vienna, particularly distinguished himself by his classic work on the acccessory nasal sinuses. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link. English translation of the fifth edition: Pathology and treatment of the inflammatory diseases of the nasal accessory sinuses ... Translated and edited by Joseph D. Heitger ... and French K. Hansel ... Fifth edition, completely revised and enlarged. 2 vols. St. Louis: Mosby, 1926. Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Rhinology |
Recherches sur la bactériologie de l’ozène.Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 13, 937- 50, 1899.Perez isolated an organism from the nose of patients suffering from ozena. He named it Coccobacillus foetidus ozaenae and considered it to be causally related to the disease. Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY, OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Rhinology |
The correlation of deflections of the nasal septum with a minimum of traumatism.J. Amer. med. Assoc., 38, 636-42; 41, 1391-98, 1902, 1903.Improvement of Ingals’s operation (see No. 3289). Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Rhinology |
Die Killian’sche Radicaloperation chronischer Stirnhöhleneiterungen.Arch. Laryng. Rhin. (Berl.), 13, 28-88, 1903.Killian devised an operation for the treatment of pathological conditions in the nasal sinuses. It consists of excision of the anterior wall of the frontal sinus, removal of the diseased tissue, and formation of a permanent communication with the nose. Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Rhinology |
Die submucöse Fensterresektion der Nasenscheidewand.Arch. Laryng. Rhin. (Berl.), 16, 362-87, 1904.Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Rhinology |
Die entzündlichen Nebenhöhlenerkrankungen der Nase im Röntgenbild.Berlin & Vienna: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1908.The first important work on the radiology of the accessory nasal sinuses. Subjects: IMAGING › X-ray, OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Rhinology |
A simple operation for the complete removal of tonsils, with notes on 900 cases.Lancet, 1, 1314-15, 1909.Waugh introduced blunt dissection tonsillectomy. Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Laryngology |
The enucleation of tonsils with the guillotine.Lancet, 2, 875-78, 1910.Reverse guillotine tonsillectomy. Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Laryngology |
On certain clinically obscure malignant tumours of the naso-pharyngeal wall.Bril. med. J., 2, 1057-59, 1911.“Trotter’s syndrome”; deafness, palatal paralysis, and facial neuralgia, usually due to a nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Chronic Pain › Trigeminal Neuralgia, ONCOLOGY & CANCER › Carcinoma, OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat), PAIN / Pain Management |
Diffuse dilatation of the esophagus without anatomic stenosis (cardio spasm): a report of ninety-one cases.J. Amer. med. Assoc., 58, 2013-15, 1912.See No. 3321. Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) |
A case of cardiospasm with dilatation and angulation of the esophagus.Med. Clin. N. Amer., 3, 623-27, 1919.See also his later paper in Minnesota Med., 1922, 5, 107-08. The syndrome of dysphagia, glossitis, and hypochromic anemia has become known as the Plummer-Vinson syndrome (see No. 3320). A. Brown Kelly and D. R. Paterson drew attention to it in J. Laryng., 1919, 34, 285, 289. Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) |
Operations on the frontal sinus.J. Laryng. Otol., 36, 417-21, 1921.Conservative treatment of sinusitis. Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Rhinology |
On the aetiology of the laryngeal papilloma.Acta oto-laryng. (Stockh.), 5, 317-34, 1923.In this classic paper Ullmann reported the transmission of the virus to animals. Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Laryngology, VIROLOGY |
Technic of a pan-sinus operation.South. med. J., 17, 289-92, 1924.Independently of Howarth (No. 3322), Lynch devised an operation for the conservative treatment of sinusitis. Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Rhinology |
Displacement irrigation of nasal sinuses; a new procedure in diagnosis and conservative treatment.Arch. Otolaryng. (Chicago), 4, 1-13, 1926.Displacement method of treatment of nasal sinusitis; published in book form, St. Louis, 1931. Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Rhinology |
Cancer of the larynx.London: Kegan Paul, 1930.Thomson’s technique in the laryngofissure procedure for intrinsic cancer of the larynx was published in his Diseases of the nose and throat, London, 1911, pp. 732-37. Subjects: ONCOLOGY & CANCER, OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Laryngology, SURGERY: General › Surgical Oncology |
[Description of the glottiscope.]Lond. med. Gaz., 3, 555, 1829.Babington was responsible for the introduction of laryngoscopy. He demonstrated a crude “glottiscope” to the Hunterian Society on March 18, 1829, but his effort attracted little attention. Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES, INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments, OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Laryngology › Laryngoscopy |
Practical surgery.London: John Churchill, 1837.In his day Liston was the most dexterous and resourceful surgeon in the British Isles. He was the first in the country to remove the scapula and the first – on 21 Dec. 1846 – to perform a major operation with the aid of an anesthetic. On p. 350 Liston suggested the use of a mirror which could be used for viewing edematous tumors of the larynx. Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Laryngology › Laryngoscopy, SURGERY: General |
Observations on the human voice.Proc. roy. Soc. (Lond.), , 7, 399-410, 1854 – 1855.Garcia, a teacher of singing, invented the modern laryngoscope. Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Laryngoscope, Music and Medicine, OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Laryngology › Laryngoscopy |
Der Kehlkopfrachenspiegel und die Methode seines Gebrauches.Z. k. k. Ges. Aerzte Wien, n.F. 1, 401-09, 1858.Türck, at first sceptical of Garcia’s laryngoscope, later adopted it and claimed from Czermak priority in its clinical employment; these two gentlemen fought one another bitterly for some years over this point. Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Laryngoscope, OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Laryngology › Laryngoscopy |
Physiologie Untersuchungen mit Garcia’s Kehlkopfspiegel.S. B. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien., math.-nat. Cl., 29, 557-84, 1858.Czermak was the first to demonstrate the utility of the laryngoscope invented by Garcia. He substituted artificial light for sunlight and made other improvements. Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Laryngoscope, OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Laryngology › Laryngoscopy |
Ueber die Inspektion des Cavum pharyngo-nasale und der Nasenhöhle durch Choanen vermittelstkleiner Spiegel.Wien. med. Wschr., 9, 518-20; 10, 257-61, 1859, 1860.Czermak’s method of exploring the nose and nasopharynx with small mirrors. Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Laryngology › Laryngoscopy |
Praktische Anleitung zur Laryngoscopie.Vienna: W. Braumüller, 1860.Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Laryngoscope, OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Laryngology › Laryngoscopy |
The use of the laryngoscope in diseases of the throat; with an appendix on rhinoscopy.London: R. Hardwicke, 1865.Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Laryngoscope, OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Laryngology › Laryngoscopy |
Autoskopie des Larynx und der Trachea. (Laryngoscopia directa, Euthyskopie, Besichtigung ohne Spiegel.)Arch. Laryng. Rhin. (Berl.), 3, 156-64, 1895.First direct-vision laryngoscope. Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES, INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Laryngoscope, OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Laryngology › Laryngoscopy |
Ueber directe Bronchoskopie.Münch. med. Wschr., 45, 844-47, 1898.Introduction of direct bronchoscopy. Subjects: PULMONOLOGY › Bronchoscopy |
Tracheo-bronchoscopy, esophagoscopy and gastroscopy.St. Louis, MO: Laryngoscope Company, 1907.First textbook on endoscopy. Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Endoscope, OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Laryngology › Laryngoscopy, PULMONOLOGY › Bronchoscopy |
Die Schwebelaryngoscopie.Arch. Laryng. Rhin. (Berl.), 26, 277-317, 1912.Introduction of suspension laryngoscopy. English translation in 1914. Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Laryngology › Laryngoscopy |
Diseases of the air and food passages of foreign-body origin.Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1936.One of the most comprehensive treatises on the subject ever published, with a 636-page appendix describing, and in most cases illustrating, 3266 foreign bodies and how they were removed. Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat), OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Laryngology |
Histoire des maladies du pharynx. 5 vols.Paris: J.-B. Baillière, 1901 – 1906.Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › History of ENT |
Geschichte der Nasenheilkunde von ihren Anfängen bis zum 18. Jahrhundert. Vol. 1.Würzburg: C. Kabitsch, 1914.Continued through 18th and part of 19th century in articles in Z. Laryngol., vols. 7, 8, 9, 11, 1914-23. Reprinted, 2 vols., Hildesheim, G. Olms, 1967, with title Geschichte der Nasenheilkunde … bis zum 19 Jahrhundert. Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › History of ENT |
A history of laryngology and rhinology. 2nd ed.Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1914.Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › History of ENT |
A history of oto-laryngologyEdinburgh: E. & S. Livingstone Ltd., 1949, 1991.From antiquity to the beginning of the 20th century. Subjects: OTOLOGY › History of Otology, OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › History of ENT |
Naissance et développement de l’oto-rhino-laryngologie dans l’histoire de la médecine. 3 vols.Acta oto-rhino-laryng. belg., 35, Suppl. II, III, IV-, 1981.Subjects: OTOLOGY › History of Otology, OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › History of ENT |
De compositione medicamentorum; De morbis oculorum, & aurium….Venice: apud Juntas, 1590.The De oculorum et aurium represents the first “clinical” manual on diseases of the ear. Mercuriali was primarily concerned with treatment. Subjects: OPHTHALMOLOGY , OTOLOGY › Diseases of the Ear |
Opera omnia quinque sectionibus comprehensa.Frankfurt: E. Paltheniana curante I. Rhodio, 1603.Demonstration (Cap. I, p. 587-91) that some people who cannot hear by air conduction can do so by bone conduction. Subjects: Collected Works: Opera Omnia, OTOLOGY |
L’arte de’ cenni, con quale, formandosi favella visible, si tratta della muta eloquenza.Vicenza: F. Grossi, 1616.Bonifacio’s sign-language for the deaf and dumb employed almost every part of the body for conversational purposes. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Deaf-Mute Education |
Reduction de las letras, y arte para enseñar a ablar los mudos.Madrid: F. Abarca de Angulo, 1620.Bonet put into practice the “combined” system of teaching the deaf to speak and the dumb to communicate with others. He showed how the deaf could be taught to speak by reducing the letters to their phonetic value, and he advocated the use of finger-spelling. It is probable that he learned his system from Pedro Ponce de León (1510-84), another Spaniard, whose writings have been lost. English translation: Simplification of the letters of the alphabet: And method of teaching deaf-mutes to speak (1890). Digital facsimile of the 1620 edition from Google Books at this link. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Deaf-Mute Education |
Chironomia: or, the art of manuall rhetorique.London: T. Harper, 1644.Subjects: OTOLOGY › Deaf-Mute Education |
Chirologia; or the naturall language of the hand. Composed of the speaking motions, and discoursing gestures thereof. Whereunto is added Chironomia: or, the art of manuall rhetoricke.London: T. Harper for H. Twyford, 1644.Bulwer was the first Englishman to write about the teaching of deaf-mutes. "Chirologia is often cited as Bulwer’s link to later Deaf studies because it focuses on hand gestures [15] which have come to be seen as the domain of deaf communication. In fact the book only mentions the deaf in passing.[16] He believed it was Nature's recompense that deaf people should communicate through gesture, "that wonder of necessity that Nature worketh in men that are born deafe and dumb; who can argue and dispute rhetorically by signes" (page 5). The handshapes described in Chirologia are still used in British Sign Language.[17] Bulwer does mention fingerspelling describing how "the ancients did...order an alphabet upon the joints of their fingers...showing those letters by a distinct and grammatical succession", in addition to their use as mnemonic devices Bulwer suggest that manual alphabets could be "ordered to serve for privy ciphers for any secret intimation" (Chironomia, p149). Chirologia is a compendium of manual gestures, citing their meaning and use from a wide range of sources; literary, Religious and Medical. Chironomia is a manual for the effective use of Gesture in public speaking" (Wikipedia). New edition, edited and annotated by James W. Cleary, Carbondale, 1974. Digital facsimile of the 1644 edition from the Internet Archive at this link. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Deaf-Mute Education |
Grammatica linguae anglicae. Cui praefigitur, de loquela sive sonorum formatione tractatus grammatico-physicus.Oxford: excud. L. Lichfield, veneunt apud T. Robinson, 1653.Wallis, a prominent teacher of deaf-mutes, classified the various sounds of the human voice. He taught by writing and gesture. He was Savilian Professor of Mathematics at Oxford. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Deaf-Mute Education |
Elements of speech, an essay of inquiry into the natural production of letters; with an appendix concerning persons deaf and dumb.London: T. N. for J. Martyn, 1669.Includes a section on the education of deaf-mutes. Paracusis is described in the Appendix, p. 166. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Deaf-Mute Education, OTOLOGY › Physiology of Hearing, Speech, Anatomy and Physiology of |
Didascalocophus or the deaf and dumb mans tutor, to which is added a discourse of the nature and number of double consonants: both which tracts being the first (for what the author knows) that have been published upon either of the subjects.Oxford: T. Halton, 1680.Dalgarno considered that the deaf had an advantage over the blind in opportunities of learning languages. He invented an alphabet for the use of deaf-mutes. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Deaf-Mute Education |
Traité de l’organe de l’ouie; contenant la structure, les usages et les maladies de toutes les parties de l’oreille.Paris: E. Michallet, 1683.The first scientific account of the structure, function and diseases of the ear. Du Verney showed that the bony external meatus develops from the tympanic ring and that the mastoid air cells communicate with the tympanic cavity. He it was who first suggested the theory of hearing later developed by, and accredited to, Helmholtz. Du Verney also identified a temporal bone tumor, which is believed to be the earliest description of cholesteatoma. English translation, 1737. See also A bibliography of editions of Du Verney’s Traité … published between 1683 and 1750, compiled by N. Asherson, J. Laryng. Otol., 1979, Suppl. No. 2, and book-form edition, London, H. K. Lewis, 1979. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link. Subjects: ONCOLOGY & CANCER, OTOLOGY › Anatomy of the Ear, OTOLOGY › Diseases of the Ear, OTOLOGY › Physiology of Hearing |
Surdus loquens; seu, methodus, quâ qui surdus natus est loqui descere possit.Amsterdam, 1692.English translation, 1694, by John Wallis (see No. 3348). Subjects: OTOLOGY › Deaf-Mute Education |
Dissertatio de loquela, qua non solum vox humana, & loquendi artificium ex originibus suis erruunter.Amsterdam: J. Wolters, 1700.Amman’s method of instructing deaf-mutes. He was one of the most successful of all teachers in this sphere. English translation as A dissertation on speech. To which not only the human voice and the art of speaking are traced from their origin, but the means are also described by which those who have been deaf and dumb from their bith may acquire speech, and those wospeak imperfectly may learn how to corect their impediments. (London, 1873). Subjects: OTOLOGY › Deaf-Mute Education |
Instrument pour seringuer la trompe d’Eustache par la bouche.Hist. Acad. roy. Sci., Paris, 1726, 37, 1724.Guyot, postmaster at Versailles, also physician, cartographer, inventor, etc., was the first to attempt catheterization of the Eustachian tube. This he did by way of the mouth. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Otologic Surgery & Procedures |
Instruments proposed to remedy some kinds of deafness proceeding from obstructions in the external and internal auditory passages.Phil. Trans., 41, 848-51, London, 1744.Cleland, an army surgeon, devised the method of catheterization of the Eustachian tube by way of the nose; he designed the instruments necessary for the operation. Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Surgical Instruments, OTOLOGY › Otologic Instruments |
A method proposed to restore the hearing, when injured from an obstruction of the tuba Eustachiana.Phil. Trans., 49, 213-22, London, 1756.Wathen condemned Guyot’s method of Eustachian catheterization, and suggested a method of relieving catarrhal deafness by means of injections into the Eustachian tube through a catheter passed into the nose. Wathen was a surgeon practicing in London. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Otologic Surgery & Procedures |
Traité des maladies chirurgicales et des opérations qui leur conviennent. 3 vols.Paris: P. F. Didot le jeune, 1774.Records (Vol, 1, pp. 153, 160) the first successful operation for mastoiditis, performed by Petit in 1736. “Petit’s hernia” and “triangle” described (vol. 2, pp. 256-58). (See also No. 3357.) A lumbar hernia had previously been described by R. J. C. de Garengeot, Traité des opérations de chirurgie, 1731, 1, 369-71.
Subjects: OTOLOGY › Otologic Surgery & Procedures, SURGERY: General , SURGERY: General › Hernia |
Institution des sourds et muets, par la voie des signes méthodiques.Paris: Nyon l’aîné, 1776.Includes a reprint of the author’s Institution des sourds et muets; ou, recueil des exercices. Paris, 1774. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Deaf-Mute Education |
La véritable manière d’instruire les sourds et muets.Paris: Nyon l’aîné, 1784.The Abbé de L’Épée met two deaf girls, decided to educate them, and soon had a class of 60 devoted pupils, whom he supported and amongst whom he lived. He based his methods on those of Bonet and Amman, and was the first to attach great importance to signs. This is l’Épée’s most definitive work. It contains a reprint of No. 3358. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Deaf-Mute Education |
Vox oculis. A dissertation on the … art of imparting speech to the naturally deaf; with a particular account of the academy of Messrs. Braidwood …London, 1783.Thomas Braidwood (1715-1806) founded the first British school for the deaf and dumb, in Edinburgh. His method consisted of a combination of lip-reading and signs. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Deaf-Mute Education |
Farther observations on the effects which take place from the destruction of the membrana tympani of the ear; with an account of an operation for the removal of a particular species of deafness.Phil. Trans., 91, 435-50, 1801.Sir Astley Cooper reported three cases of Eustachian obstruction deafness relieved by perforation of the membrana tympani (myringotomy), an operation first performed by Eli, a quack, in 1760. Cooper’s earlier paper on the subject appeared in vol. 90 of the Phil. Trans. He also demonstrated air and bone conduction by watch (precursor of Rinne’s test). For this work he received the Copley Medal. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Otologic Surgery & Procedures |
The anatomy of the human ear … with a treatise on the diseases of the organ.London: R. Phillips, 1806.Saunders was the first to advise paracentesis in acute middle-ear suppuration. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Anatomy of the Ear, OTOLOGY › Diseases of the Ear, OTOLOGY › Otologic Surgery & Procedures |
Traité des maladies de l’oreille et de l’audition. 2 vols.Paris: Méquignon-Marvis, 1821.First of the modern textbooks on diseases of the ear, this work did much to establish otology on a firm basis. Itard described startle tests for the hearing of children and malingerers, and he developed an acumeter. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Audiology, OTOLOGY › Audiology › Hearing Tests, OTOLOGY › Diseases of the Ear |
Essai sur les maladies de l’oreille interne.Paris: J.-B. Baillière, 1827.Saissy described a Eustachian bougie; he was probably the first to use this instrument. Besides dealing with the labyrinth, his book discusses diseases of the tympanum and Eustachian tube. English translation, Baltimore, 1829. Digital facsimile of the 1827 edition from the Medical Heritage Library, Internet Archive, at this link. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Diseases of the Ear, OTOLOGY › Otologic Instruments |
Erfahrungen über die Erkenntniss und Heilung der langwierigen Schwerhörigkeit.Berlin: Nicolai, 1833.Kramer’s first and best work. English translation, 1837. Subjects: OTOLOGY |
Die Erkenntniss und Heilung der Ohrenkrankheiten.Berlin: Nicolai, 1835.Kramer was a pioneer German otologist. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Diseases of the Ear |
De pulsu, resorptione, auditu et tactu. Annotationes anatomicae et physiologicae.Leipzig: C. F. Koehler, 1834.Includes Weber’s law on the relationship between stimulus and sensation. English translation of De tactu, New York Academic Press, 1978. Weber's hearing test is on p.41. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Physiology of Hearing, PSYCHOLOGY › Psychophysics, PSYCHOLOGY › Sensation / Perception |
Erfahrungen über die Krankheiten des Gehöres und ihre Heilung.Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1846.Schmalz demonstrated the clinical significance of Weber’s hearing test (see No. 3368). He was a student of Weber. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Audiology › Hearing Tests |
Mémoire sur l’emploi de la fourchette tonique ou du diapason, pour distinguer une dureté d’ouïe nerveuse de celle que est causée par une obstruction.Brussels: N.J. Gregoir, 1849.Schwabach’s hearing test (see No. 3389) was earlier employed by Schmalz. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Audiology › Hearing Tests |
Practical observations on aural surgery and the nature and treatment of diseases of the ear.London: John Churchill, 1853.This work did more to place British otology on a scientific basis than anything previously published. In his own words, Wilde “laboured to rescue the treatment of ear diseases from empiricism and found it upon the well-established laws of modern pathology, practical surgery, and reasonable therapeutics”. He showed the middle ear to be the site of origin of most of the diseases of the ear. He is remembered for his method of treating acute mastoiditis, using “Wilde’s incision”. The book was bitterly attacked by Kramer – see especially Lancet, 1853, 2, 446 – and also by Thomas Wakley, editor of that journal. Wilde was the father of Oscar Wilde. Subjects: OTOLOGY , OTOLOGY › Otologic Surgery & Procedures |
Beiträge zur Physiologie des menschlichen Ohres.Vjschr. prakt. Heilk, 45, 71-123; 46, 45-72, 1855.Rinne’s test. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Audiology › Hearing Tests, OTOLOGY › Physiology of Hearing |
De la trépanation de l’apophyse mastoïde et des lésions morbides qui rendent cette opération nécessaire.Union méd., n.s. 6, 193-200, 1860.Operative treatment of acute otitis by drainage through the antrum. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Otologic Surgery & Procedures |
Mémoire sur des lésions de l’oreille interne donnant lieu à des symptomes de congestion cérébrale apoplectiforme.Gaz. méd. Paris, 16, 88-89, 239-40, 379-80, 597-601, 1861.First description of aural vertigo (“Menière’s syndrome”). First appeared in summary form in Bull. Acad. imp. Méd., 1860-61, 26, 241, and in Gaz. méd. Paris, 1861, 16, 29, with title: Surune forme de surdité grave dépendant d’une lésion de l’oreille interne. Menière’s case was a symptomatic form of the disorder. Subjects: OTOLOGY , OTOLOGY › Vestibular System › Vertigo |
The diseases of the ear; their nature, diagnosis, and treatment.London: John Churchill, 1860.The foundation of aural pathology. In this book Toynbee described the method of removing the temporal bone and discussed the post mortem appearances in relation to the symptoms observed during life. He made over 2,000 dissections of the ear. Subjects: OTOLOGY , OTOLOGY › Aural Pathology |
Die Untersuchung des Gehörgangs und Trommelfells. Ihre Bedeutung. Kritik der bisherigen Untersuchungsmethoden und Angabe einer neuen.Dtsch. Klinik, 12, 113-15, 121-23, 131-35, 143-46. 151-55, 1860.Invention of the modern otoscope. Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Otoscope, OTOLOGY › Otologic Instruments, OTOLOGY › Otologic Instruments › Otoscope |
Ein Fall von Anbohrung des Warzenfortsatzes bei Otitis interna mit Bemerkungen über diese Operation.Virchows Arch. path. Anat., 21, 295-314, 1861.The first modern mastoid operation was devised by von Tröltsch. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Otologic Surgery & Procedures |
Die Krankheiten des Ohres.Würzburg: Stahel, 1862.Tröltsch was Professor of Otology as Würzburg. He was the founder of the Archiv für Ohrenheilkunde. English translation, 1874. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Diseases of the Ear |
Ueber ein neues Heilverfahren gegen Schwerhörigkeit in Folge von Unwegsamkeit der Eustachischen Ohrtrompete.Wien. med. Wschr., 13, 84-87, 102-04, 117-19, 148-52, 1863.Politzer’s method of effecting permeability of the Eustachian tube. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Otologic Surgery & Procedures |
Die Beleuchtungsbilder des Trommelfells im gesunden und kranken Zustande.Vienna: W. Braumüller, 1865.Politzer was the first to obtain pictures of the membrana tympani by means of illumination. English translation, New York, 1869. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Otologic Instruments, OTOLOGY › Otologic Surgery & Procedures |
A new otoscope or speculum auris.Lancet, 2, 617-18, 1865.Brunton’s otoscope. Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Otoscope, OTOLOGY › Otologic Instruments › Otoscope |
Ueber eine neue Methode zur Untersuchung des Gehörorgans zu physiologischen und diagnostischen Zwecken mit Hülfe des Interferenz Otoscopes.Arch. Ohrenheilk., 3, 186-229, 1867.Lucae described an interference otoscope, precursor of auditory impedance devices. Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Otoscope, OTOLOGY › Audiology › Hearing Tests, OTOLOGY › Otologic Instruments › Otoscope |
Die akute Entzündung des heutigen Labyrinthes, gewöhnlich für Meningitis cerebro-spinalis gehalten.Mschr. Ohrenheilk., 1, 9-14, 1867.First description of “Voltolini’s disease” – an acute painful inflammation of the internal ear, followed by fever, delirium, and loss of consciousness. Voltolini was the founder of the Monatsschrift. Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Neuroinfectious Diseases › Meningitis, OTOLOGY › Diseases of the Ear |
Sechs Fälle von Myringomykosis (Aspergillus glaucus Lk.).rch. Ohrenheilk., 3, 1-21, 1867.Wreden, otologist to the Czar, was the first to call special attention to otomycosis. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Diseases of the Ear |
Die Schalleitung durch die Kopfknochen und ihre Bedeutung für die Diagnostik der Ohrenkrankheiten.Würzburg: Stahel, 1870.Lucae was the first to study the transmission of sounds through the cranial bones for the purpose of diagnosing diseases of the ear. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Diseases of the Ear, OTOLOGY › Physiology of Hearing |
Ueber die künstliche Eröffnung des Warzenfortsatzes.Arch. Ohrenheilk., n.F. 1, 157-87, 1873.These workers helped to revive the mastoid operation (which had fallen into disuse), placing it on a modern basis. They described the method of opening the ear by chiselling, “Schwartze’s operation”. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Otologic Surgery & Procedures |
Vertiges ab aure laesa (maladie de Menière).Gaz. Hôp. (Paris), 47, 73-74, 1874.Charcot completed the description of the syndrome first described by Menière. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Diseases of the Ear |
Atlas of the membrana tympani.London: H. S. King, 1874.Subjects: OTOLOGY › Anatomy of the Ear |
The questions of aural surgery.London: H. S. King, 1874.Hinton was one of the most eminent aural surgeons in England during the latter half of the 19th century, and the first Aural Surgeon to Guy’s Hospital. In 1868 he performed the first operation for mastoiditis in England. He proved that aural polypus originated within the tympanum and that cholesteatomata might prove fatal by eroding the bone. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Otologic Surgery & Procedures |
Erkrankungen des Warzentheiles.Arch. Ohrenheilk, 13, 26-68, 1877.First clear description of mastoiditis. Subjects: OTOLOGY , OTOLOGY › Diseases of the Ear |
Lehrbuch der Ohrenheilkunde. 2 pts.Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke, 1878 – 1882.Politzer was one of the greatest of all otologists. He was the first Professor of Otology in Vienna and his textbook was for many years the standard authority on the subject. English translation, 1883. Subjects: OTOLOGY |
Ueber einen einheitlichen Hörmesser.Arch. Ohrenheilk., 12, 104-09, 1877.Politzer described an acumeter. Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES, OTOLOGY › Audiology |
Ueber eine neue Methode der Hörprüfung mit Hülfe elektrischer Ströme.Arch. Anat. Physiol., Physiol. Abt., 155-57, 1878.First audiometer. Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES, OTOLOGY › Audiology |
Les lésions nerveuses dans la surdité.Trans. 7th int. med. Congr., London, 3, 370-72, 1881.Gellédescribed a test for determination of ossicular fixation. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Audiology › Hearing Tests |
Sinusthrombose in Folge von Otitis media. [Trepanation des Proc. mastoid mit Hammer und Meissel.]Prag. med. Wschr., 9, 474-75, 1884.Improvement of the mastoid operation devised by Schwartze and Eysell. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Otologic Surgery & Procedures |
Ueber den Werth des Rinne’schen Versuches für die Diagnostik der Gehörkrankheiten.Z. Ohrenheilk., 14, 61-148, 1885.Schwabach’s hearing test. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Audiology › Hearing Tests |
Ueber Nystagmus und associierte Augenbewegungsversuche bei Hystero-Epileptischen.Pest. med.-chir. Presse, 22, 765, 787, 807, 827, 1886.Rotational nystagmus described. First published in Magyar in Orvosi Hetilap, 1886, 30, 857, 889. Subjects: OPHTHALMOLOGY , OTOLOGY |
Education of deaf-mutes. A manual for teachers.London: Wertheimer, Lea & Co, 1888.Includes a history of the subject. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Deaf-Mute Education |
Krankenvorstellung: Geheilter Hirnabscess.Berl. klin. Wschr., 25, 1054-56, 1888.Radical mastoidectomy. (See No. 3392.) Subjects: OTOLOGY › Otologic Surgery & Procedures |
Ueber die Gründsätze der Behandlung von Eiterungen in starrwandigen Höhlen, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Empyems der Pleura.Dtsch. med. Wschr., 15, 254-57, 1889.Küster and von Bergmann developed the Operation of radical mastoidectomy. Subjects: NEUROSURGERY, OTOLOGY |
Indicationen, betreffend die Excision von Hammer und Amboss.Verh. X. int. med. Congr. Berlin, 4, xi Abt., 43-46, 1890.Stacke introduced the operation of excision of the ossicles. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Otologic Surgery & Procedures |
Weitere Mittheilungen über die operative Freilegung der Mittelohrräume nach Ablösung der Ohrmuschel.Berl. klin. Wschr., 29, 68-71, Berlin, 1892.Stacke did much to improve the surgery of the middle ear. He made important modifications in the radical mastoidectomy operation of Küster and von Bergmann. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Otologic Surgery & Procedures |
Sui caratteri clinici offerti dalle lesioni del nervo acustico.Gazz. Osp. Clin., 13, 1126, 1892.Gradenigo’s test for tone decay. Translation in Arch. Otol. (N.Y.), 1893, 22, 213-15. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Audiology › Hearing Tests |
Antrectomy as a treatment for chronic purulent otitis media.Arch. Otol. (N.Y.), 21, 118-24, 1892.Mastoidectomy for the efficient drainage of the results of middle ear suppuration. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Otologic Surgery & Procedures |
On a peculiar affection of the labyrinthine capsule as a frequent cause of deafness.Trans. 1st Panamer, med. Congr., (1893), pt. 3, 1607-08, 1895.First report of otosclerosis as a separate clinical entity. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Diseases of the Ear |
Ueber die funktionelle Prüfung des menschlichen Gehörorgans. 3 vols.Wiesbaden: J. F. Bergmann, 1897 – 1909.Bezold introduced important tests for audition. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Audiology › Hearing Tests |
Verh, dtsch. otol. Ges., 6, 143, 1897.First attempt at improving hearing by fenestration. No title; forms part of a paper by R. Passe. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Otologic Surgery & Procedures |
Sulla leptomeningite circonscritta e sulla paralisi dell abducente di origine otitica.G. roy. Accad. Med. Torino, 4 ser., 10, 59-64, 361-67, 1904.“Gradenigo’s syndrome” – acute otitis media followed by abductor paralysis. Translation of the paper is in the German Arch. Ohrenheilk., 1904, 62, 255-70. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Diseases of the Ear |
The story of my life.New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1905.Helen Keller became blind and deaf at the age of 19 months, as the result of an illness. Her education was a triumph of patience and skill on the part of her teacher, Anne M. Sullivan, and a demonstration of the great possibilities in the teaching of the blind-deaf. Keller studied French, German, Latin, Greek, arithmetic, algebra, geometry, history, poetry, and literature. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Deaf-Mute Education |