An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16077 entries, 14165 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: March 4, 2025

Browse by Entry Number 13100–13199

99 entries
  • 13100

Catalogus plantarum Horti Medici Amstelodamensis. Pars prior.

Amsterdam: Arnold Ooasaen for J. Commelin, 1689.

First published catalogue of plants of the Hortus Medicus, precursor of the Hortus Botanicus. The Hortus Medicus, founded in 1682 under Commelin's guidance, was ranked among the most comprehensive in Europe, including exotic species collected by he captains of the VOC and WIC from their voyages. Pars prior was all published. Digital facsimile from Googel Books at this link.


Subjects: BOTANY › Botanical Gardens, BOTANY › Medical Botany › Medical Botany
  • 13101

An examination of phrenology; in two lectures.

Washington, DC: B. Homans, 1837.

This may be the earliest work incorporating anatomical images that was written in opposition to phrenology. Sewall, a physician from New England, was a founding member of the medical department at Columbian College (now George Washington University) in Washington D.C., where he had relocated after being convicted of body-snatching in Massachusetts. A vocal opponent of phrenology, Sewall laid out his objections based on two lectures delivered before the students of Columbian College in 1837. The work is illustrated with images of horizontal and vertical sections of the brain and skull, together with a diagram of the phrenological "organs" of the brain / mind. Digital facsimile from U.S. National Library of Medicine at this link.

Subjects: ALTERNATIVE, Complimentary & Pseudomedicine › Phrenology
  • 13102

Mémoire instructif sur la manière de rassembler, de preparer, de conserver, et d’envoyer les diverses curiosités d’histoire naturelle; auquel ... Avis pour le transport par mer, des arbres, des plantes vivaces, des semences, & diverse autres curiosités d'histoire naturelle.

Paris & Lyon: Jean Marie Bruyset, 1758.

An illustrated guide to taxidermy and the preparation of natural history specimens, probably the first taxidermy manual published in French. The twenty-five folding engravings, the majority by amateur engraver and pastellist Marguerite le Comte (1717-1800) after drawings by Durand, include depictions of taxidermy preparations of birds, reptiles, small mammals and fish, together with illustrations of specimens of beetles, sea urchins, star fish, shells, sponges and coral. The final section is a reprint, with revisions, of Henri-Louis Duhamel du Monceau’s Avis ... (Paris, 1752?) concerning the transportation of tree and plant specimens by sea.  Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Subjects: MUSEUMS › Natural History Museums / Wunderkammern
  • 13103

Nouveau traité élémentaire et pratique des maladies mentales. Suivi de considérations pratiques sur l'administration des asiles d'aliénés.

Paris: J.-B. Baillière et fils, 1876.

The first psychiatric textbook to utilize photographic illustrations of patients. This was the second edition of Dagonet's Traité élémentaire et pratique des maladies mentales (1862). The second edition included 8 Woodburytype photographs depicting 33 "types of insanity."
A proponent of physiognomic diagnosis, which associated physical and facial morphology to personal characteristics (Pichel 2019), Dagonet strategically used visuals to make his textual arguments more convincing. Dagonet hired photographer J. Valette to create “portrait-style” photographs of a number of his patients at the Sainte Anne asylum in Paris. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: IMAGING › Photography / Photomicrography , PSYCHIATRY
  • 13104

Napoleon immortal: The medical history and private life of Napoleon Bonaparte.

London: John Murray, 1959.

Subjects: BIOGRAPHY (Reference Works) › Biographies of Individuals
  • 13105

Andreas Vesalius and the Fabrica in the age of printing: Art, anatomy and printing in the Italian renaissance. Edited by R. F. Canalis and M. Ciavolella.

Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2018.

Subjects: ANATOMY › History of Anatomical Illustration, ANATOMY › History of Anatomy, BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Anatomy
  • 13106

Improved protein structure prediction using potentials from deep learning.

Nature, 577, 706-710, 2020.

Order of authorship in the original paper: Senior, Evans, Jumper. ABSTRACT: "Protein structure prediction can be used to determine the three-dimensional shape of a protein from its amino acid sequence. This problem is of fundamental importance as the structure of a protein largely determines its function; however, protein structures can be difficult to determine experimentally. Considerable progress has recently been made by leveraging genetic information. It is possible to infer which amino acid residues are in contact by analysing covariation in homologous sequences, which aids in the prediction of protein structures. Here we show that we can train a neural network to make accurate predictions of the distances between pairs of residues, which convey more information about the structure than contact predictions. Using this information, we construct a potential of mean force4 that can accurately describe the shape of a protein. We find that the resulting potential can be optimized by a simple gradient descent algorithm to generate structures without complex sampling procedures. The resulting system, named AlphaFold, achieves high accuracy, even for sequences with fewer homologous sequences. In the recent Critical Assessment of Protein Structure Prediction5 (CASP13)—a blind assessment of the state of the field—AlphaFold created high-accuracy structures (with template modelling (TM) scores6 of 0.7 or higher) for 24 out of 43 free modelling domains, whereas the next best method, which used sampling and contact information, achieved such accuracy for only 14 out of 43 domains. AlphaFold represents a considerable advance in protein-structure prediction. We expect this increased accuracy to enable insights into the function and malfunction of proteins, especially in cases for which no structures for homologous proteins have been experimentally determined."

Subjects: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine , BIOLOGY › MOLECULAR BIOLOGY › Protein Structure
  • 13107

Natural history auctions 1700-1972. A register of sales in the British Isles compiled by J. M. Chalmers-Hunt. With articles by S. Peter Dance, Peter G. Embrey, W. D. Ian Rolfe, Clive Simson, William T. Stern, J. M. Chalmers-Hunt, Alwyne Wheeler.

London: Sotheby Parke Bernet, 1976.

Entomological sales by J.M. Chalmers-Hunt.
Zoological Sales other than those of birds Insects and shells by Alwyne Wheeler
Botanical Sales by William T. Stern
Ornithology and Oology by Clive Simson
Fossil Sales by W. D. Ian Rolfe
Minerals by Peter G. Embrey
Shell Sales by S. Peter Dance

Subjects: MUSEUMS › Natural History Museums / Wunderkammern, NATURAL HISTORY › History of Natural History
  • 13108

Researches on Myohaematin and the Histohaematins.

Phil. Trans., 177, 267-298, 1886.

First description of the respiratory pigment in blood, known today as Cytochrome1. Digital facsimile from the Royal Society at this link.

  • 13109

The spectroscope in medicine.

London, 1880.

  • 13110

The cottage hospital: Its origin, progress, management and work. With an alphabetical list of every cottage hospital at present opened, and a chapter on hospitalism in cottage hospital practice.

London: J. & A. Churchill, 1877.

Digital facsimile of the first edition from Google Books at this link.

Much expanded second edition: Cottage hospitals general, fever, and convalescent : their progress, management, and work with an alphabetical list of every cottage hospital at present opened; and chapters on mortuaries, the relative mortality of large and small hospitals, and cottage hospitals in America. London: J. & A. Churchill, 1880. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Third edition, somewhat condensed, "with an alphabetical list of every cottage hospital at present opened." London: The Scientific Press, 1896. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

  • 13111

Hints in sickness: Where to go and what to do.

London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co, 1883.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: Emergency Medicine, Household or Self-Help Medicine
  • 13112

The Birds of America, from drawings made in the United States and their territories. 7 vols.

Philadelphia: J. B. Chevalier, 18401844.

Audubon created 65 new images for the octavo edition, supplementing the original 435 in the double-elephant folio edition of 1827-1838. The resulting series of 500 chromolithographed plates constituted the most extensive American color-plate book produced up to that time. The Philadelphia printer J.T. Bowen reduced the double-elephant folio plates by camera lucida. The original configurations of the elephant folio were altered so that only one species is depicted per plate, and the resulting chromolithographs incorporated significant changes in the backgrounds and compositions. The text in the Ornithological biography was rearranged according to Audubon's A synopsis of the birds of North America (1839).  Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Subjects: ZOOLOGY › Ornithology
  • 13113

The effects of atomic bombs on health and medical services in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The United States Strategic Bombing Survey, Medical Division.

Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1947.

Digital facsimile from U.S. National Library of Medicine at this link.

Subjects: MILITARY MEDICINE, SURGERY & HYGIENE › World War II, TOXICOLOGY › Radiation Exposure
  • 13114

Mimicry in butterflies.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1915.

Subjects: EVOLUTION, ZOOLOGY › Arthropoda › Entomology › Lepidoptera
  • 13115

Notice sur le premier ouvrage d'anatomie et de médecine, imprimé en Turc, à Constantinople, en 1820, intitulé Miroir des corps dans l'anatomie de l'homme envoyé et offert par S. Exc. L'Ambassadeur de France près la sublime porte a la Bibliothèque du Roi; Suivie du Catalogue des livres turcs, arabes et persans, imprimés à Contantinople, depuis l'introduction de l'Imprimerie, en 12726-27, jusqu'en 1820.

Paris: De L'Imprimerie de L.-T. Cellot, 1821.

Bianchi characterized himself on the title page as Adj. Secretarty-Interpreter of the King for Oriental Languages.  In this pamphlet he translated parts of the text of Chani-Zadeh and also translated the Table of Contents of the work.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

  • 13116

Mirât ul-abd fi techrīhh azâ il-insân.

Üsküdar (Scutari), 1820.

The first book on anatomy and medicine printed in Turkish. The title may be translated as Miroir des corps dans l'anatomie des membres de l''homme. The work was primarily derived from European sources and included 56 plates copied from European books.

My references for book and the spelling of the author's name are "Catalogue des Livres composant la Bibliothèque Linguistique de M. Le Marquis de la Ferté-Sénectère (1873). No. 2115. And the pamphlet about the publication by T.-X Bianchi (No. 13115 in

  • 13117

Chirurgie françoise, avec plusieurs figures des instrumens nécessaires pour l'opération manuelle.

Lyon: Guillaume Rouille, 1569.

Daléchamp, a pupil of Guillaume Rondelet, received his doctorate in medicine from the University of Montpellier in 1547; he settled in Lyons in 1552, where he remained for the rest of his life. His Chirurgie françoise, which went through four editions between 1569 and 1610, is based on the sixth book of Paul of Aegina’s De re medica, which he translated into French and augmented with commentary by Aretaus, Celsus, Avicenna and Albucasis. He attempted to set the surgery of the ancient work in context, and compared the surgical knowledge of antiquity with that of his own day. Daléchamp’s treatise includes numerous illustrations of surgical instruments, some of which he credited to Ambroise Paré and to Jacques Roy; however, Daléchamps also introduced instruments of his own design, which Paré acknowledged in his own works.

Subjects: SURGERY: General , SURGERY: General › Barber Surgeons, Manuals for, SURGERY: General › Notable Surgical Illustrations
  • 13118

Historia generalis plantarum. In libros XVIII. per certas classes artificiose digesta, Haec, plusquam mille imaginibus plantarum locupletior superioribus, omnes propemodum quae ab antiquis scriptoribus Graecis, Latinis, Arabibus, nominantur : necnon eas quae in Orientis atque Occidentis partibus, ante seculum nostrum incognitis, repertae fuerunt, tibi exhibec. Habes etiam earundem plantarum peculiaria diuersis nationibus nomina: habes amplas descriptiones, è quibus singularum genus, formam, vbi crescant & quo tempore vigeant, natiuum temperamentum, vires denique in medicina proprias cognosces. Adiecti sunt Indices, non solùm Graeci et Latini, sed aliarum quoque linguarum, locupletissimi. 2 vols.

Lyon: Apud Guilielmum Rouvillium, 15861587.

The "most complete botanical compilation of its time and the first to descrbie much of the flora peculiar to the region around Lyons" (DSB).
Digital facsimile from Bibloteca digital, Real Jardín Botanico at this link.

Subjects: BOTANY
  • 13119

Aquatilium animalium historiae. Liber primus cum eorumdem formis aere excusis.

Rome, 1554.

Salviani taught at the University of Rome until 1568, after which he was chief physician to the House of Farnese and three successive popes, Pope Julius IIIPope Marcellus II and Pope Paul IV.

"Salviani’s work was published in parts over a period of three years. Its use of copper engraving was well-suited to depicting fish, and greatly superior to woodcuts with its lifelike rendition of eyes and scales. The copper engravings have a scientific appearance, but some details, like the correct number and position of the scales were omitted. Nicolas Béatrizet probably designed the title-page and the fish illustrations were made by Antoine Lafréry. Another theory is that they were drawn by the Italian painter Bernardus Aretinus and engraved by Nicolas Béatrizet. Salviani's Aquatilium animalium (1554-1558) only deals with animals personally observed and handled by him. He noted that cephalopods were distinct from fishes. He collected most of the fishes for his studies from the market in Rome" (Wikipedia article on Hippolito Salviani).

Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Subjects: NATURAL HISTORY, NATURAL HISTORY › Illustration, ZOOLOGY › Ichthyology
  • 13120

Hygiène professionnelle. Le compositeur typographe.

Paris: Andrien Delahaye et Émile Lecrosnier, 1882.

A 21-page pamphlet of the diseases and hygiene of typographers; chiefly diseases related to their exposure to lead through their hands and breathing in of of lead particles in the air as a result of poor ventilation.

Digital facsimile from BnFgallica at this link.

  • 13121

On the different forms of insanity in relation to jurisprudence, designed for the use of persons concerned in legal questions regarding unsoundness of mind.

London: Hippolyte Baillière, 1842.

In this book Prichard presented his arguments for introducing the concept of diminished responsibility and irresistable impulse into the legal precedents. Hunter & McAlpine, 836-42. 

Digital facsimile from the Wellcome Collection at this link.

Subjects: PSYCHIATRY › Forensic Psychiatry
  • 13123

Microcosmographia [In Greek]. A description of the body of man. Together with the controversies thereto belonging. Collected and translated out of all the best authors of anatomy especially out of Gasper Bauhinus and Andreas Laurentius.

London: William Jaggard, 1615.

As the title page states, the work was a compilation. There were reissues in 1616 and 1618. The second edition (1631) included an engraved title page with the first illustration of a brain dissection. That edition also contained a section translating extracts from Paré's works describing and illustrating 53 surgical instruments this was the first translation of any of Paré's works into English.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 17th Century
  • 13124

Diseases in the district of Maine 1772-1820. The unpublished work of Jeremiah Barker, a rural physician in New England, by Richard J. Kahn.

New York: Oxford University Press, 2020.

  • 13125

Acerca de la materia medicinal, y de los venenos mortiferos, traduzido de lengua griege, en la vulgar castellana, & illustrado con claras y substantiales annotationes, y con las figuras de innumeras plantas exquisitas y raras, por el Doctor Andres de Laguna....

Antwerp: En casa de Juan Latio, 1555.

Laguna' translation of Dioscorides into Spanish included commentaries and additions that double the original text. It included very beautiful botanical woodcuts of plants and animals, and is considered one of the best and most faithful renditions of Dioscorides' work into a modern language.

Subjects: BOTANY › Medical Botany, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Materia medica / Herbals / Herbal Medicines
  • 13126

Arabic medical manuscripts of the Wellcome Library: A descriptive catalogue of the Haddād collection.

Leiden: Brill, 2005.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Catalogues of Institutional Medical Libraries, ISLAMIC OR ARAB MEDICINE › History of Islamic or Arab Medicine
  • 13127

Biologists and the promise of American life: From Meriwether Lewis to Alfred Kinsey.

Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2002.

Subjects: BIOLOGY › History of Biology, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › United States
  • 13128

Maimonides, commentary on Hippocrates’ aphorisms: a new parallel Arabic-English edition and translation, with critical editions of the medieval Hebrew translations by Gerrit Bos. 2 vols. (The Medical Works of Moses Maimonides, Vols. 14.1, 14.2.)

Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2020.

"Hippocrates’ Aphorisms enjoyed great popularity in the ancient and medieval world and, according to Maimonides, it was Hippocrates’ most useful work as it contained aphorisms, which every physician should know by heart. They were translated into Hebrew several times, but it was Maimonides’ Commentary on Hippocrates’ Aphorisms that made the work influential in Jewish circles. For the composition of his commentary, Maimonides consulted the Aphorismsthrough the commentary by Galen, translated by Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq. This edition of Maimonides’ Arabic commentary and its Hebrew translations, the first with an English translation based on the Arabic text, is part of a project undertaken by Gerrit Bos to critically edit Maimonides’ medical works" (publisher).

Subjects: Hippocratic Tradition, MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Medieval Jewish Medicine
  • 13129

Maimonides On coitus. A new parallel Arabic-English Edition and Translation by Gerrit Bos. (The Medical Works of Moses Maimonides Vol. 11.)

Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2018.

"Moses Maimonides' On Coitus was composed at the request of an unknown high-ranking official who asked for a regimen that would be easy to adhere to, and that would increase his sexual potency, as he had a large number of slave girls. It is safe to assume that it was popular in Jewish and non-Jewish circles, as it survives in several manuscripts, both in Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic. The present edition by Gerrit Bos contains the original Arabic text, three medieval Hebrew translations, two Latin versions from the same translation (edited by Charles Burnett), and a Slavonic translation (edited by Will Ryan and Moshe Taube)" (publisher).

Subjects: MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Medieval Jewish Medicine, SEXUALITY / Sexology
  • 13130

Maimonides, On the elucidation of some symptoms and the response to them. (Formerly known as On the causes of symptoms). A new parallel Arabic-English edition and translation, with critical editions of the medieval Hebrew translations by Gerrit Bos. (The Medical Works of Moses Maimonides, Vol. 13).

Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2019.

"The present consilium, commonly known as De causis accidentium, after the Latin translation by John de Capua, was, like the earlier consilium On the Regimen of Health, composed by Maimonides at the request of al-Malik al-Afḍal Nūr al-Dīn Alī, Saladin’s eldest son. As a result of not adopting the lifestyle and dietary recommendations in On the Regimen of Health, al-Afḍal may have continued to suffer from a number of afflictions, amongst them hemorrhoids, depression, constipation, and, possibly, a heart condition. The consilium was written after 1200, the year in which al-Afḍal was deposed and banished from Egypt permanently, but probably not long before 1204, the year in which Maimonides died" (publisher).

Subjects: MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Medieval Jewish Medicine
  • 13131

Maimonides, On the regimen of health. A new parallel Arabic-English translation by Gerrit Bos. (The Medical Works of Moses Maimonides Vol. 12).

Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2019.

"Maimonides’ On the Regimen of Health was composed at an unknown date at the request of al-Malik al-Afḍal Nūr al-Dīn Alī, Saladin’s eldest son who complained of constipation, indigestion, and depression. The treatise must have enjoyed great popularity in Jewish circles, as it was translated three times into Hebrew as far as we know; by Moses ben Samuel ibn Tibbon in the year 1244, by an anonymous translator, and by Zeraḥyah ben Isaac ben She’altiel Ḥen who was active as a translator in Rome between 1277 and 1291. The present edition by Gerrit Bos contains the original Arabic text, the medieval Hebrew translations and the Latin translations, the latter edited by Michael McVaugh" (publisher).

Subjects: MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Medieval Jewish Medicine
  • 13132

Maimonides, Medical aphorisms, Hebrew translation by Nathan ha-Me'ati. Edited by Gerrit Bos. (The Medical Works of Moses Maimonides, Vol. 15.)

Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2020.

"The original Arabic text of Maimonides’ major medical work, Medical Aphorisms, was critically edited and translated into English by Gerrit Bos in the years 2004-2017, and published in earlier volumes of the book series The Medical Works of Moses Maimonides. The present work is a new critical edition of the medieval Hebrew translation by Nathan ha-Meʾati, who was active as a translator of scientific texts in Rome in the late thirteenth century, where his colleague Zeraḥyah Ḥen had completed a translation of the same Maimonidean text in 1277, only a few years earlier. Nathan aimed to provide the general reader with a translation that was easier to understand than Zeraḥyah's translation. The present critical edition of Nathan’s translation is primarily based on MS Paris, BN, héb. 1174, and not on MS Paris, BN, héb. 1173, used by Suessmann Muntner for his edition in 1959, as this copy suffers from many mistakes and corruptions" (publisher).

Subjects: MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Medieval Jewish Medicine
  • 13133

The zoological gardens of Europe: Their history and chief features.

London: F. E. Robinson & Co., 1903.

Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Subjects: ZOOLOGY
  • 13134

Tratado de las heridas de armas de fuego, dispuesto para uso de los alumnos del Real Colegio de Chirugia de Cadiz.

Cadiz: Por Don Manuel Ximinez Carreño, 1789.

Probably the first significant work on military medicine by a Spanish physician. Canivell’s work, prepared for the use of students at Cadiz’s Royal College of Surgery, deals with contusions, wounds and fractures caused by gunshots, starting with wounds to the head and progressing downward through the various parts of the body to the legs and feet. Digital facsimile from the at this link.

  • 13135

Fauna Boreali-Americana, or, the zoology of the northern parts of British America: Containing descriptions of the objects of natural history collected on the late northern land expeditions, under command of Captain Sir John Franklin, R.N. 4 vols.

London: Richard Bentley and Josiah Fisher, 18291837.

Richardson, surgeon, naturalist and Arctic explorer, was physician and naturalist on Sir John Franklin’s first two Arctic expeditions, and collected a large number of plant and animal specimens from the Canadian Arctic. On his return to England after the second expedition he wrote this four-volume work of natural history, first published between 1829 and 1837. He devoted a separate volume to  mammals, birds, fish and insects found in the Canadian Arctic. Includes 110 engraved plates of which 72 are hand-colored. The edition of this work appears to have been divided up by various different publishers. Title pages exist as above, or as published in London by John Murray, and others. See the digital facsimile of the volumes from the Hathi Trust at this link. Vol. 4, on entomology by William Kirby, was also issued with the tile Entomologia boreali americana.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Canada, VOYAGES & Travels by Physicians, Surgeons & Scientists, ZOOLOGY
  • 13136

Zur Quellenkunde persischen Medizin.

Leipzig: Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1910.

A descriptive analytical bibliography of classics of Persian medicine. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Specific Subjects, Persian (Iranian) Islamic Medicine › History of Persian (Iranian) Islamic Medicine
  • 13137

La pharmacie en Egypte.

Cairo: F. Diemer, 1906.

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Egypt, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Egypt, PHARMACOLOGY › History of Pharmacology & Pharmaceuticals
  • 13138

Le livre de l’art du traitement de Najm ad-Dyn Mahmoud: Texte, traduction, glossaires, précédés d’un essai sur la pharmacopée arabe par Pierre Paul Emile Guigues.

Beirut: chez l'Auteur, 1903.

Arabic text, with a French translation, of parts 4-5 of “Al-Kitab al-hawi fi ‘ilm al-tadawi” by Najm al-Din Mahmud. Najm al-Din Mahmud ibn Ilyas al-Shirazi was a Persian physician from Shiraz. His major composition was a large Arabic medical compendium, “Kitab al-Hawi fi ‘ilm al-tadawi” (The Comprehensive Book on the Art of Curing), whose title often caused confusion with the better-known “Kitab al-Hawi” written four centuries earlier by Rhazes.

Also published as a dissertation, dated 1902.

Subjects: MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Medieval Islamic or Arab Medicine
  • 13139

Pharmacopoea persica ex idiomate persico in latinum conversa. Tafsir-i murakkabat-i qarabadin-i parsi [-i Muzaffar b. Muhammad as-Sifa`i] ba-dast-i Angelus Karmelit.

Paris: Etienne Michallet, 1681.

The editor, Joseph Labrosse, "was born in Toulouse in 1636 and entered a Carmelite order, taking the name of Fr. Angelus of St Joseph. In 1662 he went to Rome and studied Arabic for two years before travelling to Isfahan to study Persian. While in Iran, he used medicine as a means of propagating Christianity and in the process read many Arabic and Persian books on medicine and 'visited the houses of the learned people of Isfahan and paid hundreds of visits to the shops of the druggists, the pharmacists, and the chemists.' After returning to France in 1678 he published his 'Pharmacopoea persica', which consisted of a Latin translation of a Persian book on compound remedies written in the previous century by Muzaffar ibn Muhammad al-Husayni (d. 1556), with additional comments by Labrosse" (in: I. Loudon [ed.], Western Medicine [1997], p. 52f.). 
Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: PHARMACOLOGY › Pharmacopeias › Dispensatories or Formularies, Persian (Iranian) Islamic Medicine
  • 13140

Airborne contagion and air hygiene: An ecological study of droplet infections.

Cambridge, MA: Published for the Commonwealth Fund by Harvard University Press, 1955.

"In 1954, Wells began a long-term experiment to demonstrate that tuberculosis could be transmitted through air. At the VA Hospital in Baltimore, collaborating with Riley, John Barnwell, and Cretyl C. Mills, he built a chamber for 150 guinea pigs to be exposed to air from infectious patients in a nearby TB ward. After two years, they found that an average of three guinea pigs a month were indeed infected. Although this was exactly the rate Wells had predicted, skeptics complained that other methods of transmission (such as the animals' food and water) had not been conclusively ruled out. A second long-term study was begun, this time with a second chamber for an additional 150 guinea pigs, whose air was sterilized with UVGI. The animals in the second room did not become ill, proving that the only transmission vector in the first room was the air from the tuberculosis ward. The study was completed in 1961, and published in 1962, though Wells did not see the final paper.[1]"(Wikipedia article William F. Wells, accessed 2-2021)

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › GENERAL PRINCIPLES of Infection by Microorganisms
  • 13141

De raris et admirandis herbis, qvae sive qvod noctv luceant, siue alias ob causas, Lvnariae nominantur, Commentariolus : & obiter de alijs etiam rebus quae in tenebris lucent. Inseruntur & Icones quaedam herbarum nouae. Eivsdem descriptio Montis Fracti, siue Montis Pilati, iuxta Lucernam in Helvetia. His accedunt Io. Dv Chovl G. F. Lugdunensis, Pilati Montis in Gallia Descriptio. Io. Rhellicani Stockhornias, qua Stockhornus mons altissimus in Bernensium Helvetiorum agro, versibus Heroicis describitur.

Zurich: Apud Andream Gesnerum F. & Iacobvm Gesnerum, fratres , 1555.

Contains Gesner's second work on mountaineering, his description of the Riven Mountain, commonly called Mount Pilatus, Eivsdem descriptio Montis Fracti, siue Montis Pilati, iuxta Lucernam in Helvetia. Digital facsimile from at this link.
English translation by H.B.D. Soulé, San Francisco: The Grabhorn Press, 1937.

Subjects: BOTANY, PHYSICAL MEDICINE / REHABILITATION › Exercise / Training / Fitness
  • 13142

Libellus de lacte, et operibus lactariis, philologus pariter ac medicus; cum Epistola ad Iacobum Avienum de montium admiratione.

Zurich: Christoph Froschauer, 1541.

The first book on Alpinism and mountaineering. Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link. English translation by H. B. D. Soulé as Conrad Gesner: On the admiration of mountains; the prefatory letter addressed to Jacob Avienus, Physician, in Gesner's pamphlet "on milk and substances prepared from milk first printed at Zurich in 1543. A description of the Riven Mountain, commonly called aMount Pilatus, addressed to J. Chrysotome Huber, originally printed with another work of Gesner's at Zurich in 1555. San Francisco: The Grabhorn Press, 1937.

Subjects: BOTANY, PHYSICAL MEDICINE / REHABILITATION › Exercise / Training / Fitness
  • 13143

Ornithologie, ou, Méthode contenant la division des oiseaux en ordres, sections, genres, especes & leurs variétés: a laquelle on a joint une description exacte de chaque espece, avec les citations des auteurs qui en ont traité, les noms quils leur ont donnés, ceux que leur ont donnés les différentes nations, & les noms vulgaires. 6 vols.

Paris: Cl. Jean-Baptiste Bauche, 1760.

Title pages in both French and Latin. One of the earliest systematic treatises on birds by a contemporary of Linnaeus. The work treats 1336 species of which Brisson claimed to recognize more than 800 by sight. The plates were engraved by François-Nicolas Martinet.

Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Subjects: NATURAL HISTORY › Illustration, ZOOLOGY › Ornithology
  • 13144

Dr. Evans' How to keep well: A health book for the home.

New York: Published for Sears, Roebuck and Co. by D. Appleton, 1917.

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: Household or Self-Help Medicine, PUBLIC HEALTH
  • 13145

The barbary plague: The black death in Victorian San Francisco.

New York: Random House, 2003.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Flea-Borne Diseases › Plague (transmitted by fleas from rats to humans) › Plague, History of, U.S.: CONTENT OF PUBLICATIONS BY STATE & TERRITORY › California
  • 13146

Metabolic care of the surgical patient. Edited by Francis D. Moore.

Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1959.

"...This book, by authorities in the field, is up to date and well organized. A wide range of subjects, including surgical endocrinology and metabolism, is covered. Important subjects such as normal and abnormal convalescense, hematological findings, fluid and electrolyte management, and repair of tissues and wounds are presented in detail. An outstanding feature is the clear and concise way in which the physiological bases of various conditions are explained. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are given special consideration providing ready answers for many problems. The book discusses all processes affecting surgical convalescence, including hydration, starvation, potassium deficiency, healing, adrenal failure, anemia, and shock. All types of feedings, including tube feedings, are discussed in detail. Case histories are used to illustrate principles of treatment and day-to-day problems...." (publisher).

Subjects: SURGERY: General › Surgical Metabolism
  • 13147

Procestria anatomica in quibus propununtur plaeraque ad generalem anatomia & partium contemplationeum attinent; quaedam etiam infimi ventris mebra explicantur; et Andreae Laurenti Historia anatomica multis locis castigatur & corrigitur.

Hamburg: Paul Lang, 1619.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link. Peter Lauremberg edited the first edition of this anonymous Byzantine text on anatomy. The first illustrated edition was edited by Johann Stephan Bernard and Daniel Wilhelm Triller, and published as Anonymi Introductio Anatomica.... Leiden: Phillipp Bonk, 1744. Digital facsimile of the 1744 edition from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: ANATOMY › Ancient Anatomy (BCE to 5th Century CE), BYZANTINE MEDICINE
  • 13148

Claudii Galeni ... Liber de plenitudine. Polybus De salubri victus ratione privatorum. Guinterio Ioanne Andernaco interprete. Apuleius Platonicus De herbarum virtutibus. Antonii Benivenii Libellus de abditis nonnullis ac mirandis morboru & sanitationum causis.

Paris: Christian Wechel, 1528.

First separate edition of Galen's Liber de plenitudine and Polybus's De salubri victus ratione privatorum, edited by Johan Guinter von Andernach. Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

  • 13149

Hunterian reminiscences; being the substance of a course of lectures on the principles and practice of surgery, delivered by the late John Hunter, in the year 1785: Taken in short-hand, and afterwards fairly transcribed by the late James Parkinson ... Edited by his son, J.W.K. Parkinson ..., by whom are appended illustrative notes.

London: Sherwood, Gilbert & Piper, 1833.

Digital facsimile from at this link.

Subjects: SURGERY: General
  • 13150

Clinique des maladies des enfants nouveau-nes.

Paris: J.-B. Baillière, 1838.

The first work on the diseases of newborns and the first work on child neurology and pediatric neurosurgery.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Child Neurology, NEUROSURGERY › Pediatric Neurosurgery, PEDIATRICS › Neonatology
  • 13151

Desvios de la naturaleza: O Tratado de el origen de los monstros. A que va anadido vn compendio de curaciones chyrurgicas en monstruosos accidentes.

Lima, Peru: En la Imprenta Real por Joseph de Contreras, y Alvarado impressor del Santo Oficio, 1695.

On conjoined twins, including the record of autopsy of conjoined twins in Lima in 1694. Pedro de Peralta Barnuevo edited work for publication at the request of the Viceroy, Melchor Fernandez Portocarrero. Digital facsimile from US National Library of Medicine at this link

  • 13152

Anatomia do corpo humano, recopilada com doutrinas medicas, chimicas, filosoficas, mathematicas, com indices, e estampas, representantes todas as partes do corpo humano.

Lisbon: Na Officina de Antonio Pedrozo Galram, 1739.

The first textbook of anatomy published by a Portuguese author in Portuguese. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 18th Century, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Portugal
  • 13153

Über das Gedachtnis: Untersuchungen zur experimentellen Psychologie.

Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, 1885.

Ebbinghaus conducted a series of experiments on memory and forgetting using himself as subject. Out of this came concepts such as the learning curve and the forgetting curve, and the serial position effect. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link. Translated into English by Henry A. Ruger & Clara E. Bussenius as Memory: A contribution to experimental psychology (1913), of which the digital text is available from Classics in the History of Psychology at this link.

Subjects: PSYCHOLOGY › Cognition, PSYCHOLOGY › Experimental
  • 13154

Del coraggio nelle malattie. Trattato.

Parma: Giambattista Bodoni, 1792.

Pasta was a pioneer in promoting the value of psychological support for treating patients with severe physical disaease. His paper, printed by the celebrated Giambattista Bodoni, promotes courage and philosophical tolerance of disease, and the etiquette of the physician in such cases.

  • 13155

Avicenna's psychology: An English translation of Kitāb Al-najāt, Book II, Chapter VI, with historico-philosophical notes and textual improvements on the Cairo edition. By F. Rahman.

London: Oxford University Press, 1952.

Subjects: MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Medieval Persian Islamic Medicine, PSYCHOLOGY
  • 13156

Avicenna's De anima (Arabic text) being the psychological part of Kitāb al-Shifā'. Edited by R. Rahman.

London & New York: Oxford University Press, 1959.

Subjects: MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Medieval Persian Islamic Medicine, PSYCHOLOGY
  • 13157

Descriptive and illustrated catalogue of the histological series contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Vol. I. Elementary tissues of vegetables and animals; Vol. II. Structure of the skeleton of vertebrate animals. 2 vols.

London: Taylor & Francis, 18501855.

Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: ANATOMY › Microscopic Anatomy (Histology), MUSEUMS › Medical, Anatomical & Pathological
  • 13158

The organization and cell-lineage of the Ascidian egg.

J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 2nd ser., 13, part 1, 1905.

Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

  • 13159

The sources and modes of infection.

New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1910.

Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

  • 13160

International Exhibition of 1876. Medical Department, U.S. Army. Photographs illustrating rare books in the National Medical Library. Philadelphia, 1876. 2 vols.

Washington, DC: U.S. National Library of Medicine, 1876.

These two volumes include a series of original photographs of primarily the title pages of rare medical books in the National Medical Library pasted onto specially printed sheets with manuscript entries indicating their accession number at the NLM and their number in the sequence of images in the two volumes. Captions for the images are provided in printed lists in the preliminary leaves of each volume. Both volumes have printed title pages and give the impression of being privately printed books, vol. 1 including photographs 1-54, and vol. 2 photographs 55-104. Whether multiple copies of this set were distributed to other institutions after the exhibition was unclear. The selection of the works photographed for this set provides an indication of works regarded by the NLM as major classics at the time.

The first volume contained an explanatory statement by Billings in the form of a letter to General J. K. Barnes dated May 6, 1876 as follows:


"The photographs herewith submitted are intended to indicate some of the older and rare books in the National Medical Library, and are to be placed in the International Exhibition of 1876, in connection with the Catalogues of the Library, as the safest and most convenient means of showing what has been accomplished in the attempt made by this Department to form a collection of medical literature which should meet the demands of the physicians of the United States.

"The photographs have been prepared under the supervision of Assistant-Surgeon J. J. Woodward, U.S.A., and are unusually successful. It must be remembered that many of these books are yellow with age, and that all yellow spots or stains appear in the photograph as dark or black spots.

"The photographs may be considered as being arranged in three series.

"The first series is taken from early printed books, the so-called "Incunabulae," and from other works, which are are rare, at least in this country.

"The second series relates to Surgery, and especially Military Surgery; and the third series is from rare books and pamphlets connected with American Medical History.

"Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
John S. Billings,
Assistant-Surgeon, United States Army
In Charge of Library"

Digital facsimile of both volumes from U.S. National Library of Medicine at this link.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Catalogues of Institutional Medical Libraries
  • 13161

Dissertation sur la fièvre-jaune qui a régné épidémiquement à Saint-Domingue, et qui a fait tant de ravages dans l'Armée expéditionnaire, en l'an X et en l'an XI, et sur les causes qui l'ont rendue si funeste.

Paris: De l'Imprimerie de Didot Jeune, 1806.

Describes the yellow fever epidemic that swept through French troops on the island of Saint Domingue (Haiti) in 1802. In the midst of the slave uprising that led to the island’s independence, Napoleon sent an expeditionary force of thirty thousand soldiers to Saint Domingue in order to restore order. This force was virtually wiped out by malaria. As a result, the French failed to regain control over the island, and Saint Domingue subsequently declared independence. The author was Chirurgien-Major in the hospitals and artillery corps at Cap-français, and formerly physician of the expeditonary force at Saint-Dominique. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Haiti, EPIDEMIOLOGY › Pandemics › Yellow Fever, MILITARY MEDICINE, SURGERY & HYGIENE › Napoleon's Campaigns & Wars
  • 13162

An account of the epidemic fever which prevailed in the city of New York, during part of the summer and fall of 1795.

New York: T. and J. Swords, 1796.

Traces the spread of yellow fever in late July, 1795, to the ship Zephyr, recently arrived from the West Indies. After spreading to nearby ships and then into the neighborhoods surrounding the port, the epidemic killed nearly eight hundred people, and lingered until mid-October, afflicting a large portion of the city. Bayley also analyzes the potential causes of the disease in general, and discusses the various treatments that he used and witnessed being used around New York. 

Digital text from at this link.

  • 13163

Voyages intéressans dans différentes colonies françaises, espagnoles, anglaises, &c; contenant des observations importantes relatives à ces contrées; & un mémoire sur les maladies les plus communes à Saint-Domingue, leurs remèdes, & le moyen de s'en préserver moralement & phisiquement: Avec des anecdotes singulières, qui n'avaient jamais été publiés....

London & Paris: Jean-François Bastien, 1788.

The final section addresses maladies affecting the residents of Saint-Domingue. Unlike many of his contemporaries Bourgeois assiduously recorded the medical practices of the enslaved and subjugated African and Indigenous residents of the island. Rather than simply impose contemporary European medical notions onto tropical diseases and maladies, as well as those injuries commonly endured by enslaved laborers, Bourgeois observed the ways Afro-Caribbean communities adapted medical knowledge and herbalist practices to the native flora of the West-Indies. He recognized that enslaved people arrived in the West-Indies with their own understanding of medicine.  Digital facsimile from BnFGallica at this link

Weaver, Karol Kovalovich. "The enslaved healers of eighteenth-century Saint Domingue," Bull. Hist. Med., 76 (2002) 429-460.

  • 13164

A bio-bibliography of Florence Nightingale.

London: Dawsons of Pall Mall, for the International Council of Nurses with which is associated the Florence Nightingale International Foundation, 1962.

Completed and edited for publication by Sue M. Goldie after the death of William J. Bishop.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Individual Authors, BIOGRAPHY (Reference Works) › Autobiography, NURSING › History of Nursing, PUBLIC HEALTH › History of Public Health
  • 13165

"I have done my duty." Florence Nightingale in the Crimean War, 1854-56. Edited by Sue M. Goldie.

Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1987.

Nightingale's correspondence, 1854-1856.

Subjects: MILITARY MEDICINE, SURGERY & HYGIENE › Crimean War, NURSING › History of Nursing, PUBLIC HEALTH › History of Public Health
  • 13166

The making of Mr. Gray's Anatomy: Bodies, books, fortune, fame.

New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.

An exhaustive account of the creation, production, distribution and influence of this classic.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 19th Century, ANATOMY › History of Anatomical Illustration, ANATOMY › History of Anatomy
  • 13167

A practical treatise on the domestic management and most important diseases of advanced life. With an appendix, containing a series of cases illustrative of a new and successful mode of treating lumbago and other forms of chronic rheumatism, sciatica and other neuralgic affections, and certain forms of paralysis.

London: T. and W. Boone, 1849.

Digital facsimile from at this link.

Subjects: GERIATRICS / Gerontology / Aging, NEUROLOGY › Chronic Pain › Sciatica, NEUROLOGY › Paralysis, RHEUMATOLOGY
  • 13168

Sailor's physician, exhibiting the symptoms, causes and treatment of diseases incident to seamen and passengers in merchant vessels: With directions for preserving their health in sickly climates; intended to afford medical advice to such persons while at sea, where a physician cannot be consulted.

Cambridge, MA: Printed by Hilliard and Metcalf, 1820.

Digital facsimile from U.S. National Library of Medicine at this link. This work underwent at least four editions, the last of which was published in 1851 under the title of Physician for ships....That edition included new material on California and the Gold Rush of 1849 and following years, "containing advice to persons bound to that region, both by sea and overland, for the preservation of health and cure of disease on their way and while employed at the gold diggings."

Subjects: Maritime Medicine
  • 13169

The physiology of woman, embracing girlhood, maternity, and mature age, with essays on the "Coeducation of the sexes in medicine," "The physiological basis of education," "Temperance from a physician's point of view, and "A plea for moderation."

Chicago, IL: Cushing, Thomas & Company, 1880.

Stevenson was the first woman member of the American Medical Association (AMA), the first woman appointed on the Illinois State Board of Health, and the first woman to be on staff at the Cook County Hospital in Chicago. Digital facsimile of the 1882 3rd edition from the U.S. National Library of Medicine at this link.

  • 13170

A group of distinguished physicians and surgeons of Chicago. A collection of biographical sketches of many of the eminent representatives, past and present, of the medical profession of Chicago.

Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & So., 1904.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: BIOGRAPHY (Reference Works) › Biographies of Individuals, U.S.: CONTENT OF PUBLICATIONS BY STATE & TERRITORY › Illinois
  • 13171

The detection of criminal abortion, and a study of foeticidal drugs.

Boston: James Campbell, Publisher, 1872.

Digital facsimile from U.S. National Library of Medicine at this link.

Subjects: Forensic Medicine (Legal Medicine), OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY › OBSTETRICS › Abortion
  • 13172

Suggestions to the medical witness.

Cambridge, MA: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1891.

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: Forensic Medicine (Legal Medicine)
  • 13173

L'Enseignement et l'organisation de l'art dentaire aux États-Unis. Rapport adresse à Monsieur le Ministre de l'Instruction publique.

Paris: Octave Doin, 1888.

The first study of the American dental profession, and the system of teaching dentistry in the United States.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › United States › American Midwest, DENTISTRY, Education, Biomedical, & Biomedical Profession
  • 13174

Catalogue of the Transylvania University Medical Library.

Lexington, KY: Transylvania University Press, 1987.

The library of the Transylvania Medical Department, prominent in American medicine during the first half of the 19th century, but which closed in 1859.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Catalogues of Institutional Medical Libraries, U.S.: CONTENT OF PUBLICATIONS BY STATE & TERRITORY › Kentucky
  • 13175

The social system.

Glencoe, IL: Free Press, 1951.

The first treatise on sociological theory that included an analysis of the function of medicine in society.

Subjects: Sociology, Medical
  • 13176

Académie Royale des Sciences. Extrait des registres . . . du 22 novembre 1786. Rapport des commissaires charges par l'Académie, de l'examen du project d'un nouvel Hotel-Dieu.

Paris: De l'Imprimerie Royale, 1786.

Lavoisier was a member of the committee appointed by the French Academy of Sciences to report on the state of Parisian hospitals and on the plan to construct a new hospital on the Isle des Cygnes. The committee's report described the wretched conditions found in the Hôtel-Dieu-- overcrowding, filth, indiscriminate mixing of contagious and non-contagious diseases, high mortality rate-- and called for immediate reform; however, the committee rejected the Isle de Cygnes plan in favor of four smaller hospitals, which the King ordered to be constructed on June 22, 1787. The report was signed by Lassone, d'Aubenton, Tenon, Bailly, Lavoisier, LaPlace, Coulomb, and d'Arcet. Digital facsimile from BnF Gallica at this link.

  • 13177

Homeopathy in the United States: A bibliography of homeopathic medical imprints, 1825-1925.

Fairview, NJ: Junius-Vaughn Press, 1991.

Subjects: ALTERNATIVE, Complimentary & Pseudomedicine › Homeopathy › History of Homeopathy, BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Specific Subjects
  • 13178

Sigmund Freud's writings: A comprehensive bibliography.

New York: International Universities Press, 1977.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Individual Authors, Psychoanalysis
  • 13179

John Gould, the bird man. A chronology and bibliography by Gordon C. Sauer.

Lawrence, KA: University of Kansas Press, 1982.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Individual Authors, ZOOLOGY › Ornithology
  • 13180

Justus von Liebig. Eine Bibliographie sämtlicher Veröffentlichungen mit biographischen Anmerkungen von Carlo Paolini

Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsverlag, 1968.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Individual Authors, BIOCHEMISTRY › History of Biochemistry
  • 13181

A list of the works of Sir James Young Simpson, 1811-1870: A centenary tribute by K. F. Russell and F. M. C. Forster.

Melbourne, Australia: University of Melbourne, Dept. of Medical History, 1971.

Subjects: ANESTHESIA › History of Anesthesia, BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Individual Authors
  • 13182

Bibliografia delle opere di Lazzaro Spallanzani delle traduzioni e degli scritti su di lui. By Dino Prandi.

Florence: Sansoni, 1951.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Individual Authors, BIOLOGY › History of Biology
  • 13183

Bibliografia delle opere di Francesco Redi; segue la riproduzione della Lettera intorno all'invenzione degli occhiali scritta a Paolo Falconieri. Dall'edizione delle "Lettere" 1779-1795. By Dino Prandi.

Reggio-Emilia: Nironi & Prandi, 1941.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Individual Authors, BIOLOGY › History of Biology
  • 13184

Bibliografia malpighiana: Catalogo descrittivo delle opere a stampa di Marcello Malpighi e degli scritti che lo riguardano. By Carlo Frati.

Milan: F. Vallardi, 1897.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Individual Authors, EMBRYOLOGY › History of Embryology
  • 13185

Development of the ion X-ray tube: With a description of the Collection in the Medical Historical Museum, University of Copenhagen.

Copenhagen: C. A. Reitzel, 1986.

Subjects: IMAGING › X-ray, INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › History of Biomedical Instrumentation, RADIOLOGY › History of Radiology
  • 13186

Insects, hygiene and history.

London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › History of Infectious Disease, PARASITOLOGY › History of Parasitology, ZOOLOGY › Arthropoda › Entomology › Medical Entomology
  • 13187

Disease transmission by insects: Its discovery and 90 years of effort to prevent it.

Berlin & Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1993.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › History of Infectious Disease, ZOOLOGY › Arthropoda › Entomology › Medical Entomology
  • 13188

Medical education in the United States: A guide to information sources.

New York: Gale Research Company, 1890.

"2364 references to bibliographies, journal articles, books, dictionaries, directories, histories, biographical accounts, and miscellaneous literature. Intended to provide the basic references from which the development of American medicine can be traced. Entries give bibliographical information. Miscellaneous appendixes. Author, title, subject indexes" (publisher).

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Specific Subjects, Education, Biomedical, & Biomedical Profession › History of Biomedical Education & Medical Profession
  • 13189

Die Geschichte der Hersteller und Verkäufer zahnärztlicher Bedarfsartikel bis um 1900: eine historische Sammlung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der ältesten deutschen Dentaldepots.

Cologne: Deubner, 1965.

Subjects: DENTISTRY › History of Dentistry, INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › History of Biomedical Instrumentation
  • 13190

Bibliographie medicale des Antilles Françaises: Imprimés médicaux dans les colonies françaises des Antilles sous l'Ancien Regime: Saint-Domingue, Guadeloupe, La Martinique, Sainte-Lucie, Grénade et Guyane, 1765-1805.

Alcalá de Henares: Universidad de Alcala de Henares, 1994.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Specific Subjects, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Caribbean
  • 13191

Leçons de médecine légale. 2 vols.

Paris: Béchet jeune, 18211823.

Vol. 1, illustrated with 22 plates, of which 7 were hand-colored, was issued in 1823.  Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: Forensic Medicine (Legal Medicine), TOXICOLOGY
  • 13192

Die Geschichte der Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie.

Berlin: Quintessenz Verlag, 1995.

Subjects: DENTISTRY › History of Dentistry, DENTISTRY › Oral Surgery, PLASTIC & RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY › Cranialfacial Surgery
  • 13193

Anatomie chirurgicale homolographique, ou Déscription et figures des principales regions du corps humain, representées de grandeur naturelle, d'après des sections planes pratiquées sur des cadavres congeles....

Paris: Baillière, 1858.

Contains 25 plates lithographed by Lemercier after drawings by the author representing natural size sections taken in horizontal, sagittal and oblique planes from various portions of the body. The first plate of the surface of a male figure serves as a key to the various planes of the sections. The introduction is probably the first survey of literature to date on cross-sectional anatomy.

Subjects: ANATOMY › Cross-Sectional, ANATOMY › Surgical Anatomy
  • 13194

Narrative of a voyage to Madeira, Teneriffe and along the shores of the Mediterranean, including a visit to Algiers, Egypt, Palestine, Tyre, Rhodes, Telmessus, Cyprus and Greece. With observations on the present state and prospects of Egypt and Palestine, and on the climate, natural history, antiquities, etc, of the countries visited. 2 vols.

Dublin: William Curry, Jun. and Company, 1840.

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: VOYAGES & Travels by Physicians, Surgeons & Scientists
  • 13195

The transplantation of tissues and organs.

Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas, 1960.

Contains an unusually extensive bibliography.

Subjects: TRANSPLANTATION, TRANSPLANTATION › History of Transplantation
  • 13196

A treatise on the principles and practice of medicine.

Philadelphia: Henry C. Lea, 1866.

Digital facsimile of the 1868 third edition from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: Medicine: General Works
  • 13197

The birds of Berkshire and Buckinghamshire: A contribution to the natural history of the two counties.

Eton: Ingalton and Drake & London: Simpkin, Marshall, 1868.

The first book on ornithology illustrated with original photogaphs. In this case the four photographs were also hand-tinted. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: ZOOLOGY › Ornithology
  • 13198

Synopsis of the Newcastle Museum, late The Allan, formerly The Tunstall, or Wycliffe Museum: To which are prefixed Memoirs of Mr. Tunstall, the founder, and of Mr. Allan, the Late Proprietor, of the collection; with occasional remarks on the species, by those gentlemen and the editor.

Newcastle: Printed by T. and J. Hodgson, 1827.

Ornithologist and collector Marmaduke Tunstall began collecting for his private museum in London in the 1770s, acquiring numerous 'curiosities brought by Captain Cook'; he moved the collections in 1776 to his home at Wycliffe, Yorkshire. After Tunstall's death the Wycliffe Museum was bought by George Allan, lawyer and avid antiquary, adding it to his own substantial holdings to form the Allan Museum. On his death the museum went to Allan's son, and in 1822 the combined collections passed into the hands of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Newcastle upon Tyne. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: MUSEUMS › Natural History Museums / Wunderkammern
  • 13199

Helen Brent, M. D. A social study.

New York: Cassell Publishing Company, 1892.

A short, memorable novel about a woman who faces the agonizing choice between career and marriage, and chooses medicine. Among her achievements, Meyer was a founder of Barnard College. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: LITERATURE / Philosophy & Medicine & Biology › Fiction, WOMEN in Medicine & the Life Sciences, Publications About, WOMEN, Publications by