An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16077 entries, 14165 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: March 4, 2025

Browse by Entry Number 4000–4099

107 entries
  • 4000

Die Histopathologie der Hautkrankheiten.

Berlin: A. Hirschwald, 1894.

This monumental work is a landmark in dermatological history. Sir Norman Walker translated it into English in 1896. Unna, short in stature but a giant among dermatologists, initiated the study of the skin by means of diascopy and gave several original descriptions of affections of the skin. The acne bacillus is described for the first time on p. 357.

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › BACTERIA (mostly pathogenic; sometimes indexed only to genus) › Gram-Positive Bacteria › Cutibacterium acnes, DERMATOLOGY › Dermatopathology, PATHOLOGY › Histopathology
  • 4001

Handatlas der Hautkrankheiten fur Studirende und Arzte. 3 pts.

Vienna & Berlin: W. Braumüller, 18981900.

An extensive and valuable collection of illustrations in dermatology. Includes 377 chromolithographs.

"In publishing this hand atlas of skin diseases, I wish to provide students with an aid to their studies and general practitioners with a means of comparison and verification when diagnosing skin diseases... The hand atlas not only has to contain all common and unusual forms of diseases, it must also show all of the modifications they can assume according to their site, extensiveness, and phase of development or regression. Our dermatology clinic here at Vienna University has a collection of teaching aids, consisting of coloured original water-colour paintings commissioned by Ferdinand Hebra. These paintings now number almost 1000. Most of them are the masterly work of Elfinger and Karl Heitzmann..." (Quoted by Ehring, Skin Diseases: 5 Centuries of Scientific Illustration [1989] p. 180).

  • 4002

La photothérapie. Les rayons chimiques et la variole. La lumière comme agent d’excitabilité. Traitement du lupus vulgaire par des rayons chimiques concentrés.

Paris: G. Carré & C. Naud, 1899.

Finsen was a pioneer in the treatment of lupus by means of light. English translation, 1901.

  • 4003

Note sur le traitement du lupus érythémateux par des applications de radium.

Bull. Soc. franç. Derm. Syph.12, 438-40, 1901.

First application of radium in the treatment of lupus.

  • 4004

Surla radiothérapie des teignes.

Ann. Derm. Syph. (Paris), 4 sér., 5, 577-87, 1904.

Sabouraud’s method of radiological treatment of ringworm.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses › Fungal Skin Infections, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Mycosis › Dermaphytes Infections › Tinea (Ringworm), RADIOLOGY
  • 4005

Précis de dermatologie.

Paris: Masson & Cie, 1909.

  • 4006
  • 5206

Handbuch der Haut-und Geschlechtskrankheiten. Hrsg…von J. JADASSOHN. 24 vols.

Berlin: Julius Springer, 19271937.

  • 4007

Die Röntgen-Nahbestrahlung maligner Tumoren.

Strahlentherapie, 48, 31-50, 1933.

Chaoul therapy.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY, ONCOLOGY & CANCER › Radiation (Radiotherapy)
  • 4008

Inherited abnormalities of the skin and its appendages.

London: H. Milford, 1933.

  • 4009

Nouvelle pratique dermatologique. 8 vols.

Paris: Masson & Cie, 1936.

  • 4010

Technique de traitement du lupus tuberculeux.

Ann. Derm. Syph. (Paris), 8 sér., 3, 331, 1943.

Introduction of calciferol in the treatment of lupus. A more extensive report, “Le traitement des tuberculoses cutanées par la vitamine D2 à hautes doses”, appeared in the same journal, 1946, 8 sér., 6, 310-46.

  • 4011

Lupus vulgaris treated with calciferol.

Proc. roy. Soc. Med. 39, 96-99, 1945.

Dowling and Prosser Thomas introduced calciferol in the treatment of lupus independently of Charpy (no. 4010) whose work was unknown to them owing to the wartime isolation of France.

  • 4011.1

Experimental ringworm in guinea pigs: oral treatment with griseofulvin.

Nature (Lond.), 182, 476-77, 1958.

Use of griseofulvin in the treatment of ringworm.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses › Fungal Skin Infections, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Mycosis › Dermaphytes Infections › Tinea (Ringworm), PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Antifungal Medicines
  • 3417
  • 4011.2
  • 6377

De medica historia mirabili.

Mantua: per Fr. Osanam, 1586.

An early history of diseases, with extensive sections on ophthalmology (ff. 66-77) and urology (ff. 260-271). Lib. IV, Cap. iii, page 196 contains the first recorded case of gastric ulcer. Lib. VI. cap. iii contains the first description of angioneurotic edema (later described as Quincke's edema, No. 4081). Digital facsimile from the Medical Heritage Library, Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, GASTROENTEROLOGY › Diseases of the Digestive System › Gastric / Duodenal Ulcer, OPHTHALMOLOGY , UROLOGY
  • 2529.1
  • 4012

Osservazioni intorno a’ pellicelli del corpo umano.

Florence: Piero Matini, 1687.

First clinical and experimental proof of infection by a microparasite. Bonomo observed Sarcoptes scabiei, the scabies mite. This gave researchers grounds to think in terms of objective, exogenous pathogenic agents as the cause of disease. This pamphlet was in part translated by Richard Mead in Phil. Trans.,(1702-03), 1703, 23, 1296-99; it was reproduced in facsimile, with Mead’s translation, in Arch. Derm. Syph. (Chicago), 1928, 18, 1-25. See 2529.1.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, PARASITOLOGY › Sarcoptes scabiei (Itch-Mite)
  • 4013

An extract from the minutes of the Royal Society, March 16, 1731, containing an uncommon case of a distempered skin.

Phil. Trans., 37, 299-301, 1731.

First known description of Ichthyosis hystrix, a group of rare skin disorders in the ichthyosis family of skin disorders characterized by massive hyperkeratosis with an appearance like spiny scales. Digital facsimile from the Royal Society at this link.

Machin’s observations referred to the Lambert family, and were followed through successive generations of the family by Henry Baker in "A supplement to the account of a distempered skin, published in the 424th number of the Philosophical Transactions," Phil. Trans., 1755, 49,  21-24. Digital facsimile of Baker's paper from the Royal Society at this link

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Congenital Skin Disorders › Ichthyosis
  • 4014

An account of an extraordinary disease of the skin and its cure. Extracted from the Italian of Carlo Crusio, with a letter of the Abbé Nollet to Mr. William Watson by Robert Watson.

Phil. Trans. 48, 579-87, 1754.

The early history of scleroderma is confused with that of leprosy, ichthyosis, and keloid. Crusio appears to be the first to differentiate it. Gintrac in 1847 coined the term “scleroderma”. It is now included among the connective tissue diseases. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 2734.4
  • 4015
  • 4662
  • 5516
  • 6326

A treatise on the diseases of children.

London: J. Mathews, 1784.

Underwood laid the foundation of modern pediatrics. His work was superior to anything that had previously appeared and remained the most important book on the subject for sixty years, passing through many editions. The first edition (p.76) includes the first description of sclerema neonatorum (“Underwood’s disease”). That edition also contains a description of "aphthae of thrush."

In the second edition (1789, volume 2, pp. 122-27) Underwood presented a description of congenital heart disease in children. This was the first pediatric treatise to do so. Also, in the second edition, volume 2, pp. 53-57 entitled "Debility of the lower extremities," Underwood was the first to consider poliomyelitis as an entity.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY, DERMATOLOGY, GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Congenital Heart Defects, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Candidiasis, Mycology, Medical, NEUROLOGY › Inflammatory Conditions › Poliomyelitis, PEDIATRICS
  • 4015.1

Observations on cancers.

Med. Trans. Coll. Phys. Lond.1, 64-92, 1768.

First recorded description of multiple neurofibromatosis. Akenside was better known as a poet;  he was caricatured as the republican doctor of Tobias Smollett's The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, NEUROLOGY › Diseases of the Nervous System › Neurofibromatosis, ONCOLOGY & CANCER
  • 4016

Aetiologie der Krätze.

Hannover: Gebr. Helwing, 1786.

Wichmann definitely established the parasitic aetiology of scabies.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4017

Observations on certain horny excrescences of the human body.

Phil. Trans., 81, 95-105, 1791.

Original description of cornu cutaneum.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 3985
  • 4018

On cutaneous diseases. Vol. 1 [All published].

London: J. Johnson, 17961808.

Modern dermatology may be said to start with Willan. His classification of skin diseases gained him the Fothergillian Medal of the Medical Society of London in 1790. He established a standard nomenclature which is still more or less in use today. He was also a clinician of great ability who made numerous original observations. His book was issued in four parts under the title “Description and treatment of cutaneous diseases”, from 1798 to 1808, and only vol. 1 had been completed when Willan died. The first three parts exist in revised versions. Copies of the book may contain varying states of the parts. See F. Sutherland, Willan’s Cutaneous diseases, J. Hist. Med., 1958, 13, 92-94, supplementing T. Beswick, Robert Willan, J. Hist. Med., 1957, 12, 349-65. The above work and that of Alibert (No. 3986) are the first dermatological works with colored plates. 

Includes (pp. 73-76) original description of prurigo mitis; under the name “ichthyosis cornea” Willan quoted Crusio’s case of scleroderma (see pp. 197-212); Willan also established psoriasis as a separate skin disease (pp. 152-88). 

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY, DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 3986
  • 4019

Description des maladies de la peau observées à l’hôpital Saint Louis.

Paris: Barrois, 1806.

The largest and most spectacular of the early classics of dermatology, with hand-colored illustrations unsurpassed for their quality of execution. The illustrations are also the first on the subject in a French book. This book also contains the first description of mycosis fungoides (pian fungoide, framboesia mycoides), one of several conditions to which the name of Alibert has been attached.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY, DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses › Fungal Skin Infections › Mycosis Fungoides
  • 4020

On an eruptive disease of children.

Dublin med. phys. Essays, 1, 146-53, 18071808.

First description of ecthyma terebrans, “pemphigus gangrenosa”.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4021

A practical synopsis of cutaneous diseases according to the arrangement of Dr. Willan.

London: Longman, 1813.

This was the most influential textbook of dermatology of the 19th century, and the work which conveyed Willan’s system to most of the medical world. Included in the book was material by Willan which remained unpublished from his unfinished On cutaneous diseases. The Synopsis also “contained material original to Bateman himself…and it also provided insights into the origins of the morphologic system and an appreciation of its limitations not to be found in the work it was designed to complete” (Crissey & Parish). Description of lichen urticatus appears on p. 13.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses › Dermatitis / Eczema
  • 4021.1

Practical treatise on porrigo, or scald head, and on impetigo, the humid or running teter. By Robert Willan. Edited by Ashby Smith.

London: E. Cox, 1814.

This treatise on infantile eczema is the only fascicule of the second volume of Willan’s On cutaneous diseases (No.4018) that ever appeared in print. It was edited for publication after Willan's death by his stepson-in-law Ashby Smith.

  • 3988
  • 4022

Delineations of cutaneous diseases exhibiting the characteristic appearances of the principal genera and species comprised in the classification of the late Dr. Willan; and completing the series of engravings begun by that author.

London: Longman, 1817.

Bateman, the pupil of Willan, continued his teacher’s classification of skin diseases. The above work is notable for its 72 colored plates. Strictly speaking it is the first atlas of dermatology, as Willan’s work falls more into the category of illustrated treatise. This book includes numerous original contributions by Bateman. Originally issued in 12 fasciculi from 1814-1817. Unchanged reprint, 1828. 

Includes (pl. lii) important description of herpes iris (erythema iris), and of the eczema due to external irritation (pl. lv-lviii, eczema solare, impetiginoides, rubrum mercuriale). Pl. lxi represents the first description of molluscum contagiosum, but according to Paterson (No. 4032) the disease was probably noticed by Tilesius about 1793. Bateman refers to Tilesius but calls his case molluscum pendulum. 

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY, DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses › Dermatitis / Eczema, DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses › Molluscum Cantagiosum
  • 4023

Note sur la keloide.

J. univ. Sci. méd. 2, 207-16, 1816.

First accurate description of keloid (“Alibert’s keloid”), although it was mentioned by Retz in 1790.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4024

Description des maladies de la peau. 2me. édition. 2 vols.

Paris: A. Wahlen, 1825.

Contains (vol. 2, p. 214) first description of sycosis barbae (“Alibert’s mentagra”).

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4025

Observations respecting an ulcer of peculiar character, which attacks the eyelids and other parts of the face.

Dublin Hosp. Rep. 4, 232-39, 1827.

Arthur Jacob, Professor of Anatomy and physiology in Dublin, described “Jacob’s ulcer”, rodent ulcer attacking the face, especially the eyelid.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4027

Thèse inaugurale sur la découverte de l’insecte qui produit la contagion de la gale, du prurigo et du phlyzacia.

Paris: Imp. de Didot le jeune, 1835.

Demonstration of the human itch-mite, Sarcoptes scabiei. It was due to Renucci that the Sarcoptes was recognized as the one cause of scabies and its parasitic nature finally accepted.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, PARASITOLOGY › Sarcoptes scabiei (Itch-Mite)
  • 4028

Abrégé pratique des maladies de la peau. 3me. éd.

Paris: Béchet jeune, 1838.

Laurent Théodore Biett (1781-1840), was a pupil of Alibert, Willan, and Bateman. His classic description of lupus erythematoides migrans (“Biett’s disease”) occurs on pp. 11 and 415 of the above work.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4029

Zur Pathogenie der Impetigines.

Arch. Anat. Physiol. wiss. Med., 82-83, 1839.

The discovery of a fungus as the cause of favus (Achorion schönleinii). Schönlein communicated this important discovery in a letter of less than 200 words and one illustration. It represents the first conspicuous step in the attribution of disease to the action of minute parasites. Schönlein was the founder of modern clinical teaching in Germany.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, Mycology, Medical, PARASITOLOGY › Parasitic Fungi
  • 4030

Mémoire sur une végétation qui constitue la vraie teigne.

C.R. Acad. Sci. (Paris), 13, 72-75, 1841.

Independently of Schönlein (No. 4029) Gruby discovered the achorion of favus, describing it definitely as the cause of the disease, a point about which Schönlein was in doubt.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, PARASITOLOGY › Parasitic Fungi
  • 4031

Notice of the molluscum contagiosum.

Edinb. med. surg. J., 56, 213-18, 1841.

See No. 4032.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4032

Cases and observations on the molluscum contagiosum of Bateman, with an account of the minute structure of the tumours.

Edinb. med. J. 56, 279-88, 1841.

Henderson and Paterson described the inclusion body of molluscum contagiosum, “Henderson–Paterson body”.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4033

Om den spedalske sygdom. Elephantiasis graecorum.

Norsk. Mag. Laegevid. 4, 1-73; 127-216, 1842.

Boeck, eminent Norwegian dermatologist and syphilologist, was the first to describe Norwegian itch, scabies crustosa (“Boeck’s scabies”).

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, PARASITOLOGY › Sarcoptes scabiei (Itch-Mite)
  • 4034

Sur une espèce de mentagre contagieuse résultant du développement d’un nouveau cryptogame dans la racine des poils de la barbe de l’homme.

C. R. Acad. Sci. (Paris) 15, 512-15, 1842.

First accurate description of Trichophyton mentagrophytes, the fungus responsible for sycosis barbae. English translation of this and Gruby’s other five papers read to l’Académie des Sciences in Zakon & Benedek, David Gruby and the centenary of medical mycology, 1841-1941, Bull. Hist. Med., 1944, 16, 155-68.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, Mycology, Medical
  • 4035

Recherches sur la nature, le siège et le développement du Porrigo decalvans ou phytoalopécie.

C. R. Acad. Sci. (Paris), 17, 301-03, 1843.

First accurate description of Microsporon audouini, the fungus of Willan’s porrigo decalvans, tinea tonsurans, “Gruby’s disease”.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, Mycology, Medical
  • 4036

Recherches surles cryptogames qui constituent la maladie contagieuse du cuir chevelu décrite sous le nom de Teigne tondante (Mahon). Herpes tonsurans (Cazenave).

C. R. Acad. Sci. (Paris), 18, 583-85, 1844.

Gruby discovered a fungus, Trichophyton tonsurans, in ringworm of the scalp.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, Mycology, Medical
  • 4037

Pemphigus chronique, générale; forme rare de pemphigus foliacé; mort: autopsie; altération du foie.

Ann. Mal. Peau, 1, 208-10, 1844.

First description of pemphigus foliaceus, “Cazenave’s disease”. The article is unsigned.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4038

Ueber die Krätzmilben des Menschen, ihre Entwicklung und ihr Verhältniss zur Krätze.

N. Notiz. Geb. Nat. Heilk. 38, col. 105-10; 39, col. 265-70, 1846.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4039

Pilzbildung in der Pityriasis versicolor.

N. Notiz. Geb. Nat. Heilk. 39, col. 270-71, 1846.

Eichstedt discovered Pityrosporum orbiculare, fungus of pityriasis versicolor (“Eichstedt’s disease”).

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, Mycology, Medical
  • 4040

Des principales formes du lupus et de son traitement.

Gaz. Hôp. (Paris) 3 sér., 2, 383, 1850.

Lupus erythematosus – “Cazenave’s disease”.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4041

On a certain affection of the skin, vitiligoidea: α Plana, β tuberosa.

Guy’s Hosp. Rep. 2 ser., 7, 265-76, 1851.

In their classic account of xanthoma multiplex, Addison and Gull believed they were describing a new disease, but Rayer had been the first to mention it. (See No. 3989; see also the later paper by Gull, Guy’s Hosp. Rep., 1852, 2 ser., 8, 149.)

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4042

On the keloid of Alibert, and on true keloid.

Med.-chir. Trans. 37, 27-47, 1854.

Addison described two forms of keloid, that described by Alibert, and the “true keloid” (the skin disease morphoea, “Addison’s keloid”).

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4043

Ueber die Folge und den Verlauf epidermischer Krankheiten.

Halle: H. W. Schmidt, 1854.

First description of tinea cruris (eczema marginatum, “Bärensprung’s disease”).

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4044

Pityriasis pilaris, maladie de peau non décrite par les dermatologistes.

Gaz. hebd. Méd. 3, 197-201, 1856.

Devergie is remembered for his clear description of pityriasis rubra pilaris, (“Devergie’s disease”). He was the first to demonstrate the presence of a fungus in eczema marginatum.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, Mycology, Medical
  • 4045

Lichen exsudativus ruber.

Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 2, 75-76, 1857.

First description of this condition (“Hebra’s pityriasis”).

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4046

Sur la coloration partielle en noir ou en bleu de la peau chez les femmes.

Bull. Acad. Méd. (Paris), 23, 1141-44; 26, 773-75, 18571858, 18601861.

Chromidrosis first described.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4047

On a new and striking form of fungus disease, principally affecting the foot, and prevailing endemically in many parts of India.

Trans. med. phys. Soc. Bombay, (1860), n.s. 6, 104-42, 1861.

First modern description of mycetoma of the foot – “Madura foot”, “Carter’s mycetoma”. It was mentioned by E. Kaempfer in his Amoenitates exoticae, Lemgo, 1712, p. 561. Colebrook at the Madura Dispensary is said to have given it the name “Madura foot” in 1846. See also No. 4066.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › India, DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, Mycology, Medical, TROPICAL Medicine
  • 4048

Traité pratique des maladies de la peau. 3 éd., 2 vols.

Paris: H. Plon, 1860.

Gibert’s name is associated with pityriasis rosea, which he first established as a definite clinical entity. His complete and accurate description of this condition is on page 402 of vol. 1 of the above work.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4049

Das umschriebene Eczem. Eczema marginatum. In Virchow’s Handbuch der spec. Path. u. Therap., 3, 1 Abt., 361-63.

Erlangen, 1860.

Complete description of tinea cruris (eczema marginatum), first described by Bärensprung in 1854.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4050

De l’hypertrophie générale du système sébacé.

Paris, 1860.

First description of keratosis follicularis.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4051

Leçons théoriques et cliniques sur la scrofule considérée en elle-même et dans ses rapports avec la syphilis, la dartre et l'arthritis. 2me édition.

Paris: A. Delahaye, 1861.

Erythema induratum scrophulosorum (“Bazin’s disease”) first described.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4052

A peculiar atrophy of the skin (Lineae atrophicae).

Guy’s Hosp. Rep. 3 ser., 7, 197-301, 1861.

First description of lineae atrophicae.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4053

Disease of the skin produced by post mortem examinations, or verruca necrogenica.

Guy’s Hosp. Rep. 3 ser., 8, 263-65, 1862.

Description of dissecting-room warts (verrucae necrogenicae),tuberculosis verrucosa cutis (also known as Lupus verrucosus, Prosector's wart, and "Warty tuberculosis"[ the cutaneous tuberculosis of Laennec, sometimes called “Wilks’s disease”.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Tuberculosis
  • 4054

Fall einer selten Muskelkrankheit.

Arch. Heilk., 4, 282-83, 1863.

First recorded case of dermatomyositis, now regarded as a connective tissue disease.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4055

On impetigo contagiosa, or porrigo.

Brit. med. J., 1, 78-79, 467-68, 495-96, 553-55, 607-09, 1864.

“Impetigo of Tilbury Fox”, impetigo contagiosa, first described.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4056

Das Colloid-Milium der Haut.

Arch. Heilk. 7, 463-64, 1866.

Colloid degeneration of the skin (“Wagner’s disease”) was first described by Wagner who gave it the name “Colloid milium”.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4056.1

Ueber Cataracten in Verbindung mit einer eigenthümlichen Haut-de-generation.

Graefe’s Arch. Ophthal.14, 159-82, 1868.

Poikiloderma congenitale (Rothmund).

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Congenital Skin Disorders › Congenital Poikiloderma, OPHTHALMOLOGY › Ocular Surgery & Procedures › Cataract
  • 4057

Chronic urticaria leaving brown stains: nearly two years’ duration.

Brit. med. J., 2, 323, 1869.

Urticaria pigmentosa (Mastocytosis of the skin) described by Nettleship, was named eponymically “Nettleship’s disease”.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses › Urtricaria Pigmentosa (Mastocytosis of the skin)
  • 4058

On a diseased condition of the hairs of the axilla, probably of parasitic origin.

J. cutan. Med., 3, 133-36, 1869.

Tinea nodosa (trichorrhexis nodosa, “Paxton’s disease”) first described.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4059

Lafa Tokelau, or Tokelau ringworm.

Glasg. med. J., 2, 510-12, 18691870.

First description, tinea imbricata. Turner described the disease while serving as a medical missionary in Samoa.

  • 4060

Dermatitis erysipelatosa; Gangraena; Enkephalitis.

Öst. Jb. Pädiat., 1, 23-24, 1870.

First description of dermatitis exfoliativa neonatorum (“Rittershain’s disease”).

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, PEDIATRICS
  • 4061

On dermatitis exfoliativa.

Med. Times Gaz. 1, 118-20, 1870.

Although Hippocrates mentioned this condition, Erasmus Wilson first named it and described it as we know it today. It has been called “Wilson’s disease”; an eponym discarded since its use to describe the progressive lenticular degeneration of Kinnier Wilson.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4062

Ueber einzelne während der Schwangerschaft, dem Wochenbette und bei Uterinalkrankheiten der Frauen zu beobachtende Hautkrankheiten.

Wien. med. Wschr., 22, 1197-1201, 1872.

Hebra was the first to describe impetigo herpetiformis, more fully dealt with by Kaposi, his son-in-law.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4063

Idiopathisches multiples Pigmentsarkom der Haut.

Arch. Derm. Syph. (Prag.), 4, 265-73, 1872.

First description of “Kaposi’s sarcoma” – multiple idiopathic hemorrhagic sarcoma. English translation in CA, 1982, 32, 342-47.

  • 4064

Erythema serpens.

St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., 9, 198-211, 1873.

First description of erythema serpens, usually called “erysipeloid of Rosenbach”, following the latter’s paper in Arch. klin. Chir., 1887, 36, 346.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4065

On dysidrosis (an undescribed eruption).

Brit. med. J. 2, 365-66, 1873.

Original description of dysidrosis (pompholyx).

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4066

On mycetoma, or the fungus disease of India.

London: J. & A. Churchill, 1874.

See No. 4047.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › India, DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, Mycology, Medical, TROPICAL Medicine
  • 4067

Illustrations of clinical surgery. 2 vols.

London: John Churchill, 18751888.

Vol. 1 pp. 49-52: Hutchinson’s classic description of cheiropompholyx, dysidrosis (“Hutchinson’s disease”). The first description and illustration of sarcoidosis is on p. 42.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, Illustration, Biomedical, NEUROLOGY › Neuropathology
  • 4068

Ueber eine noch wenig gekannte Hautkrankeit (Dermatitis circumscripta herpetiformis).

Vjschr. Derm., 2, 41-52, 1875.

First description of porokeratosis (Mibelli).

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4069

On a rare case of idiopathic localized or partial atrophy of the skin.

Arch. Derm. (N.Y.), 2, 114-21, 18751876.

First description of the condition called by Herxheimer and Hartmann in 1902 “acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans”, and known eponymically as “Taylor’s disease”.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4070

On giant urticaria.

Edinb. med. J., 22, 513-26, 18761877.

Although Quincke described angioneurotic edema with great precision and has given his name to it (“Quincke’s disease”, “Quincke’s edema”), Milton first noted it, calling it “giant urticaria”.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4070.1

Zur Aetiologie der Psoriasis.

Viertelj. Dermatol. Syph., 8, 559-561, 1876.

“Koebner phenomenon” – appearance at points of injury of any skin lesion that is not an ordinary manifestation or complication of the injury.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4071

Warty growths.

St. George’s Hosp. Rep., (1877-1878), 9, 753-62, 1879.

Original description of angiokeratoma (“Mibelli’s disease” – so named from the latter’s description of it in 1891; see No. 4105).

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4073

The minute anatomy of dysidrosis.

Trans. path. Soc. Lond., 29, 264-68, 18771878.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4074

Summer prurigo, prurigo aestivalis, seu prurigo adolescentium, seu acne-prurigo.

Med. Times Gaz., 1, 161-63, 1878.

Hutchinson’s summer prurigo.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4075

Lectures on clinical surgery. Pt. 2.

London: J. & A. Churchill, 1879.

On p. 298 is the first description of hydradenitis destruens suppurativa, later named “Pollitzer’s disease” from the latter’s important description of it in J. cutan. gen.-urin. Dis., 1892, 10, 9-24.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4075.1

On the treatment of psoriasis by an ointment of chrysophanic acid.

London: J. & A. Churchill, 1878.

Introduction of chrysarobin in dermatology.

  • 4076

A case of multiple tumors of the skin accompanied by intense pruritis.

Arch. Derm. (Philad.), 5, 385; 6, 129-32, 18791880.

First description of prurigo nodularis. In 1909 J. N. Hyde (Diseases of the skin, Philadelphia, p. 174) was responsible for its present name and for the eponym “Hyde’s disease”.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4077

Notes on unusual or rare forms of skin disease. IV. Congenital ulceration of skin (two cases) with pemphigus eruption and arrest of development generally.

Lancet, 1, 766-67, 1879.

First description of epidermolysis bullosa.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4078

A clinical study of hydroa.

Arch. Derm. (Philad.), 6, 16-52, 1880.

First description of dermatitis herpetiformis (“Duhring’s disease”; see No. 4083).

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4079

Di un caso di encondroma et angioma multiplo. Contribuzione alla genesi embrionale dei tumori.

Movimento med.-chir. 3, 399-412, 1881.

“Maffucci’s syndrome” – cavernous hemangioma with enchondromas of skeleton, producing deformities.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, ONCOLOGY & CANCER
  • 4080

Xeroderma pigmentosum.

Med. Jb. 619-33, 1882.

Excellent pathological study of this condition (“Kaposi’s disease”), which he first described in Virchow’s Handbuch der speziellen Pathologie und Therapie, 1876, 2, 182.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, PATHOLOGY
  • 4081

Ueber akutes umschriebenes Hautödem.

Mh. prakt. Derm., 1, 129-31, 1882.

Hereditary angioedema is also known as Quincke’s edema, from the latter’s excellent description of it, but he was preceded by several other writers, including Donati (No. 4011.2) and Milton (No. 4070). It is also called “Bannister’s disease”. English translation in No. 2241.

  • 4082
  • 4566

Ueber die multiplen Fibrome der Haut und ihre Beziehung zu den multiplen Neuromen

Berlin: August Hirschwald, 1882.

One of Virchow’s distinguished pupils, von Recklinghausen gave a classic description of neurofibromatosis, adding much to the knowledge of the condition, which later became known as “Recklinghausen’s disease”. The article first appeared as a contribution to the Virchow Festschrift, also published in 1882. See No. 4566.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, NEUROLOGY › Diseases of the Nervous System, NEUROLOGY › Diseases of the Nervous System › Neurofibromatosis
  • 4082.1

Recherches sur les caractères anatomiques du xanthélasma.

Arch. Physiol. norm. Path., 3 ser., 4, 65-80, 1884.

First description of skin changes and necropsy findings in pseudoxanthoma elasticum. See No. 4096.1 and Trans. St. John’s Hosp. Derm. Soc., 1972, 58, 235-50 (F.M. Pope).

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4083

Dermatitis herpetiformis.

J. Amer. med. Assoc., 3, 225-29, 1884.

Duhring’s best work in dermatology. He brought together, under the name of “dermatitis herpetiformis” (“Duhring’s disease”) the group of eruptions which morphologically lay between urticaria and the toxic erythemas on the one hand and pemphigus on the other. Duhring wrote the first American textbook on dermatology.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY, DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses › Dermatitis Herpetiformis
  • 4084


Trans. Amer. derm. Ass., 1884, 14-16; J. cutan. gen.-urin. Dis., 11, 293-303, 1893.

Robinson wrote an excellent textbook on dermatology in 1884, the year in which he published the first description of hydrocystoma (“Robinson’s disease”).

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4085

Ueber eine neue Form von Hautkrankheit, “Lymphodermia perniciosa”.

Med. Jb.129-47, 1885.

First description of lymphoderma perniciosa, premycotic or leukemic erythrodermia.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4086

Lichen ruber monileformis – Korallen schnurartiger Lichen ruber.

Vjschr. Derm., 13, 571-82, 1886.

Kaposi is credited with the first description of this condition, sometimes called “Kaposi’s disease”, and probably a rare variety of lichen planus.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4087

Ueber Pemphigus vegetans (frambösioides).

Vjschr. Derm., 13, 157-78, 1886.

“Neumann’s disease” – pemphigus vegetans. This was first described by Alibert. English translation (New Sydenham Society), 1897.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4088

Du lichen (lichen, prurigo, strophulus).

Ann. Derm. Syph. (Paris), 2 sér., 7, 133-54, 1886.

“Vidal’s disease” – neurodermatitis.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4089

Ueber die Aetiologie und Therapie der Impetigo, des Furunkels und der Sykosis.

Mh. prakt. Derm. 6, 450-71, 1887.

First description of impetigo circumpilaris infantilis (“Bockhart’s impetigo”).

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, PEDIATRICS
  • 4090

Ueber die normale Entwicklung und über einige Veränderungen der menschlichen Haare.

Vjschr. Derm. Syph. 14, 1049-75, 1887.

“Giovanni’s disease”. He described the developmental defect of hair follicles known as pili multigemini.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4091

Impetigo herpetiformis.

Vjschr. Derm. 14, 273-96, 1887.

Although not the first to describe this condition, Kaposi established its status.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4092

Das seborrhoische Ekzem.

Mh. prakt. Derm. 6, 827-46, 1887.

Unna’s seborrhoeic eczema.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4093

Dermatitis venenata: An account of the action of external irritants upon the skin.

Boston, MA: Cupples & Hurd, 1887.

White, a pupil of Hebra, was an outstanding personality in American dermatology; he held the first chair in that subject in the U.S.A. The eponym “White’s disease” refers to his description of keratosis follicularis in J. cutan. gen.-urin. Dis., 1889, 7, 201-09, a condition described earlier by Lutz and later by Darier.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY, DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Congenital Skin Disorders › Keratosis Follicularis
  • 4094

Folliculite épilante décalvante.

Réunions clin. Hôp. St. Louis, C. R. (Paris), 9, 17, 18881889.

Folliculitis decalvans of Quinquaud first described. At about the same time, P. A. Robert described it independently in his thesis, Paris, 1889.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4095

Lupus pernio de la face; synovites fongueuses (scrofulo-tuberculeuses) symétriques des extrémités supérieures.

Ann. Derm. Syph. (Paris), 2 sér., 10, 333-36, 1889.

Besnier–Boeck–Schaumann disease, Boeck’s sarcoid. Boeck (No. 4128) wrote a classic paper on the subject and later Schaumann’s paper (No. 4149) resulted in a triple eponym. (See No. 4067).

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4096

A case of erythema with remarkable nodular thickening and induration of skin, associated with intermittent albuminuria.

Illustr. med. News, 3, 145-48, 1889.

Erythema elevatum diutinum (“Bury’s disease”).

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4096.1

Xanthélasma disséminé et symétrique, sans insufficance hépatique.

Bull. Mém. Soc. méd. Hôp. Paris, 3 sér., 6, 412-19, 1889.

In 1889 Chauffard gave an important description of pseudoxanthoma elasticum. Further reports on his patient were published by Besnier and Doyon, Darier, and Hallopeau and Laffitte, the last in Ann. Derm. Syph. (Paris), 1903, 4, 595.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4097

De la psorospermose folliculaire végétante.

Ann. Derm. Syph. (Paris), 10, 597-612, 1889.

Dyskeratosis follicularis was so well described by Darier that it is universally known as “Darier’s disease”. J. C. White also described it (see No. 4093) and the first description is accredited to H.C. Lutz (No. 4050).

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4098

A rare form of lupus (marginatus).

Arch. Surg. (Lond.), 1, Plates 13-14, 18891890.

“Hilliard’s lupus”. Hutchinson made an innovation in terminology when he named the disease after the patient instead of the physician describing it. The Archives, which ran to 11 volumes, were written entirely by Hutchinson. See also Polyclinic, 1900, 2, 104-09, for a fuller description of this patient.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4099

Des érythèmes papuleux fessiers post-érosifs.

Rev. Mal. Enf. 4, 208-18, 1889.

“Jacquet’s disease”, “Jacquet’s dermatitis”, papulo-lenticular erythema of the napkin area.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses