An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16077 entries, 14165 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: March 4, 2025

Browse by Entry Number 11500–11599

99 entries
  • 11500

Early modern zoology: The construction of animals in science, literature and the visual arts. Edited by Karl A. E. Enenkel and Paul J. Smith.

Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2007.

Subjects: NATURAL HISTORY › History of Natural History, ZOOLOGY › History of Zoology
  • 11501

Zoology in early modern culture: Intersections of science, theology, philology, and political and religious education. Edited by Karl A. E. Enenkel and Paul J. Smith.

Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2014.

Subjects: NATURAL HISTORY › History of Natural History, RELIGION & Medicine & the Life Sciences, ZOOLOGY › History of Zoology
  • 11502

Hominidae fossiles. Edited by W. Quenstedt.

s'Gravenhage, Netherlands: W. Junk, 1936.

Fossilium catalogus, I: Animalia (ed. W. Quenstedt), part 74. “This volume has been prepared under the critical editorship of Dr. Werner Quenstedt, as a work in cooperation with the Cenozoic Research Laboratory of the National Geological Survey of China” (p. 3).

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Specific Subjects, EVOLUTION › Human Origins / Human Evolution › History of
  • 11503

Jean Fernel's On the hidden causes of things: Forms, souls and occult diseases in Renaissance medicine.

Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2004.

Subjects: Renaissance Medicine, Renaissance Medicine › History of Renaissance Medicine
  • 11504

Lettres sur la certitude des signes de la mort où l'on rassure les citoyens de la crainte d'être enterrés vivans ; avec des observations et des expériences sur les noyés.

Paris: Michel Lambert, 1752.

In this work in the pathophysiology of drowning, resuscitation and the legal diagnosis of death Louis sought to reassure the public that the risk of being buried alive was very low. He rejected a proposal for late burials (three days after the diagnosis of death) because of the risk of infection. He claimed that flaccid and soft character of the eyes is a characteristic, unmistakable sign of death, and that this occurred "in a few hours".  Louis also carried out many experiments to explain the mechanism of drowning. He demonstrated for the first time that water is introduced into the bronchi, and not into the stomach, during drownings. He also studied methods of resuscitation and warned of the dangers of pouring spirits into the mouth of an unconscious drowned person. At the end of his book Louis republished Winslow's thesis (No. 11407) on the uncertainty of the signs of death, with its French translation on the opposite pages.

Digital facsimile from BnF Gallica at this link.

Subjects: DEATH & DYING › Legal Death, Resuscitation
  • 11505

Le iardin, et cabinet poetique de Paul Contant, apoticaire de Poictiers.

Poitiers: [Privately Printed], 1609.

Written in verse, this is the first catalogue of a private botanical garden published in France, and the first book that could be called a French catalogue of a natural history museum.

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: BOTANY › Botanical Gardens, MUSEUMS › Natural History Museums / Wunderkammern
  • 11506

English manuscripts of Francis Glisson (1): from Anatomia hepatis (The anatomy of the liver), 1654. Cambridge Wellcome Texts and Documents, no. 3. Edited by Andrew Cunningham.

Cambridge, England: Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine, 1994.

Publishes for the first time the surviving partial English text of Glisson's book on the liver, and of the work's postscript on the lymphatic system. Glisson wrote in English, but his text was translated into Latin for publication by George Ent, with the expectation that it would receive a wider international readership in Latin than in English. The editor added explanatory notes.

Subjects: HEPATOLOGY › Hepatic Anatomy, Spleen: Lymphatics
  • 11507

Pioneers of cardiology in Canada 1820-1970.

Willowdale, Canada: Hounslow Press, 1988.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › History of Cardiology, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Canada
  • 11508

The last days of the Emperor Napoleon by Doctor F. Antommarchi, his physician. 2 vols.

London: Henry Colburn, 1825.

An account of Napoleon's final illness and the medical care that Napoleon received while emprisoned on the island of Saint Helena, by his physician. English and French language versions of this work were published in 1825. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: BIOGRAPHY (Reference Works) › Biographies of Individuals, MILITARY MEDICINE, SURGERY & HYGIENE › Napoleon's Campaigns & Wars
  • 11509

William Withering and the Foxglove: A bicentennial selection of letters from the Osler bequest to the Royal Society of Medicine, together with a transcription of 'An Account of the Foxglove' and an introductory essay. Edited by Ronald D. Mann.

Boston: Springer, 1985.

Details William Osler's acquisition of the letters and his donation of them to the Royal Society of Medicine.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY, PHARMACOLOGY › History of Pharmacology & Pharmaceuticals
  • 11510

Die kunstmatige Nier.

Kampen, Netherlands: Kok, 1946.

Kolff's first book on the artificial kidney. This was his doctoral dissertation. There were two versions published. The first was designated Proefschrift and credited Kolff as Willem Johan Kolff on the title page. It indicated on the title page that Kolff defended the dissertation on January 16, 1946. Laid in was a printing of Kolff's "Stellingen" (theses). The imprint of this edition read Drukkerij J. H. Kok N.V. Te Kampen [without a date.] The other edition, published for commercial circulation, designated Kolff as Dr. W. J. Kolff on the title page and printed wrapper. Its imprint read Uitgaave J. H. Kok N.V.  Kampen- 1946. It did not include the sheet of "Stellingen."

Kolff translated the work into English as New ways of treating uraemia. The artificial kidney...London: Churchill, 1947.

Subjects: NEPHROLOGY › Renal Disease › Dialysis
  • 11511

Development of an artificial kidney: Experimental and clinical experiences.

Arch. Surg., 55, 505-522, 1947.

".... a significant contribution to renal therapies was made by Canadian surgeon Gordon Murray with the assistance of two doctors, an undergraduate chemistry student, and research staff. Murray's work was conducted simultaneously and independently from that of Kolff. Murray's work led to the first successful artificial kidney built in North America in 1945–46, which was successfully used to treat a 26-year-old woman out of a uraemic coma in Toronto. The less-crude, more compact, second-generation "Murray-Roschlau" dialyser was invented in 1952–53, whose designs were stolen by German immigrant Erwin Halstrup, and passed off as his own (the "Halstrup–Baumann artificial kidney").[26] (Wikipedia article on hemodialysis, accessed 1-2020)

With Edmund Delorme and Newell Thomas.

Subjects: NEPHROLOGY › Renal Disease › Dialysis
  • 11512

Technological medicine: The changing world of doctors and patients.

Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › History of Biomedical Instrumentation
  • 11513

Banking on the body: The market in blood, milk, and sperm in modern America.

Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2014.

Subjects: OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY › GYNECOLOGY › Infertility, THERAPEUTICS › Blood Transfusion › History of Blood Transfusion
  • 11515

Metallotheca opus posthumum, auctoritate, & munificentia Clementis undecimi pontificis maximi e tenebris in lucem eductum; opera autem, & studio Ioannis Mariae Lancisii archiatri pontificii illustratum.

Rome: ex officina Joannis Mariae Salvioni Romani in Archigymnasio Sapientiae, 1717.

In 1717 papal physician Giovanni Maria Lancisi published the catalogue of the Vatican "armaria" series housing the natural history museum collected by one of his predecessors at the Vatican, the 16th century papal physician Michele Mercati. The collection included Mercati's fossils, marbles, ores, shells, earth samples, salts, alums, gums and resins. Though it was published more than a century after Mercati's death, the Metallotheca remains the record of one of the earliest 16th century natural history museums. With papal sponsorship the work was published in a luxurious manner.

"Mercati collected curious objects - fossils, minerals and so on - as well as 'ceraunia' or 'thunderstones'. Mercati was particularly interested in Ceraunia cuneata, "wedge-shaped thunderstones," which seemed to him to be most like axes and arrowheads, which he now called ceraunia vulgaris, "folk thunderstones," distinguishing his view from the popular one.[1] Mercati examined the surfaces of the ceraunia and noted that the stones were of flint and that they had been chipped all over by another stone. By their shapes, Mercati deduced that the stones were intended to be hafted. He then showed the similarities between the 'ceraunia' and artifacts from the New World that explorers had identified as implements or weapons.[2]

"Mercati posited that these stone tools must have been used when metal was unknown and cited Biblical passages to prove that in Biblical times stone was the first material used. He also revived the Three-age system of Lucretius, which described a succession of periods based on the use of stone (and wood), bronze and iron respectively" (Wikipedia article on Michele Mercati, accessed 1-2020).

Subjects: EVOLUTION › Human Origins / Human Evolution, MUSEUMS › Natural History Museums / Wunderkammern
  • 11516

A bibliography of two Oxford physiologists: Richard Lower 1631-1691, John Mayow 1643-1679. By John F. Fulton.

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1935.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Individual Authors, PHYSIOLOGY › History of Physiology
  • 11517

Bibliography of John Farquhar Fulton.

J. Hist. Med., 17, 51-71, 1962.

An augmented version of this bibliography is available from at this link.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Individual Authors
  • 11518

The library of Dr. John Webster: The making of a seventeenth century radical. Medical History supplement no. 6. Edited by Peter Elmer.

London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1986.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Catalogues of Physicians' / Scientists' Libraries
  • 11519

The miraculous conformist: Valentine Greatrakes, the body politic, and the politics of healing in restoration Britain.

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.

Subjects: POLICY, HEALTH, PSYCHIATRY › History of Psychiatry
  • 11520

Natural and statistical view, or picture of Cincinnati and the Miami country, illustrated by maps: With an appendix, containing observations on the late earthquakes, the aurora borealis, and south-west wind.

Printed by Looker and Wallace, 1815.

Modeled on Thomas Jefferson's Notes on the State of Virginia, this work covered the geography, antiquities, topography, medical conditions and goverment of Ohio.

Digital facsimile from at this link.

  • 11521

Recherches sur la composition du sang dans l’état de santé et dans l’état de maladie.

Paris: Fortin, Masson & Cie, 1844.

Becquerel and Rodier analyzed the blood components present in various diseases including typhoid fever, tuberculosis, Bright’s disease, anemia, heart disease and syphilis, as well as in pregnancy and childbirth. Their statistical analyses of blood’s iron, fibrin and ash content were still being referred well into the 20th century.

  • 11522

Topografía médica de la isla de Cuba.

Havana: Encuadernacion del Tiempo, 1855.

Digital facsimile from the U.S. National Library of Medicine at this link.

Subjects: Biogeography, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Cuba
  • 11523

The medical works of Richard Mead.

London: Hitch & Hawes, 1762.

Subjects: Collected Works: Opera Omnia, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, TOXICOLOGY
  • 11524

A bibliography of Dr. Thomas Sydenham (1624-1689) by Geoffrey Guy Meynell.

Folkestone, Kent, England: Winterdown Books, 1990.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Individual Authors
  • 11525

Histoire naturelle du Sénégal. Coquillages. Avec la relation abrégée d'un voyage fait en ce pays, pendant les années 1749, 50, 51, 52 & 53.

Paris: Jean-Baptiste Bauche, 1757.

Adanson's voyage and explorations in Senegal, including the Island of Goree and the River Senegal. The second part is a general survey of the living mollusks he found in Senegal. His classification of mollusks was original, based on the anatomical structure of the living animals inside the shells. Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link. Translated into English as A voyage to Senegal, the Isle of Goree, and the river Gambia...Translated from the French. With notes by an Englishy gentleman, who reside some time in that country. (London, 1759). Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Senegal, VOYAGES & Travels by Physicians, Surgeons & Scientists › History of Voyages & Travels by Physicians...., ZOOLOGY › Malacology
  • 11526

Descriptiones animalium quae in itinere ad Maris Australis Terras per annos 1772, 1773 et 1774 suscepto. By Johann Reinhold Forster. Edited by Hinrich Lichtenstein.

Berlin: Officina Academica, 1844.

Forster was the naturalist on James Cook's second Pacific voyage, during which he was accompanied by his son Georg. 

His Descriptiones animalium was completed within a month of returning to England with Cook, but remained unpublished until it was  edited by Hinrich Lichtenstein and published in 1844. It contains some very detailed descriptions of the Cape animals, Promontorium Bonae Spei (pp. 362–410), also a listing of the animals of Madeira and Ascension.

"From a scientific point of view, Forster’s most important work would have been the Descriptiones animalium - but these were only rediscovered and published in 1844 by Hinrich Lichtenstein (1780–1857), the director of the Berlin Natural History Museum. The Descriptiones were a zoological survey and description of the animal species discovered on the world voyage with Cook. In the manuscript, Forster had ordered the animals according to their geographical origin, and described them using the Linnaean method. As the manuscript remained unpublished during his lifetime, Forster could not reap the fruits of his labor and even had to watch other naturalists such as Johann Friedrich Gmelin and John Latham claim the first descriptions of animals he had actually already recorded“ (Mariss, Johann Reinhold Forster and the making of Natural History of Cook’s Second voyage …. 2019, 25).

Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Subjects: VOYAGES & Travels by Physicians, Surgeons & Scientists, ZOOLOGY
  • 11527

A biographical history of medicine: Excerpts and essays on the men and their work.

New York: Grune & Stratton, 1970.

Subjects: BIOGRAPHY (Reference Works), History of Medicine: General Works
  • 11528

Johann Reinhold Forster and the making of natural history on Cook's Second Voyage, 1772–1775. By Anne Mariss.

Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2019.

Subjects: NATURAL HISTORY › History of Natural History, VOYAGES & Travels by Physicians, Surgeons & Scientists › History of Voyages & Travels by Physicians....
  • 11529

An equal burden: The men of the Royal Army Medical Corps in the First World War.

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.

  • 11530

A history of epidemiologic methods and concepts. Edited by Alfredo Morabia.

New York: Springer, 2004.

Subjects: EPIDEMIOLOGY › History of Epidemiology
  • 11531

Exploring the heart: Discoveries in heart disease and high blood pressure.

New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1983.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › History of Cardiology
  • 11532

A history of medicine.

New York: Marcel Dekker, 1992.

Third edition with Oliver J. Kim, Baton Rouge, FL: CRC Press, 2018.

Subjects: History of Medicine: General Works
  • 11533

Medical thermometry--a short history.

West. J. Med., 142, 108-116, 1985.

Available from PubMedCentral at this link.

Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › History of Biomedical Instrumentation, INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Thermometer
  • 11534

The first American edition, An abridgement of the practice of midwifery: and a set of anatomical tables.

Boston: J. Norman, 1786.

An abridgement of Smellie's obstetrical writings, with plates engraved by the editor and publisher, John Norman, was the first medical book with engraved illustrations published in North America, and also the first book on obstetrics published in the United States. Digital facsimile of the 1786 edition from Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Forceps, Illustration, Medical, OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY › OBSTETRICS
  • 11535

The Kallikak family: A study in the heredity of feeble-mindedness.

New York: Macmillan, 1912.

When this book was published Goddard was Director of the Research Laboratory of the Training School at Vineland, New Jersey, for Feeble-minded Girls and Boys. Though this work drew wide attention to the problems of people with intellectual disability, the author later rejected the scientific methodology and the conclusions that he had used in this work. Later students of the data that Goddard used criticised Goddard for distorting the data to reflect his personal bias. Full text is available from at this link.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › Eugenics, NEUROLOGY › Neurodevelopmental Disorders › Mental Retardation, PSYCHOLOGY
  • 11536

A manual of nursing prepared for the Training School for Nurses attached to Bellevue Hospital. [Compiled and edited by Dr. Victoria White.]

New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1878.

The Training School for Nurses attached to Bellevue Hospital opened in 1873, the first school in United States run according to Florence Nightingale's nursing principles. Among other things, these principles called for strict rules of hygiene and cleanliness, as well as having a staff of trained nurses supervised by a woman who would be in charge of nursing services in the hospital. This was the first formal nursing textbook issued by a U.S. nursing school. The compiler appears to have been a female physician rather than a nurse. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

  • 11537

A text-book of nursing for the use of training schools, families, and private students. Compiled by Clara S. Weeks-Shaw.

New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1885.

This was the first textbook on nursing formally written by a nurse credited on the title page. Digital facsimile of the second edition (1899) from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: NURSING
  • 11538

A hand-book of nursing for family and general use. Published under the direction of the Connecticut Training-School for Nurses, State Hospital, New Haven, Connecticut.

Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1878.

The Connecticut Training-School for Nurses opened in 1873, and the first edition of this manual was copyright 1878, the same year as the Bellevue manual. However, it is believed that the first copies of this work were issued in 1879. Digital facsimile of the 1890 printing of the first edition from Google Books at this link.

  • 11539

The laboratory revolution in medicine. Edited by Andrew Cunningham and Perry Williams.

Cambridge, England, 1992.

Laboratory medicine developed in the nineteenth century, principally in Germany, France, Britain, and the United States. While a number of scholars have studied various aspects of laboratory medicine in the nineteenth century, no attempts have hitherto been made to synthesise such work and to present a view of the whole subject. 

Subjects: Laboratory Medicine
  • 11540

Histoire médicale générale et particulière des maladies épidémiques, contagieuses et épizootiques qui ont régné en Europe depuis les temps les plus reculés, et notamment depuis le XIVe siècle jusqu’à nos jours. 2 vols.

Lyon: chez l'Auteur, 18171818.

The history of epidemics and epizootics in Europe since the 14th century. Digital facsimile of the first edition from Google Books at this link. Greatly revised, corrected and augmented second edition, Paris & Lyon, 1835. Digital facsimile of the 2nd edition from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: EPIDEMIOLOGY, EPIDEMIOLOGY › History of Epidemiology
  • 11541

Traité des maladies des pays chauds: Région prétropicale.

Paris: J.-B. Baillière, 1889.

Subjects: TROPICAL Medicine
  • 11542

La médecine coloniale: Mythe et réalités.

Paris: Seghers, 1988.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Africa, TROPICAL Medicine › History of Tropical Medicine
  • 11543

Cardiovascular sound in health and disease. Being a comprehensive treatise, introduced by a historical survey, illustrated mainly by sound spectrograms (spectral phonocardiograms) and supplemented by an extensive bibliography. With a section on respiratory sound.

Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins, 1958.

Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › History of Cardiology, CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Auscultation and Physical Diagnosis
  • 11544

History of cognitive neuroscience.

Chichester, West Sussex, England: Wiley-Blackwell, 2008.

Subjects: NEUROSCIENCE, NEUROSCIENCE › Cognitive Neuroscience
  • 11545

On the use of the ophthalmoscope in diseases of the nervous system and of the kidneys; also in certain other general disorders.

London & New York: Macmillan & Co., 1871.

One of the earliest works on the wider appications of the ophthalmoscope. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Ophthalmoscope
  • 11546

Recherches sur l'introduction accidentelle de l'air dans les veines, et particulièrement sur cette question: L'air en s'Introduisant spontanément par une veine blessée pendant une opération chirurgicale, peut-il causer subitement la mort?

Paris: Germer Baillière, 1839.

Amussat was one of the first to draw attention to the risks of the introduction of venous air embolism in surgery. Before the introduction of anesthesia surgery was particularly rapid by necessity, and veins were often opened in the rush to complete operations.

Digital facsimile from BnF Gallica at this link.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Thrombosis / Embolism
  • 11547

Surgery of the heart.

Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1955.

This 1062-page volume was the first textbook of modern cardiovascular surgery.

  • 11548

The foetal circulation and cardiovascular system, and the changes that they undergo at birth.

Oxford: Blackwell's Scientific Publications, 1944.

The authors describe the first direct recording of the blood flow in an intact fetus, a fetal lamb. The authors performed this experiment cooperation with Sir Joseph Bancroft and Dr. D. H. Barron.

  • 11549

Notes of M. Bernard's lectures on the blood; with an appendix by Walter F. Atlee.

Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1854.

This record of Bernard's actual lectures contains the first published description of Bernard's technique of right and left heart cathererization, a technique that Bernard invented. The appendix includes notes of lectures by Charles Robin. Digital facsimile from the U.S. National Library of Medicine at this link.

Bernard published a detailed account of the procedure in "Recherches experimentales sur la temperature animale," Comptes rendus Acad. Sci, 43, 551-569. He undertook the proceedure in an attempt to study the difference in temperature between the two circulations.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Interventional Cardiology › Cardiac Catheterization, PHYSIOLOGY
  • 11550

Surgery of the vascular system.

Philadelphia, 1913.

Bernheim was a pupil of William Halsted. His work includes 53 illustrations by James Didusch, a protegé of Max Broedel. "The depict the innovative vascular procedures developed by Carrel, halsted, Matas, and Bernheim including end-to-end and side-to-side vascular anastomoses as well as transplanation of segments of vein and arteriovenous anastomosis. There is an extensive section devoted to the treatment of aneurisms. Bernheim's innovative procedures represent the beginning of clinical arterial reconstruction in the United States" (W. Bruce Fye).

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

  • 11551

Hydrodynamics and hydraulics by Daniel Bernoulli and Johann Bernoulli. Translated by Thomas Carmody and Helmut Kobus.

New York: Dover Publications, 1968.

Daniel Bernoulli’s Hydrodynamica, published in 1738, marks the first appearance of many topics central to modern science - from the kinetic theory of gases to the principles of jet propulsion. John Bernoulli’s Hydraulica, published in 1743, supplements his son’s book and deals primary with hydraulics. The principles developed in these works represent the beginnings of hemodynamics.

  • 11552

The Medical Department of the United States Army in the Civil War.

Washington, DC, circa 1911 – circa 1916.

"The chapters comprising the volume appeared originally as separate articles in the 'Military surgeon.' Upon their compilation a limited number of copies of reprints were obtained by this office and bound together for the use of the Medical corps of the army. The work was never published as a book."--Letter from the Office of the surgeon general, Oct. 19, 1916.
Appended, "Seaman prize essay. The comparative mortality of disease and battle casualties in the historic wars of the world, by Captain Louis C. Duncan, Medical corps." (37 p. incl. diagrs.)

Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: American (U.S.) CIVIL WAR MEDICINE › History of U.S. Civil War Medicine
  • 11553

Corpuscles: Atlas of red blood cell shapes.

New York: Springer, 1974.

A spectacular oversize atlas reproducing 121 photographs of erythrocytes as visualized with a scanning electron microscope. The first edition was published in English, followed by an edition in French in 1976.

  • 11554

The papers of Alfred Blalock. Edited by Mark Ravitch. 2 vols.

Baltimore, MD, 1966.

This massive (2026-page) work includes a biographical study of Blalock, his complete bibliography, and biographical sketches of co-authors of Blalock's publications.

Subjects: CARDIOVASCULAR (Cardiac) SURGERY, Collected Works: Opera Omnia, Pediatric Surgery
  • 11555

Mechanisierung des Herzen: Harvey und Descartes- Der Vitale und der mechanische Aspekt des Kreislaufs.

Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag KG, 1992.

Translated into English by Marjorie Grene as The mechanization of the heart: Harvey and Descartes. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2001.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › History of Cardiology, PHYSIOLOGY › History of Physiology
  • 11556

Nouvelles recherches sur le rhumatisme articulaire en général, et spécialement sur la loi de coincidence de la péricardite et de l'endocardite avec cette maladie, ainsi que sur l'efficacité de la formule des émissions sanguines coup sur coup dans son traitement.

Paris: J.-B. Baillière, 1836.

"In this volume he [Bouillaud] irrevocably established the etiologic relationship between rheumatic fever and heart disease. Early reports on this relationship had been contributed by Pitcairn, Jenner, and Wells, but Bouillaud's exposition was more authoritative, comprehensive and accurate than theirs" (Willius & Dry, 125).

The merit of Bouillaud's clinical observations was somewhat vitiated by his method of cure: repeated bloodletting at short intervals.

Translated into English by James Kitchen as New researches on acute articular rheumatism in general; and especially on the law of coincidence of pericarditis and endocarditis with this disease, as well as on the efficacy of the method of treating it by repeated bloodletting at short intervals. Philadelphia: Haswell, Barrington, and Haswell, 1837.

Digital facsimile of the 1836 edition from Google Books at this link, of the 1837 edition from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Rheumatic Heart Disease, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Rheumatic Fever, THERAPEUTICS › Bloodletting
  • 11557

Of the reconcileableness of specifick medicines to the corpuscular philosophy to which is annexed a discourse about the advantages of the use of simple medicines.

London: Printed for Sam. Smith, 1685.

In this work on drug action or pharmacodynamics Boyle argued that remedies composed of only one or two ingredients were preferable to more complex drugs for two reasons. First, because the patient would experience fewer side effects, and second because the physician could more readily verify the effects of a specific drug upon his patient.

Digital text from Early English Books Online at this link.

Subjects: PHARMACOLOGY › Pharmacodynamics
  • 11558

On the disorders of the cerebral circulation; and on the connection between affections of the brain and diseases of the heart.

London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1846.

"Burrows was the first to indicate that the effects of cerebral anemia could be produced not only by obvious anemia itself, but also from a fall in blood pressure. He carried out some of the earliest studies of the physiology of the cerebral circulation" (Fields & Lemak, A history of stroke [1989]18).

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY, NEUROLOGY › Neurovascular Disorders, Neurophysiology
  • 11559

Case teaching in medicine: A series of graduated exercises in the differential diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of actual cases of disease.

Boston: D. C. Heath and Company, 1906.

"The first comprehensive description of the 'Cabot case' style of medical teaching that evolved into the classic clinicopathological case (CPC) mode. Cabot had a special interest in heart disease and was a pioneer of the concept of specialty clinics" (W. Bruce Fye). The book is designed so that each case appears in a single page opening on the left page with the right page blank for students to write their diagnoses.

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

  • 11560

Digital recording of electrocardiographic data for analysis by a digital computer.

IRE Trans. Med. Elect., ME-6, 167-171, 1959.

This is probably the earliest paper on the use of computers to analyze electrocardiograms.

The abstract:

"A corrected orthogonal 3-lead system has been used to record electrocardiograms directly from patients at Veterans Hospitals, using three FM channels of magnetic tape. A pilot facility has been designed and assembled by NBS to permit a medical technician to inspect these on an oscilloscope and select a significant cardiac cycle. This is automatically sampled at millisecond intervals and the numerical values are stored in digital form on magnetic tape acceptable to an electronic computer. Upon writing various programs for the digital computer, the cardiac researcher will have a flexible tool for objective analysis of large quantities of biological data by a variety of possible criteria."

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Electrocardiography, COMPUTING/MATHEMATICS in Medicine & Biology
  • 11561

Sketch of the history & progress of district nursing, from its commencement in the year 1859 to the present date, including the foundation by the "Queen Victoria Jubilee Institute" for nursing the poor in their own home. By William Rathbone VI. Introduction by Florence Nightingale.

London: Macmillan & Co., 1890.

Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: NURSING, NURSING › History of Nursing
  • 11562

Organization of nursing: An account of the Liverpool Nurses' Training School, its foundation, progress, and operation in hospital, district, and private nursing by a member of the Committee of the Home & Training School. With an introduction, and notes, by Florence Nightingale.

Liverpool: A. Holden, 1865.

The Liverpool Training School and Home for Nurses was established in 1865, from which a district nursing system was implemented in Liverpool through the 1860s. This system eventually spread throughout England.

Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: NURSING
  • 11563

Uniterminal and biterminal venous transplantations.

Surg. Gynec. Obstet., 2, 266-286, 1906.
"The possibility of transforming a vein into an artery, from a functional point of view, naturally arouses the idea of substituting veins for arteries when the latter are rendered useless by some pathological processes." This paper anticipated the use of vein grafts to restore circulation in damaged arteries to the heart, the so-called coronary artery bypass graft. 



  • 11564

Clinical electrocardiography and computers.

New York: Academic Press, 1970.

"The definitive text of the emerging field of computerized electrocardiography" (W. Bruce Fye).

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Electrocardiography, COMPUTING/MATHEMATICS in Medicine & Biology
  • 11565

Removal of a needle from the heart. Recovery of the patient.

Med. chir. Trans., 88, 203-212, 1873.

"The first occasion on which a surgeon deliberately operated on an injured heart was in October 1872. This followed a brawl in a public house in East London, after which a 31-year-old man could not find a needle he usually kept in the left side of his coat. The next day he attended St. Bartholomew's Hospital, but the need was not found. Nine days later, pain and discomfort persisted, and on return to St. Bartholomew's he was admitted. The surgeon, George Callender, explored the area of discomfort and made an incision between the ribs. He eventually located the needle, which was embedded in the myocardium close to the apex. The needle was removed and the patient made an uneventful recovery" (Westaby and Bosher, Landmarks in cardiac surgery, 14).

  • 11566

Self-adjusting stethoscope of Dr. Cammann.

New York Medical Times, 4, 142, 1855.

The American physician George P. Cammann invented the binaural flexible stethoscope. By 1852 Cammann "had developed a stethoscope with flexible tubing (spirals of wire covered with silk, later rubber, or as he called it caoutchouc), ivory ear-pieces, and spring cross piece to hold the ear-pieces in place. The formal announcement of the stethoscope appeared in 1855" (McKusick, Cardiovascular sound in health and disease [1958] 13).

Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Stethoscope, PHYSICAL DIAGNOSIS › Auscultation
  • 11567

Traumatic shock.

New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1923.

"In the fall of 1916, before the United States entered World War I, the National Research Council named Cannon a member of a committee on traumatic shock. Later he joined the Harvard University Hospital Unit. On his way to France in May 1917, he stopped in London and arranged with Fletcher, first secretary of the Medical Research Committee, to join the group of physicians and surgeons of the British Expeditionary Forces who were dealing with shock cases at the Casualty Clearing Station at Béthune. . . . Initially Cannon and his associates in the field concentrated their therapeutic efforts on treating the acidosis that accompanies shock. Later they recognized that the acidosis was merely a secondary phenomenon, the result of the inadequacy of tissue perfusion. In 1923 Cannon summarized his wartime experience in Traumatic Shock" (Dictionary of Scientific Biography).

  • 11568

La angio-cardiografía radio-opaca.

Arch. Soc. Est. Clin. (Havana), 31, 523 , 1937.

Intravenous angiocardiography. This was the first publication that dealt with the normal cardiac structure and the changes seen in ventricular septal defect and pulmonary stenosis.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Congenital Heart Defects, CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Arteriography / Angiography, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Cuba
  • 11569

Development of angiography and cardiovascular catheterization. Foreward by Herbert Abrams.

Littleton, MA: Publishing Sciences Group, Inc., 1976.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › History of Cardiology
  • 11570

The factor of infection in the rheumatic state.

Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins, 1931.

Coburn demonstated that streptococcus is the infective agent in rheumatic fever that can lead to rheumatic heart disease.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Rheumatic Heart Disease, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Rheumatic Fever
  • 11571

The burden of diseases in the United States. 2 vols. (text + portfolio of color charts).

New York: Oxford University Press, 1950.

In this very attractively produced publication the authors called attention to the decreasing trend of death rates from infectious diseases and the increasing trend of death from chronic diseases such as cancer, cephritis, intracranial lesions of vascular origin, etc.

  • 11572

The clinical study of blood-pressure. A guide to the use of the sphygmomanometer in medical, surgical and obstetrical practice, with a summary of the experimental and clinical facts relating to the blood-pressure in health and disease.

New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1904.

The earliest American monograph on hypertension and its detection. Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Sphygmomanometer
  • 11573

Some experimental and clinical observations concerning states of increased intracranial tension.

Am. J. med. Sci., 124, 375-400, 1902.

According to Theodore Janeway (No. 11572), Cushing was the first to recommend routine measurement of blood pressure during surgery using the Riva Rocci sphygmomanometer.(See No. 2804). Cushing visited Riva Rocci at Pavia in 1901, made drawings, and was given an example of the device. Along with George Crile, Cushing played a major role in popularizing Riva Rocci's mercury sphygmomanometer. In this paper Cushing wrote, "For the proper estimation of gradual alterations in arterial pressure in clinical cases reliance should not be placed alone on the palpating finger any more than the hand should be depended upon for the determination of a patient's temperature."

Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Sphygmomanometer, NEUROSURGERY
  • 11574

Methodik der physiologischen experimente und vivisectionen. 2 vols.

Giessen: J. Ricker & St. Petersburg, Russia: Carl Ricker, 1876.

"This textbook and its remarkable atlas [of 54 plates] was used by Europe's leading physiologists as they expanded animal experimentation in an attempt to understand human function in health and disease" (W. Bruce Fye).

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: Medicine: General Works › Experimental Design › Vivisection / Antivivisection, PHYSIOLOGY
  • 11575

Differential diagnoses: A comparative history of health care problems and solutions in the United States and France.

Ithaca, NY: ILR Press, 2007.

Subjects: ECONOMICS, BIOMEDICAL › History of Biomedical Economics, PUBLIC HEALTH › History of Public Health
  • 11576

Storia di un monocolo con alcune riflessioni.

Bologna: Per le stampe di S. Tommaso, 1793.

A rather elegantly produced and illustrated medical monograph on a cyclops, with plates printed in sepia. Engraved headpieces allude to monsters from classical mythology  Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

  • 11577

Cardiovascular surgery: Studies in physiology, diagnosis and techniques. Proceedings of the symposium held at Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Michigan, March, 1955. Edited by Conrad R. Lam.

Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1955.

This symposium was a foundational work in the history of cardiovascular surgery. It included contributions by most of the pioneers of the closed and open-heart procedures that revolutionaized the care of children and adults with cardiovascular disease.

  • 11578

Medical diagnosis with special reference to practical medicine: A guide to the knowledge and discrimination of diseases.

Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1864.

During the Civil War Da Costa was an acting surgeon in Philadelphia where he supervised a ward for patients with heart disease. In this book he presented the first description of a condition that he called "irritable heart." This was later termed "Da Costa's syndrome."

Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

  • 11579

The Framingham Study: The epidemiology of atherosclerotic disease.

Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1980.

"The twenty-four year Framingham Study is a landmark in epidemiological investigation. Largely as a result of this study of the life habits and health of almost 6,000 men and women, atherosclerosis is no longer viewed as an inevitable result of the aging process, but rather a disease that may well be prevented or delayed if specific risk factors can be identified and controlled.

"Framingham project director Thomas Dawber now brings together in one comprehensive yet concise report the history of the study, from the development of hypotheses, to the selection of the population sample, to an examination of the methodological problems encountered in longitudinal research. Dr. Dawber’s presentation of the findings demonstrates the basis for current recommendations for decreasing blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, reducing weight, monitoring fat intake in diabetics, increasing physical activity, and discontinuing cigarette smoking" (publisher).

  • 11580

Herz und Sport: klinische Untersuchungen über die Einwirkung des Sportes auf das Herz.

Berlin: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1924.

This pioneering study on the effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system was translated into English by Louis M. Warfield as Herz und Sport. Heart and athletics. London: Henry Kimpton, 1927. Digital facsimile of the 1924 edition from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY, Sports Medicine
  • 11581

Two treatises in the one of which the nature of bodies, in the other, the nature of mans soule is looked into in way of discovery of the immortality of reasonable soules.

Paris: Printed by Gilles Blaizot, 1644.

"Digby's Two Treatises was intended to prove the immortality of the rational soul and its distinction from the material body, a dualistic view shared by many of his contemporaries. the work is noteworthy on several counts: it contains the first fully developed atomistic system of the seventeenth century, the first important defense in English of Harvey's theory of the circulation, imporant discussions of reflex action and embryological development, and account of the first patch test for allergy, the fullest early account in English of teaching the deaf to lip read, and material on behavioral conditioning that anticipates the work of Pavlov. Digby's introduction of Gassendian and Cartesian atomism into England provided Boyle and Newton with the foundation for their achievements in chemistry and physics" (Norman Library, 639).

Digital text from Early English Books Online at this link.

  • 11582

Kenelm Digby's Two Treatises, edited with an introduction by Paul. S. MacDonald.

Lexington, KY: The Gresham Press, 2013.

  • 11583

Lectures on the germs and vestiges of disease, and on the prevention of the invasion and fatality of disease by periodical examinations.

London: John Churchill, 1861.

Dobell was the first physician to propose periodic health examinations. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

  • 11584

Notes on the coronary arteries.

Med. Surg. Reporter (Philad.), 75, 1-6, 1896.

Dock recorded one of the earliest diagnoses of myocardial infaction in a living patient: "The diagnosis was mymalacia folling coronary sclerosis with secondary pericarditis. This was based on the history of increasing dyspnea and heart pain, without evidence of disease in lungs or kidneys, or other (valvular) diseases of the heart. the history of the acute attack indicating infaction, and the acute onset of pericarditis without other cause." As historian Joshua Leibowitz commented, "this concise diagnosis, logically derived, formulated in scientific terms, and made at the bedside, is one of the first clear-cut and definitive modern contributions to our subject [the history of coronary heart disease]" (quoted by W. Bruce Fye).

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Coronary Artery Disease › Myocardial Infarction
  • 11585

Doctor Dock: Teaching and learning medicine at the turn of the century. By Horace Davenport.

New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1987.

"From 1899 to 1900 fourth year medical students at the University of Michigan doing their medicine and surgery rotations attended a diagnostic clinic twice a week with George Dock, A.M., M.D., professor of theory and practice of clinical medicine. Dr. Dock had a secretary make a shorthand record of everything that was said at these clinics by Dock himself, the patients, and the students.

The clinics and recording of the interactions continued until the summer of 1908 when Dr. Dock left Michigan for a position at Tulane. The typed transcripts of these sessions fill 6,800 pages. This book is Davenport's distillation and, on occasion, clarification of these documents. In these transcriptions resides not only a view of the practice of academic medicine at the turn of the 20th century, but also a glimpse at one clinician's interpretation of clinical material in his own time" (publisher).

Subjects: BIOGRAPHY (Reference Works) › Biographies of Individuals, Education, Biomedical, & Biomedical Profession › History of Biomedical Education & Medical Profession
  • 11586

An atlas of acquired diseases of the heart and great vessels. 3 vols.

Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1961.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Cardiovascular Pathology
  • 11587

Congenital heart disease: Correlation of pathologic anatomy and angiography. 2 vols.

Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1965.

With Lewis Carey and Richard Lester.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Cardiovascular Pathology, CARDIOLOGY › Congenital Heart Defects
  • 11588

De flagrorum usu in re veneria et lumborum renumque officio, epistola.

Leiden, 1639.

According to Havelock Ellis, Studies in the psychology of sex (1913) this is the earliest published work on flogging in "medicine" and for sexual gratification, giving accounts of a number of examples. "David Savran declared it was the authoritative text on the subject for two hundred years. In it the author, among other things, “rejoice[s]” to know that when someone doing flogging for sexual gratification was found in Germany, they would be burned alive[2](Wikipedia article De Usu Flagrorum, accessed 2-2020). Typically the title of the first edition is incorrectly cited, and the earliest edition of which I have found a digital facsimile is the second edition (Leiden, 1639) from Google Books.

There were numerous editions in Latin. The scholarly physician Thomas Bartholin issued an edition: De usu flagrorum In re medica & veneria, lumborumque & renum officio. Frankfurt: Ex Bibliopolio Hafniensi, 1670. The work was translated into English and published by Edmund Curll as A treatise of the use of flogging in venerial affairs: also of the office of the loins and reins  by John Henry Meibomius; made English from the Latin original by a physician. To which is added A Treatise of Hermaphrodites (by Giles Jacob). London, 1718. This translation was reprinted in 1761 as A treatise of the use of flogging in venereal affairs: also of the office of the loins and reins: Written to the famous Christianus Cassius, Bishop of Lubeck, and Privy-Councellor to the Duke of Holstein. Digital facsimile of the 1761 edition from the U.S. National Library of Medicine at this link.

Subjects: SEXUALITY / Sexology › BDSM (Bondage, Discipline Sadomasochism)
  • 11589

Het telecardiogram.

Nederlandsch tijdschrift voor geneeskunde: Tevens orgaan der Koninklijke Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Geneeskunst, No. 2, 1517-1547, 1906.

This paper includes the first published ECG tracing of atrial fibrillation. See W. Bruce Fye, "Tracing atrial fibrillation - 100 years," New Eng. J. Med., 355 (2006) 1412.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Arrythmias, CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Electrocardiography, INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Electrocardiogram
  • 11590

An implantable pacemaker in the heart. IN: Medical electronics: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Medical Electronics, Paris 24-27 June 1959. Edited by C. N. Smyth.

London : Iliffe, 1960.

"This is the original report of the first fully implantable pacemaker that was designed by Elmqvist and surgically inserted under the skin of a patient in October 1958. It is an abstract of their presentation that signalled (along with events in Minneapolis) the birth of the modern pacemaker industry" (W. Bruce Fye).

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Arrythmias › Pacemakers, INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Pacemakers
  • 11591

Blood pressure measurement: An illustrated history.

Pearl River, NY: Parthenon Publishing, 1998.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Sphygmogram, INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › History of Biomedical Instrumentation
  • 11592

An essay on the medical properties of the digitalis purpurea or foxglove.

Manchester: Printed by Bowler and Russell & London: For Messrs. Cadell and Davies, 1799.

"John Ferriar...published the first monograph on digitalis after William Withering (1785). Ferriar was the first to suggest that digitalis was beneficial in dropsy (severe congestive heart failure), in part because it appeared to act directly on the heart" (W. Bruce Fye, Profiles in cardiology, 76).

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Heart Failure, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Botanic Sources of Single Component Drugs › Digitalis, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Cardiovascular Medications
  • 11593

The progressive era's health reform movement: A historical dictionary.

New York: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2003.

Subjects: POLICY, HEALTH, Social or Sociopolitical Histories of Medicine & the Life Sciences
  • 11594

The eugenics movement: An encyclopedia.

New York: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2005.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › Eugenics, GENETICS / HEREDITY › History of Genetics / Heredity
  • 11595

How to make the periodic health examination: A manual of procedure. Foreward by Major General Merritte W. Ireland, Surgeon General, United States Army.

New York: The Macmillan Company, 1927.

Fisk was medical director, Life Extension Institute; Crawford was Assistant Medical Director, Life Extension Institute. "This pioneering monograph on the value of periodic health examination includes numbers of photographic illustrations depicting the examination of patients. The concept of comprehensive routine health examinations was first promoted aggressively in the twentieth century. It was one factor that contributed to the growth of cardiology as a specialty" (W. Bruce Fye). See Fye, American cardiology, 37-44.

Subjects: PREVENTATIVE MEDICINE › Periodic Health Examinations
  • 11596

Contributions relating to the causation and prevention of disease, and to camp diseases; together with a report of the diseases, etc., among the prisoners at Andersonville, GA. Edited by Austin Flint.

New York: Published for the U.S. Sanitary Commision & By Hurd and Houghton, 1867.

Includes contributions by Roberts Bartholow, Jacob Mendez DaCosta, Paul Eve, Frank Hamilton, Joseph Jones, S. Wier Mitchell, etc. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: American (U.S.) CIVIL WAR MEDICINE
  • 11597

Integrum morborum mysterium, sive medicinæ catholicæ tomi primi tractatus secundus. [Pulsus seu nova et arcana pulsuum historia ... Hoc est, portionis tertiae pars tertia, de pulsuum scientia ... medicorum ... sive tomi primi tractatus secundi, sectio secunda, de morborum signis ... hoc est, divinatio per urinam.] In sectiones distributus duas : quorum ...

Frankfurt: William Fitzer, 16291631.

Fludd's Pulsus seu nova et arcana pulsuum historia contain's Fludd's chief medical writings. Dated 1629, but issued in this form, Fludd's Pulsus was the first published endorsement of Harvey's theory of the circulation of the blood. Fludd and Harvey were colleagues and friends. Both were also concerned with the problem of blood flow, but Harvey pursued the problem mostly from a rational, experimental perspective with some attention to the mystical, while Fludd took a primarily mystical approach. When it was time to publish De motu cordis Harvey used Fludd's publisher in Frankfurt, William Fitzer. See Allen Debus, "Harvey and Fludd: The irrational factor in the rational science of the 17th century," J. Hist. Biol., 3 (1970) 81-105. Also, Walter Pagel, William Harvey's biological ideas, 113-115. Digital facsimile from Wellcome at this link.

(Thanks to W. Bruce Fye for insight into this work.)

  • 11598

Periodic health examinations: Abstracts from the literature. Public Health Service Publication No. 1010.

Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1963.

An annotated bibliography of the literature to June 1962. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Specific Subjects, PREVENTATIVE MEDICINE › Periodic Health Examinations
  • 11599

Original cases with dissections and observations illustrating the use of the stethoscope and percussion in the diagnosis of diseases of the chest: Also commentaries on the same subjects selected and translated from Auenbrugger, Corvisart, Laennec and others. By John Forbes.

London: T. and G. Underwood, 1824.

This is the earliest English work on the stethoscope. It "includes the first English translation of Auenbrugger's book on percussion, selected sections from Laennec's book on auscultation, and detailed reports from 39 cases from Forbes's practice in which auscultation and percussion were especially helpful" (W. Bruce Fye). Digital facsimile from the at this link.
See P. J. Bishop, "Reception of the Stethoscope and Laennec's Book", Thorax, 36, 487-492.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Auscultation and Physical Diagnosis, INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Stethoscope, PHYSICAL DIAGNOSIS › Percussion