An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16077 entries, 14165 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: March 4, 2025

Browse by Entry Number 11600–11699

100 entries
  • 11600

Case of an angina pectoris, with remarks. Farther account of the angina pectoris.

Med. Obs. Inqu., 5, 233-251; 252-258, 1776.

Fothergill was "the first physician to suspect on clinical grounds that the heart might be affected in this condition [angina pectoris] and he was the first to record abnormalities of the myocardium and coronary arteries of patients who died suddenly with this disease.... [Fothergill's second paper] contains the first description of calcification of the coronary arteries in a patient suffering from angina pectoris" (Christopher Booth, "Dr. John Fothergill and the agina pectoris," Medical History 1 (1957) 115-122.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Coronary Artery Disease › Angina Pectoris
  • 11601

A complete collection of the medical and philosophical works of John Fothergill. With an account of his life; and occasional notes, by John Elliot.

London: John Walker, 1781.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: BIOGRAPHY (Reference Works) › Biographies of Individuals, CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Coronary Artery Disease › Angina Pectoris, Collected Works: Opera Omnia, NEUROLOGY › Chronic Pain, NEUROLOGY › Chronic Pain › Headache › Migraine, NEUROLOGY › Chronic Pain › Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • 11602

Heart-lung bypass: Principles and techniques of extracorporeal circulation.

New York: Grune & Stratton, 1962.

Subjects: CARDIOVASCULAR (Cardiac) SURGERY, INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Heart-Lung Machine
  • 11603

Medical physics. Edited by Otto Glasser. 3 vols.

Chicago, IL: Year Book Publishers, 19441960.

This nearly 4000 page work in three unusually thick volumes, written by hundreds of authors, was an encyclopedia of medical physics for its time.

Subjects: Biomedical Physics
  • 11604

On the diseases and injuries of arteries, with the operations required for their cure.

London: Burgess and Hill & Dublin: Maclachlan & Stewart, 1830.

"Guthrie's experiences during the Peinsular War enabled him to make considerable improvements in practical surgery. These included introducing the practice of ligaturing both ends of a divided artery.... Guthrie made further surgical advances after Waterloo, where he successfully divided the muscles of the calf to tie the main artery" (ODNB 24, 305).

Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

  • 11605

Researches principally relative to the morbid and curative effects of loss of blood.

London: L. B. Seeley and Sons, 1830.

Hall's experiments on the physiological effects of therapeutic bleeding provided compelling evidence that bleeding could cause significant harm and even death. Digital facsimile from at this link.

Subjects: THERAPEUTICS › Bloodletting
  • 11606

Catalogue of books in the medical and biological libraries at University College, London. With an appendix.

London: Taylor and Francis, 1887.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Catalogues of Institutional Medical Libraries
  • 11607

Deux mémoires sur le mouvement du sang, et sur les effets de la saignée, fondés sur des experiences faites sur des animaux.

Lausanne: Bousquet, 1756.

In these memoirs Haller described the results of 235 vivisections. Haller has been called "the founder of modern haemodynamics." "The myogenic theory of the heartbeat can be traced to Haller, who concluded on the basis of animal experiments that the heart beat spontaneously, independent of nervous or other connections. He argued that the heart muscle had intrinsic irritability" (W. Bruce Fye). Translated into English as A dissertation on the motion of the blood, and on the effects of bleeding. Verified by experiments made on living animals. To which are added, observations on the motion. [with] A second dissertation on the motion of the blood. London, 1757.

Heinrich Buess, "William Harvey and the foundation of modern haemodynamics by Albrecht von Haller," Medical History, 14, 175-182.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY, Medicine: General Works › Experimental Design › Vivisection / Antivivisection, THERAPEUTICS › Bloodletting
  • 11608

Failure of the circulation.

Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins, 1935.

  • 11609

Encheiridium anatomicum, et pathologicum, in quo naturali constitutione partium, recessus a naturali statu demonstatur.

Paris: G. Meturas, 1648.

In book III, chapter 8 Riolan discusses the heart and presents his views on the circulation of the blood. "Riolan's opinion of the blood movement seems to have arisen from his attempt to reconcile strict Galenic belief with Harvey's theory of the circulation. The resulting inconsistences and contradictions Harvey was not slow to point out. Indeed, so little of either truth or sense is there in the whole passage, that one can only admire Harvey's patience and his reply. What is abundantly clear from the passage is that Riolan is theorizing without looking, and his theorizing is dictated by his passionate desire to see the medicine of Galen kept intact and his fear lest Harvey's doctrine overturn its foundations" (Whitteridge). "The significance of the volume is that it stimulated William Harvey to extend his experiments and to publish a detailed critique of Riolan's work. Whitteridge summarizes the content of Harvey's first letter (published in Cambridge, England, in 1649)....She indicated that Harvey had two goals: 'To refute Riolan on every point and to show that his own doctrine of the total circulation of the blood does not destroy the ancient physic but further[s] it. Whitteridge goes on to explain that the second letter from Harvey to Riolan 'partakes of a totally different character from the first'. She continues, 'The greater part of Harvey's Second Letter is a restatement of his hypothesis concerning the circulation of the blood, supported by further experimental proof" (W. Bruce Fye). Whitteridge, William Harvey and the circulation of the blood (New York, 1971).

Translated into English as A sure guide, or, The best and nearest way to physick and chyrurgery that is to say, the arts of healing by medicine and manual operation : being an anatomical description of the whol body of man and its parts : with their respective diseases demonstrated from the fabrick and vse of the said parts : in six books ... at the end of the six books, are added twenty four tables, cut in brass, containing one hundred eighty four figures, with an explanation of them : which are referred to in above a thousand places in the books for the help of young artists / written in Latine by Johannes Riolanus ...; Englished by Nich. Culpeper ... and W.R. ...London: Printed by peter Cole, 1657. Digital text available from Early English Books Online at this link

  • 11610

The history of wine as a medicine: From its beginnings in China to the present day.

Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018.

Subjects: Wine, Medical Uses of
  • 11611

Drugs on the page: Pharmacopoeias and healing knowledge in the early modern Atlantic world.

Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2019.

Subjects: PHARMACOLOGY › History of Pharmacology & Pharmaceuticals, PHARMACOLOGY › Pharmacopeias
  • 11612

Medical monopoly: Intellectual property rights and the origins of the modern pharmaceutical industry.

Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2014.

Subjects: LAW and Medicine & the Life Sciences › Patents, PHARMACOLOGY › History of Pharmacology & Pharmaceuticals, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACY › History of Pharmacy
  • 11613

Pharmacopoeia Matritensis, Regii, ac Supremi Hispaniarum protomedicatus auctoritate, jussu atque auspiciis nunc primum elaborata.

Madrid: Ex Typographia Regia & D. Michaelis Rodriguez, 1739.

The first national pharmacopoeia issued in Spain, also controlling drug preparation and use for the Spanish empire. It included botanical, mineral and animal substances, and substances obtained from the Spanish empire overseas.

"The first edition of the Pharmacopoeia Matritensis that appeared in 1739 was divided into six main parts. The first part provided an introduction to pharmacy with a chapter on the 'subject and object' of pharmacy, on medical simples, on the instruments used in pharmacy, and on 'common pharmaceutical operations.' The second part included more than thirty chapters describing different kinds of compositions and "medical mixtures', while the third, fourth and fifth parts described recipes for different types of prepared medicines, including extracts, conserves, juleps, syrups, powders, pills, oils, and others. Finally, the sixth and seventh parts dealt with 'chemical operations,' including the distillation of waters, spirits, oils, and other chemical preparations" (Matthew & Gabriel, Drugs on the page: Pharmacopeias and healing knowledge in the early modern Atlantic world).

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

  • 11614

The Andean wonder drug: Cinchona bark and imperial science in the Spanish Atlantic, 1630-1800.

Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2016.

Subjects: PHARMACOLOGY › History of Pharmacology & Pharmaceuticals, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Botanic Sources of Single Component Drugs › Cinchona Bark
  • 11615

A catalogue of the animals of North America: Containing, an enumeration of the known quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, fish, insects, crustaceous and testaceous animals ... to which are added short directions for collecting, preserving, and transporting, all kinds of natural history curiosities.

London: B. White, 1771.

Largely based on specimens he had access to from the British collections of Thomas Pennant and Anna Blackburne, this was Forster's attempt to systemize on the Linnean model the fragmented field of natural history studies from the Americas. It includes important directions for collecting and preserving specimens. Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Subjects: MUSEUMS › Natural History Museums / Wunderkammern, NATURAL HISTORY, ZOOLOGY
  • 11616

Hookworm disease; Etiology, pathology, diagnosis, prognosis, prophylaxis, and treatment. By George Dock and Charles C. Bass.

St. Louis, MO: C. V. Mosby Co., 1910.

When the authors published this book hookworm disease was endemic in the American south, partly because so many people walked in the soil without wearing shoes, so the hookworms entered their body through the soles of their feet.

  • 11617

Acupressure: A new method of arresting surgical haemorrhage and of accelerating the healing of wounds.

Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1864.

In 1858 Simpson described a new method of controlling blood loss during surgical operations – acupressure, not to be confused with the traditional Chinese medical technique similarly named. Simpson's technique, though developed further and found successful, failed to gain Simpson the recognition he was expecting. Simpson succeeded in creating a vogue for acupressure that lasted at least thirty years, though it did not lessen the mortality rates in British hospitals.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: SURGERY: General
  • 11618

Arctic zoology. 3 vols.

Printed by Henry Hughs, 17841787.

Pennant had "intended to write a "Zoology of North America" but as he explained in the "Advertisement", since he felt mortified by the loss of British control over America, this was changed to Arctic Zoology.[22] The book was published, with illustrations by Peter Brown, in 1785–1787. The first volume was on quadrupeds and the second on birds. Compilation of the latter was assisted by an expedition Sir Joseph Banks had made to Newfoundland in 1786. The work was translated into German and French, and part of it into Swedish. The volumes were much acclaimed and Pennant was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society. In 1787, a supplementary volume was published which included extra information on the reptiles and fishes of North America.[23] " (Wikipedia article on Thomas Pennant). 

Pennant never visited the regions described, but relied on information derived from the accounts of explorers such as Captain Cook, Hearne, and communications with other learned zoologists, including Peter Simon Pallas, and on specimens supplied from various private collections, such as that of Andrew Graham of Hudson's Bay, Thomas Hutchins, Ashton Blackburn, Alexander Garden, and Benjamin Smith Barton.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

  • 11619

Atlas der pathologischen Topographie des Auges. 3 vols.

Vienna: W. Braumüller, 18741878.

Subjects: OPHTHALMOLOGY › Diseases of the Eye
  • 11620

Urological oddities.

Los Angeles, CA: [Privately Printed], 1948.

Subjects: ODDITIES & Curiosities, Biomedical, UROLOGY
  • 11621

The mystery of the exploding teeth and other curiosities from the history of medicine.

New York: Dutton, 2018.

Fascinating stories well told, and frequently with a great sense of humor!

Subjects: ODDITIES & Curiosities, Biomedical
  • 11622

Notices of ancient Roman medicine-stamps, &c., found in Great Britain.

Mon. J. Med. Sci., 13, 39-50; 15, 235-255, 1851.

Digital facsimile of the first part from PubMedCentral at this link, and of the second part at this link. Concluded with Simpson's "General observations on the Roman medicine-stamps found in Great Britain," Mon. J. Med. Sci., 16 (1851) 338-354 of which a digital facsimile is available from PubMedCentral at this link.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Roman Empire › History of Medicine in the Roman Empire
  • 11623

A manual of medical jurisprudence for India, including the outline of a history of crime against the person in India.

Calcutta: Thacker, Spink & Co., 1870.

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: Forensic Medicine (Legal Medicine), INDIA, Practice of Medicine in, LAW and Medicine & the Life Sciences
  • 11624

Liber bestiarum. MS Bodley 764. Commentary by Christopher de Hamel and translation by Richard Barber. 2 vols.

London: Folio Society, 2008.

Full color facsimile of the illuminated manuscript with translation and commentary in an accompanying volume. The two volumes boxed. The translation was originally published by the Folio Society in 1992, and the Boydell Press in 1993.

"Similar to the British Library bestiary Harley MS 4751 but with richer colors. Full color illustrations appear on 123 pages. A peculiarity in this manuscript is an illustration found in only one other bestiary: barnacle geese hanging from trees, as described by Gerald of Wales. The illustrations are masterfully executed; they are some of the best bestiary paintings to be found anywhere.

The descriptions of the barnacle goose, the osprey and the dipper are taken from Topographia Hibernica by Gerald of Wales. Also includes exerpts from the Aviarium of Hugh of Fouilloy (chapters 18-22 with variants, 49-52, 56, 58). Medieval Book of Birds: Hugh of Fouilloy's Aviarium (Binghampton, NY, 1992) Clark aviary group: Aberdeen.

M. R. James considered the manuscript to have been produced in the late 12th century, though Treasures from the Bodleian Library (London, 1976) Hassall says it could be as late as 1230-40; Medieval Book of Birds: Hugh of Fouilloy's Aviarium (Binghampton, NY, 1992) Clark agrees with the later date." (


Subjects: Medieval Zoology, Medieval Zoology › History of Medieval Zoology
  • 11625

An inquiry into the medicinal value of the excreta of reptiles, in phthisis and some other diseases.

London: Longman & Co., 1862.

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Tuberculosis, ODDITIES & Curiosities, Biomedical
  • 11626

Traité des corps étrangers en chirurgie. Voies naturelles pharynx et oesophage - estomac - intestin - rectum - voies respiratoire - organes génito-urinaires de l'homme et de la femme conduit auditif - fosses nasales - conduits glandulaires. Avec figures dans le texte, desinées par H. Dauphin.

Paris: Octave Doin, 1879.

A comprehensive treatise on an astounding variety of foreign bodies that surgeons had recorded removing from various and sometimes amazing parts of the body. Digital facsimile of the 1879 edition from Google Books at this link.

Translated into English as A treatise on foreign bodies in surgical practice. 2 vols. New York: William Wood & Company, 1880. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: ODDITIES & Curiosities, Biomedical, SURGERY: General
  • 11627

Physiological aspects of the liquor problem. Investigations made by and under the direction of W. O. Atwater, John S. Billings, H. P. Bowditch, R. H. Chittenden, and W. H. Welch Sub-Committee of the Committee of Fifty to Investigate the Liquor Problem. 2 vols.

Boston & New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1903.

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: PUBLIC HEALTH, TOXICOLOGY › Drug Addiction, TOXICOLOGY › Drug Addiction › Alcoholism
  • 11628

Index plantarum, quae in Horto Academico Lugduno Batavo reperiuntur.

Leiden: Apud Cornelium Boutestein, 1710.

Upon his appointment as professor of medicine and botany at Leiden University in 1709, Boerhaave became head of the botanical garden, a laboratory for materia medica. He published his first catalogue of plants in the garden in 1710, and added more than two thousand species by the second edition in 1720, reflecting his extensive additions to the garden. Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Subjects: BOTANY › Botanical Gardens, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Materia medica / Herbals / Herbal Medicines
  • 11629

Tobacco: Its history illustrated by the books, manuscripts and engravings in the library of George Arents, Jr. 5 vols. + 10 Supplements.

New York: New York, The Rosenbach Company and the New York Public Library, 19371969.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Specific Subjects, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Botanic Sources of Single Component Drugs, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Botanic Sources of Single Component Drugs › Tobacco, TOXICOLOGY › Drug Addiction › History of Drug Addiction
  • 11630

Dissertation sur le café; son historique, ses propriétés, et le procédé pour en obtenir la boisson la plus agréable, la plus salutaire et la plus économique; Par Ant.-Alexis Cadet-de-Vaux...Suivie de son analyse; par Charles-Louis Cadet.

Paris: [Bureau du Journal d'Economie Rurale, Mme. Huzard and Xhrouet], 1806.

Cadet de Vaux discussed the history of coffee, including the origins of the coffee bean and plant, the proper climate for growing coffee, coffee drinking culture and its introduction to Europe. He also described the beneficial properties of coffee, listing ailments that could be cured by drinking coffee. Charles-Louis Cadet, Antoine-Alexis's nephew, described how to brew the perfect cup of coffee, also mentioning different methods of making coffee, like cold coffee or with alcohol. He also provided a chemical analysis of coffee. Digital facsimile from BnFGallica at this link.

Subjects: NUTRITION / DIET, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Botanic Sources of Single Component Drugs › Coffee
  • 11631

Nuovo ricettario composto dal Collegio dei Dottori di Firenze. Ed: Hieronymus dal Pozzo Toscanelli.

Florence: Societas Colubris (Compagnia del Drago), 1498.

The pharmacopeia of Florence was probably the second pharmacopeia published in print. It included a list of approved drugs and described various methods of preparing them for use, together with proper weights and measures needed for accurate compounding. ISTC No. ir001900600.

Subjects: PHARMACOLOGY › Pharmacopeias
  • 11632

Birth chairs, midwives and medicine.

Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 1999.

  • 11633

Notes on the practice of medicine.

Montréal: [Privately Printed], 1891.

This was Howard's only book. Osler, in his anonymous obituary of his mentor R. Palmer Howard (1823-1889), wrote, "As a teacher of medicine for thirty-three years, Dr. Howard enjoyed a unique reputation in his own country. To him was due, in great part, the development of that admirable and systematic plan of clinical instruction which has prevailed for so long in the Montreal General Hospital." (Osler, "Robert Palmer Howard," Med. News. 1889, 54, 419). (Quoted by W. Bruce Fye).

Subjects: Education, Biomedical, & Biomedical Profession, Medicine: General Works
  • 11634

Gynaecological technique: A brief summary of the principles involved, as well as the technique involved in the gynæcological operations performed in the Johns Hopkins Hospital: The significance of the operation and its technical surroundings to gynaecological practice.

N. Y. J. Gyn & Obs., 2, 667-674, 1892.

Includes 14 photographic illustrations showing Kelly's gynecological operating room, antiseptic and aseptic apparatus, and his assistants preparing for surgery. The text includes descriptions of the apparatus and techniques for antiseptic and aseptic surgery.

  • 11635

The life and letters of Dr. Henry Vining Ogden, 1857-1931 by Leonard Weistrop.

Milwaukee, WI: Wilwaukee Academy of Medicine Press, 1986.

Ogden was one of William Osler's closest life-long friends and correspondents. Weistrop was able to find and reproduce 334 letters between Ogden, Osler, and Cushing.

Subjects: BIOGRAPHY (Reference Works) › Biographies of Individuals
  • 11636

A system of medicine. Edited by William Pepper. 5 vols.

Philadelphia: Lea Brothers, 18851886.

"The most comprehensive 19th century American work on medicine.  Pepper assembled virtually all of the leading American physicians of the day, including D. Hayes Agnew, Roberts Bartholow, John Shaw Billings, William Byford, Alonzo Clark, J. Solis Cohen, Jacob Mendez DaCosta, Nathan Smith Davis, Louis Duhrling, Louis Elsberg, George Engelmann, Reginald Fitz, Austin Flint, Frank Foster, Samuel W. Gross, Allan McLane Hamilton, Abraham Jacobi, Mary Putnam Jacobi, Joseph Leidy, Alfred L. Loomis, William T. Lusk, Charles K. Mills, Francis Minot, S. Weir Mitchell, William Osler, William Pepper, James J. Putnam, Edward Seguin, Alexander Skene, Alfred Stille, T. Gaillard Thomas, James Tyson, William H. Welch, J. William White, James C. Wilson, and Horatio Wood, among others. This massive work provides remarkable insight into the practice of medicine when Osler was transitioning from a pathologist and part-time internist into a specialist in internal medicine. In Osler's memorial address that summarized Pepper's many achievements, he wrote of this system, "There had never been published in this country a composite work by native writers, corresponding to the System of Medicine by Reynolds or to Ziemssen's Encyclopedia. A circular was issued in November, 1881, to the joint authors, but it was more than three years before the first volume of the system was issued; the five volumes were then published in rapid succession, the fifth appearing in 1886. While unequal, as all such systems must necessarily be, it remains a great work, and contains articles which have become classical in American literature." (W. Bruce Fye).

Subjects: Composite Systems of Medicine, Encyclopedias
  • 11637

Bibliography of the writings of Dr. William S. Thayer by Efie Smither Hunley.

Bull. Hist. Med., 4, 751-781, 1936.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Individual Authors
  • 11638

Medical works of the Knights Hospitallers of Saint John of Jerusalem.

Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1940.

Subjects: HOSPITALS › History of Hospitals, MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › History of Medieval Medicine, RELIGION & Medicine & the Life Sciences
  • 11639

Bibliotheca Boerhaaviana by G. A. Lindeboom.

Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1959.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Individual Authors
  • 11640

The anatomy of vegetables begun. With an a general account of vegetation founded thereon.

London: Printed for Spencer Hickman, 1672.

"Grew was a conscious pioneer in a hitherto neglected area...  His work was primarily marked by his brilliant observation and description of plants and their component parts; having begun by making observations using only the naked eye, Grew supplemented these with the use of a microscope under the tutelage of his colleague [Robert] Hooke. His presentations to the society began in 1672–4 with the roots, branches, and trunks of plants, proceeding thereafter to their leaves, flowers, fruit, and seeds. In each area he was innovative, studying for the first time many features of plants that have since been taken for granted, such as their cell-like structure and the growth rings in wood, and deploying techniques which have since become commonplace, such as the use of transverse, radial, and tangential longitudinal sections to analyse the structure of stems and roots. He was also an innovator in the terminology he used to describe plants, first using such terms as ‘radicle’ or ‘parenchyma’, a word adapted from its use in animal anatomy by Francis Glisson. Grew was primarily interested in the morphology and taxonomy of plants, but this led him to study plant physiology; he thus considered how buds grew, how seeds developed, and other related topics. He also recognized the sexual nature of plant reproduction, though, with characteristic modesty, he acknowledged that this idea had already occurred to the physician Sir Thomas Millington" (ODNB).

Subjects: BOTANY
  • 11641

Catalogue and report of obstetrical and other instruments exhibited at the Conversazione of the Obstetrical Society of London...held, by permission, at the Royal College of Physicians, March 28th, 1866.

London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1867.

“ A key reference source for mid-19th century [obstetrical] instruments. Many of these instruments became incorporated into the Museum of the Obstetrical Society of London, the contents of which became the property of the Royal Society of Medicine, who in turn presented it as a loan collection to the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 1912.... Regrettably this outstanding collection was almost totally destroyed by bombing during the Second World War” (Hibbard, The Obstetrician’s Armamentarium pp vii-ix).

  • 11642

Outlines of the geographical distribution of British plants; belonging to the division of vasculares or cotyledones.

Edinburgh: Printed for Private Distribution, 1832.

“Watson's major botanical endeavour was producing several versions of a work first entitled Outlines of the Geographical Distribution of British Plants (1832); it reached its most extensive form as Cybele Britannica, or, British Plants, and their Geographical Relations (4 vols., 1847–59). Volume four contains his most detailed phytogeographical conclusions. After publishing several supplements, he summarized his data in Topographical Botany: being Local and Personal Records towards shewing the Distribution of British Plants (2 vols., 1873–4). He was working on a second edition of it when he died; it was completed by John G. Baker and William W. Newbould (1883)” (ODNB).

Digital facsimile of the 1832 edition from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: BOTANY, Biogeography › Phytogeography
  • 11643

Medicine, mind, and the double brain: A study in nineteenth-century thought.

Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1987.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › History of Neurology
  • 11644

Mind fixers: Psychiatry's troubled search for the biology of mental illness.

New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 2019.

Subjects: PSYCHIATRY › History of Psychiatry
  • 11645

What is the use of the double brain?

Phrenological J. & Misc., 9, 608-611, 1836.

Subjects: Neurophysiology
  • 11646

A new view of insanity: The duality of the mind proved by the structure, functions and diseases of the brain and by the phenomena of mental derangement and shown to be essential to moral responsibility. With an appendix: 1. On the influence of religion on insanity. 2. Conjectures on the nature of the mental operations. 3. On the management of lunatic asylums.

London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1844.

"From the seventeenth century there were shifts in some of the basic assumptions about how the brain and mind functioned, and there are some useful markers along the way to an era of more systematic studies. Descartes is the most convenient base. He had earlier firmly separated mind and matter in his philosophy, and is still chiefly known for that. But at the end of his life (1649) he tried to reconcile them by the device of a specific 'seat of the soul' in the brain through which information passed between brain and mind. Symmetry of the operation of the hemispheres was assumed. This theory had currency into the eighteenth century. At the end of that century Franz Gall of Austria and France was assigning discrete faculties to numerous parts of the brain on no strong evidence, and nothing the double form of the brain, without claiming independent action of the hemispheres. Hewett Watson in 1836 discussed duality more directly than had been the case before, and Arthur Wigan in 1844 asserted the duality of the mind roundly and treated the two hemispheres, not consistently, as two independent brains. He was not satisfied with independence, however, and tried various ways of allowing for joint action by the two sides of the brain, as well as for substitution, with one side having the power to act on behalf of both in cases of disease or injury. He also considered that one hemisphere, usually the left, was generally dominant; but he did not see the two hemispheres as differently constituted" (From the Abstract of B. Clarke, "Arthur Wigan and The Duality of the Mind,Psychol Med Monogr Suppl. 1987,11, 1-52.) Digital facsimile the 1844 edition from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY, Neurophysiology, PSYCHIATRY
  • 11647

De calculo renum & vesicae liber singularis. Cum epistolis & consultationibus magnorum virorum.

Leiden: Ex officina Elzevieriorum, 1638.

The first medical book to contain an endorsement of Harvey's theory of the circulation of the blood (originally published ten years earlier in 1628). Beverwijck began his work with a treatise on urinary and renal calculi. The second part (pp. 209-305) contains letters addressed by Beverwijck to some prominent physicians along with their replies. Several consilia by Sanctorius, Spiegel, Horst, and others follow. At the end of 1637 Beverwyck wrote a letter to Harvey in which he expressed his admiration for Harvey's discovery of the circulation of the blood. He also sent Harvey a copy of the present book. The passage in which he supported Harvey is  "Harvei doctrina de circulatione sanguinus comprobata" (pp. 20-24 of the first part).

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY, NEPHROLOGY › Renal Disease › Renal Calculi (Kidney Stones), UROLOGY › Urinary Calculi (lithotomy)
  • 11648

Traité inédit sur l'anatomie pathologique, ou Exposition des altérations visibles qu'éprouve le corps humain dans l'état de maladie par R.-T.-H. Laënnec. Introduction et premier chapitre, précédés d'une préface par V. Cornil.

Paris: Félix Alcan & Germer Baillière, 1884.

Digital facsimile from BnF Gallica at this link.

  • 11649

The Toronto General Hospital, 1819-1965: A chronicle.

Toronto, Canada: Macmillan of Canada, 1975.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Canada, HOSPITALS › History of Hospitals
  • 11650

The neurologic content of S. Weir Mitchell’s fiction.

Neurology, 66, 403-407, 2006.

Digital facsimile from at this link.

Subjects: LITERATURE / Philosophy & Medicine & Biology, NEUROLOGY › History of Neurology
  • 11651

Lectures on angina pectoris and allied states.

New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1897.

"This monograph, based on seven lectures Osler delivered at Johns Hopkins, is his longest publication dealing with heart disease. He discusses the history of the recognition of angina, the pathophysiology of coronary artery disease, various types of angina, the epidemiology of angina and what would come to be called cardiac risk factors, angina's various clinical presentations, associated conditions, theories regarding angina, and the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of angina" (W. Bruce Fye).

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Arterial Disease, CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Coronary Artery Disease › Angina Pectoris
  • 11652

Lectures on the diagnosis of abdominal tumors. Reprinted from the New York Medical Journal.

New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1894.

This 165-page "monograph, based on lectures delivered to the postgraduate class at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in 1893, includes 67 case reports and 43 illustrations, some of which are photographs that depict patients or autopsy findings. Osler delivered separate lectures on tumors of the stomach, liver, gall bladder, intestines, and kidney. Harvey Cushing explained that these 'carefully prepared lectures on 'The Diagnosis of Abdominal Tumors', [were] subsequently collected and published (1895) in book form....It was evidently his intent to compare, so far as possible, the provisional clinical diagnoses of the cases with the subsequent findings at autopsy or at operation.' Cushing 1:391. It is important to appreciate that Osler's monograph was published before the discovery of X-rays. Maude Abbott claimed, 'These lectures are based on post‑mortem findings with histological studies of the specimens, and thus will always have a permanent value for the clinico‑pathologist.' Abbott (1939) 65." (W. Bruce Fye). 

Digital facsimile from U.S. National Library of Medicine at this link.

  • 11653

A history of luminescence: From the earliest times until 1900.

Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1957.

A history of bioluminescence, the production and emission of light by living organisms.

Subjects: BIOCHEMISTRY › Bioluminescence, BIOLOGY › History of Biology
  • 11654

Fractures and other bone and joint injuries.

Edinburgh: E & S Livingstone, 1940.

Watson-Jones's textbook became known as "the bible."  It was reprinted 15 times during the author's lifetime and translated into  Spanish, French, German, Portuguese and Polish. "Throughout its publication, Watson-Jones found unique ways to demonstrate his theories and techniques, including acetate and radiographic overlays, question-and-answer formats, and a writing style that was not only instructive but interesting." (

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Fractures & Dislocations
  • 11655

The American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ASOPRS). Edited by David M. Reifler.

San Francisco, CA: ASOPRS in association with Norman Publishing, 1994.

A history of the first twenty-five years of the ASOPRS, plus a history of ophthalmic plastic surgery from 2500 B.C. to A.D. 1994. 

Subjects: OPHTHALMOLOGY › History of Ophthalmology, OPHTHALMOLOGY › Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery
  • 11656

Revised technique for cellulite fat reduction in riding breeches deformity.

Bull. Int. Acad. Cosmetic Surg., 2, 40-43, 1977.

This father-and-son team of Italian gynecologists invented a technique that used a small, rotating scalpel inside a thin, hollow metal cannula inserted through small incisions in the body. The rotating scalpel broke up the fat deposits so that they could be removed with a vacuum machine. This was the first acceptable liposuction technique.

  • 11657

Body contouring by lipolysis: A 5-year experience with over 3000 cases.

Plast. reconstr. Surg., 72, 591-97, 1983.

Illouz improved on the Fischers’ technique with the invention of a cannula with a blunt tip. This new type of cannula reduced blood loss and nerve damage, as well as reducing the risk of complications or death from liposuction procedures. Illouz published extensively on liposuction in French, beginning in 1977. This was his first major publication on the subject in English. 

  • 11658

Lipoplasty: The theory and practice of blunt suction lipectomy. Edited by G. P. Hetter.

Boston: Little, Brown, 1984.

The first comprehensive review in English of the development of liposuction, theory, and technique, including the techniques of Illouz and Fournier. Includes several chapters by Pierre Fournier, including "A history and comparison of suction techniques until their debut in North America," by Fournier and Francis Otteni. Also, "The origins of lipolysis," a first-person account by Yves-Gerard Illouz.

  • 11659

Cleavage: Technology, controversy and the ironies of the man-made breast.

New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2000.

  • 11660

Horae subsecivae. Locke and Sydenham with other occasional papers. [Vol. 2:] Rab and his friends and other papers.

Edinburgh: Thomas Constable and Co., 18581882.

William Osler promoted the value of the writings of the popular medical essayist John Brown to the medical community. He wrote:

"To the medical student the writings of Dr. John Brown have this special value - they impress him with the necessity of a wider culture than that which is merely professional. The 'Horae subsecivae', which I first read when a student in London in 1872-73, made a lasting impression, and my interest in Locke and Sydenham date from the reading of the essay that gave the title to the volume. A present from my class-mate and dear friend, Arthur Browne --himself sealed mentally and morally of the fellowship of Sir Thomas and Charles Lamb, it stimulated my love general literature.

"That Brown's fine spirit, perturbed with spiritual doubts, should have descended into the hell so vividly described by Burton [in Anatomy of melancholy] is an inexplicable tragedy; but it is comforting to know that the clouds passed and there was sun-shine at the close" (Osler, Bibliotheca Osleriana, 4396). Digital facsimile of the first and various editions from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: LITERATURE / Philosophy & Medicine & Biology
  • 11661

The doctor's dilemma, getting married, & The shewing-up of Blanco Posnet.

London: A. Constable & Co., 1911.

"Historian John Crellin opens his essay on William Osler and George Bernard Shaw with a quotation about this 1911 book that the compilers of the catalogue of Osler's library wrote: 'With a cynical 'Preface on Doctors'." Osler 5454. Crellin continues, 'Did Osler see Shaw as just one of many writers (Moliere, for instance, who featured prominently in Osler's library) to create theater by lampooning physicians? Perhaps, but Osler also recognized that Shaw [in The Doctor's Dilemma] touched on some of the same concerns he himself had raised over the years when exhorting medical students and physicians to fulfill the role of a 'good' physician and to maintain an honorable profession. Both Shaw and Osler saw that physicians had the same potential human failings as anyone else, for instance, egoism greed, and jealousy....Shaw, in subtitling The Doctor's Dilemma 'a Tragedy,' focused on ethical issues many of which he linked to the cut and thrust of private medical practice.' John Crellin, Osler and George Bernard Shaw, 2010, pp. 325-331, IN: Michael Lacombe and David Elpern, Osler's Bedside Library: Great Writers Who Inspired a Great Physician. Philadelphia, 2010." (W. Bruce Fye).

Subjects: LITERATURE / Philosophy & Medicine & Biology › Drama
  • 11662

Osler's bedside libraries: Great writers who inspired a great physician. Edited by Michael A. LaCombe and David J. Elpern.

Philadelphia: American College of Physicians, 2010.

Subjects: LITERATURE / Philosophy & Medicine & Biology
  • 11663

The negro professional man and the community with special emphasis on the physician and lawyer.

Washington, DC: Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, 1934.

An in-depth social statistical and geographical analysis of America's black doctors including their distribution, economic links, and social activism that varied throughout the South, as well as the North and West. 

  • 11664

Caring for equality: A history of African American health and healthcare.

Latham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2018.

Subjects: BLACK PEOPLE & MEDICINE & BIOLOGY › History of Black People & Medicine & Biology
  • 11665

Blacks, medical schools and society.

Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1971.

A study of the trends in black enrollments in the nation’s medical schools, and various public and higher education factors that limited the supply of black physicians in America through the 1960s.

Subjects: BLACK PEOPLE & MEDICINE & BIOLOGY › History of Black People & Medicine & Biology, Education, Biomedical, & Biomedical Profession › History of Biomedical Education & Medical Profession
  • 11666

Voyage scientifique à Naples avec M. Magendie en 1843.

Paris: B. Dusillion, 1844.

Digital facsimile from at this link.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Italy, VOYAGES & Travels by Physicians, Surgeons & Scientists
  • 11667

Emmenologia: In qua fluxus mulierbris menstrui phaenomena, periodi, vitia cum medendi methodo, ad rationes mechanicas exiguntur.

Oxford: e theatro Sheldoniano, 1703.

Translated into English as Emmenologia: Written, in Latin, by the late learned Dr. John Freind. Translated into English by Thomas Dale, M.D. London: Printed for T. Cox, 1729. 

Digital facsimile of the 1752 English translation from Google Books at this link.

  • 11668

The failing heart of middle life: The myocardiosis syndrome, coronary thrombosis, and angina pectoris with a section upon the medico-legal aspects of sudden death from heart disease.

Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Co., 1933.

"This pioneering monograph on the pathophysiology of coronary artery disease includes a detailed discussion of the recently recognized electrocardiographic features of myocardial infarction. Hyman invented a [external] cardiac pacemaker in 1932" (W. Bruce Fye).

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Coronary Artery Disease › Angina Pectoris, CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Thrombosis / Embolism
  • 11669

Aviation medicine.

Kapstadt (Cape Town): Unie-Volkspers Beperk, 1943.

Subjects: AVIATION Medicine
  • 11670

Heparin: Its chemistry, physiology and application in medicine.

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1939.

In the early 1930s Jorpes began work on the isolation and structure of heparin. In 1936 he successfully purified heparin and subsequently demonstrated that it was localized in the mast cells of tissues. In the same year Jorpes and the surgeon Clarence Crafoord used heparin to prevent postoperative thrombosis. Jorpes provided further confirmation of the effectiveness of heparin in the treatment of thrombosis in the second edition of this work published in 1946.

Subjects: HEMATOLOGY › Anticoagulation
  • 11671

A new approach to cardiac resuscitation.

Ann. Surg., 154, 311-317, 1961.

"The pioneers of modern cardiopulmonary resucitation describe their breakthrough technique of combining mouth-to-mouth ventilation, closed chest compressions, and transthoracic defibrillation to treat cardiac arrest" (W. Bruce Fye).

Digital facsimile from PubMedCentral at this link.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Arrythmias › External Defibrillator, CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Cardiac Arrest, RESPIRATION › Artificial Respiration, Resuscitation
  • 11672

Parasites of the human heart.

New York: Grune & Stratton, 1964.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Triatomine Bug-Borne Diseases › Chagas Disease (American Trypanosomiasis) , PARASITOLOGY
  • 11673

An account of animal secretion, the quantity of blood in the humane body, and muscular motion.

London: printed for George Strahan, 1708.

Keill applied measurement and mathematics in his researches, claiming the "first calculations of the absolute velocity at which blood travels through the aorta and smaller vessels; he also recognized that the blood's velocity must decrease the number of arterial branches increases. Keill would also appear to have been one of the first to study the ratio of the bluid to the solid portions of the body, partly through experiments involving tissue desiccation" (DSB, 7, 274).


Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

  • 11674

Das Elektrokardiogramm des gesunden and kranken Menschen.

Leipzig: Veit & Co., 1910.

The first comprehensive monograph on electrocardiography in any language.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Electrocardiography, INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Electrocardiogram
  • 11675

Die Krankheiten des Herzens. 3 vols. in 4.

Berlin: in der Maurerschen Buchhandlung, 18141817.

From 1800 until Laennec's discovery of auscultation, there were only four major text-books on heart disease, that of Burns in England, of Corvsart in France, Testa in Italy, and Kreysig in Germany. It has its strong points such as advocating digitalis and sound views on angina pectoris and coronary disease; Kreysig's wide review of the literature provides a good picture of cardiology at the time" (Bedford 416). "Kreysig first demonstrated endocarditis long beofre Bouillaud, and was acquainted with defects of the cardiac valves. The so-called 'purring' tremor was also known to him before Laennec, and he likewide recognized rheumatism as a cause of heart disease before Bouillaud" (Baas).


Digital facsimile from Bayerische StaatsBibliothek at this link.

  • 11676

Physiologie des exercices du corps.

Paris: Félix Alcan, 1888.

Digital facsimile of the revised and expanded 2nd edition, 1889, from BnFGallica at this link.

Subjects: PHYSICAL MEDICINE / REHABILITATION › Exercise / Training / Fitness
  • 11677

Traité des maladies congenitales du coeur.

Paris, 1921.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Congenital Heart Defects
  • 11678

Closure of atrial septal defects with the aid of hypothermia; experimental accomplishments and the report of one successful case.

Surgery, 33, 52-59, 1953.

Lewis performed the first successful open heart operation, closing an atrial septal defect in a 5-year-old girl on September 2, 1952. The procedure took 5.5 minutes. For the next three years Lewis and colleagues operated on 60 patients with atrial septal defects using hypothermia and venous inflow occlusion.

Subjects: CARDIOVASCULAR (Cardiac) SURGERY › Congenital Heart Defects
  • 11679

Clinical electrocardiography.

London: Shaw & Sons, 1913.

The first textbook of electrocardiography.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Electrocardiography, INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Electrocardiogram
  • 11680


Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1909.

This 37-page pamphlet was the earliest collection of information regarding electrocardiography. It contained "only single lead electrocardiograms, limited to mitral stenosis and hypertrophy of the right and left venticles; arrhythmias were not shown" (Shapiro, "The first textbook of elecrocardiography. Thomas Lewis: Clinical electrocardiography," J. Am. Coll. Cardiol., 1 (1983) 1160-61).

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Electrocardiography, INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Electrocardiogram
  • 11681

Dr. Martin Lister: A bibliography by Geoffrey Keynes, Kt.

Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press, 1981.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Individual Authors, BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Natural History
  • 11682

The vivisectors' directory; being a list of the licensed vivisectors in the United Kingdom; together with the leading physiologists in foreign laboratories. Compiled from authentic sources. Edited by Benjamin Bryan, with a preface by Frances Power Cobbe.

London: Victoria Street Society for the Protection of Animals from Vivisection, 1884.

A remarkably detailed listing of scientific and medical researchers conducting research involving vivisection with address information and details of their research. This information was published in order to supply details to antivivisectionist protesters who attempted to stop this experimentation; however it is also useful as a selective directory of researchers in experimental physiology in England and on the Continent.


Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: Medicine: General Works › Experimental Design › Vivisection / Antivivisection, PHYSIOLOGY
  • 11683

Manuel de vivisections.

Paris: J.-B. Baillière et fils, 1882.

Extensively illustrated study of methods of conducting experiments involving vivisection.

Subjects: Medicine: General Works › Experimental Design › Vivisection / Antivivisection
  • 11684

Myographia nova, or a graphical description of all the muscles in the human body; with one and forty copper-plates.

London, 1684.

Browne's treatise on the muscles consisted of six lectures, illustrated by copperplates. It was, however, a plagiarism, as was pointed out by James Yonge: it put together text from the Muskotomia by William Molins with illustrations from the Tabula anatomicae of Giulio Casseri. Nevertheless, Browne's book was popular, and underwent ten editions. 

The fifth edition of Browne's book, published in 1697, included on pp. 99-105 the first posthumous publication of Richard Lower's An appendix of the heart and its use; With the circulation of the blood, and the parts of which the sanguinary mass is made, etc.

Digital facsimile of a c. 1970 facsimile edition of the 5th edition (1697) from the Hathi Trust at this link.

  • 11685


Medicine, 2, 1-76, 1923.

"In their monumental 1945 paper on the surgical treatment of malformations of the heart, Alfred Blalock and Helen Taussig refer to this monograph: 'Lundsgaard and Van Slyke in their classic studies on the causes of cyanosis showed that there were four important factors in the production of cyansosis: the height of the hemoglobin, the volume of the venous blood shunted into the systemic circulation, the rate of utilization of oxygen by the peripheral tissues and the extent of the aeration of the blood in the lungs' " (W. Bruce Fye).

  • 11686

Bibliography with synopsis of the original papers of the writings of Sir James Mackenzie. Edited by William Black Rankin Monteith.

London: Oxford University Press, 1930.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Individual Authors, CARDIOLOGY
  • 11687

Les tumeurs et les polypes du coeur: Étude anatomo-clinique.

Paris: Masson & Cie, 1945.

A classical monograph on heart tumors with 1298 references on these relatively rare tumors.

  • 11688

Transplantation of the intact mammalian heart.

Arch. Surg., 26, 219-224, 1933.

Mann and colleagues accomplished the first transplantation of an intact mammalian heart. 

  • 11689

Marey and cardiology: physiologist and pioneer of technology (1830-1904).

Rotterdam: Kooyker Scientific Publications, 1980.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › History of Cardiology, PHYSIOLOGY › History of Physiology
  • 11690

Physiologie médicale de la circulation du sang basée sur l'étude graphique des mouvements du coeur et du pouls artériel avec application aux maladies du l'appareil circulatoire.

Paris: Adrien Delahaye, 1863.

Marey first recorded atrial fibrillation in this work work in which he used pulse tracings to establish the interelationship of heart rate and blood pressure. The work also includes the first detailed description of the technique of cardiac catheterization that Marey developed with Jean Baptiste Chauveau. "With Chauveau he was the first to perform cardiac catheterization on living horses" (Bedford 260). Digital facsimile from BnFGallica at this link.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Arrythmias, CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY, CARDIOLOGY › Interventional Cardiology › Cardiac Catheterization
  • 11691

Heart and coronary arteries: An anatomical atlas for clinical diagnosis, radiological investigation, and surgical treatment.

New York & Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1975.

With 1,098 images this is "probablly the highest quality atlas of the heart ever produced" (W. Bruce Fye). This atlas received recognition throughout the world, including a Gold Medal at the International Book Festival in Leipzig. 

Subjects: ANATOMY › 20th Century, CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY › Anatomy of the Heart & Circulatory System
  • 11692

Giambattista Morgagni, Clinical consultations, the edition of Enrico Benassi (1935) translated and revised by Saul Jarcho.

Boston, MA: Francis Countway Library of Medicine, 1984.

Italian text and English translation of 100 clinical consultation lettes written by Morgagni, discussing patients that in most cases he had not seen, a practice that was considered acceptable at the time.  Morgagni gave these, along with 14 folio volumes of his writings to his favorite pupil Michele Girardi. They were edited and annotated by Enrico Benassi and published in Italian in 1935. Jarcho translated and annotated Benassi's text and added a new preface and many footnotes.

  • 11693

Travels in Europe and the East, embracing observations made during a tour through Great Britain, Ireland, France, Belgium, Holland, Prussia, Saxony, Bohemia, Austria, Bavaria, Switzerland, Lombardy, Tuscany, the Papal States, the Neapolitan Dominions, Malta, the Islands of the Archipelago, Greece, Egypt, Asia Minor, Turkey, Moldavia, Wallachia, and Hungary in the years 1834, '35, '36, '37, '38, '39, '40, and '41.

New York: Harper & Brothers, 1842.

Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: VOYAGES & Travels by Physicians, Surgeons & Scientists
  • 11694

Successful two-stage correction of transposition of the great vessels.

Surgery, 55, 469-472, 1964.

The Mustard cardiovascular procedure, which  "allows total correction of transposition of the great vessels. The procedure employs a baffle to redirect caval blood flow to the left atrium which then pumps blood to the left ventricle which then pumps the deoxygenated blood to the lungs. In a normal heart, de-oxygenated blood is pumped into the lungs via the right ventricle. Then it is distributed throughout the body via the left ventricle. In the Mustard procedure, blood is pumped to the lungs via the left ventricle and disseminated throughout the body via the right ventricle" (Wikipedia article on Mustard procedure, accessed 2-2020).

Subjects: CARDIOVASCULAR (Cardiac) SURGERY › Congenital Heart Defects
  • 11695

The transplantation of tissues. By Harold Neuhof with the collaboration of Samuel Hirshfeld.

New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1923.

Covers experimental and clinical transplantation with an extensive bibliography.

  • 11696

The action of medicines.

Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blakiston, 1878.

Ott founded experimental pharmacology in America; his book was the first written by an American on the action of medicines.

Subjects: PHARMACOLOGY › Pharmacodynamics
  • 11697

Anatomia chirurgica truncorum arteriarum nec non fasciarum fibrosarum.

Dorpat (Tartu) Estonia: Revaliae Eggers, 18371841.

An atlas of arterial stems and fasciae. Translated into German as Chirurgische anatomie der Arterienstamme und Fascien neu Bearbeitet von Julius Szymanowski. Leipzig und Heidelberg: C. F. Winter, 1850. Digital facsimile of the 1850 edition from Bayerische StaatsBibliothek at this link.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 19th Century, CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY › Anatomy of the Heart & Circulatory System
  • 11698

Accidents: Popular directions for their immediate treatment; with observations on poisons and their antidotes.

Providence, RI: Printed for the Author by Knowles &Vose, 1845.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medicine › Resuscitation, Household or Self-Help Medicine
  • 11699

Tobacco and the cardiovascular system: The effects of smoking and of nicotine on normal persons.

Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas, 1951.

Subjects: PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Botanic Sources of Single Component Drugs › Tobacco, TOXICOLOGY, TOXICOLOGY › Drug Addiction